Remind me of a conversation I heard today while at lunch from a group of younger kids, probably 18 or so. It was a group of guys
Hanging out with a more promiscuous looking girl who was talking about hooking up with a foreigner. They looked like they were all good friends and none of the guys likely ever had a shot with her beyond friends but that wouldn\'t reduce the flirting. (I\'m in Asia, so this would be asians talking about a \'white\' foreigner most likely). One of the guys made a gesture about a foot apart, and she replied \"Oh no, thats small.\" and the boys looked at each other with wide eyes, and she walked away for a bit. As soon as she was out of earshot the guy made the gesture to his friend and was like \"This cant be possible, right?\" and he was like \"Man, maybe.\" and then proceeded to make quick self promoting comments about their size, something along the lines of \"No, I\'m just 20cm (7.8in)\". One of them mentioned the famous video of the black guy getting frisked by the policemen and the policemen asking what the large mound he just grabbed was, and it ended up being the black guys huge
Flaccid, and then the girl returned. I couldn\'t hear them but the guys were making
Girth hand cupping size gestures and stacking them on top of each other, trying to get more reasonable estimations from the girl but she kept correcting them to two plus hands stacked and quite girthy. I didn\'t really catch the last parts comments as this was all over three different languages so it was tricky to be specific, but this story tells me many things.
1. I\'m glad I\'m past the youth ego boost and selfconscious time where we talked about size in this manner, for me and my friends it wasn\'t very long and quickly went into extreme exaggeration jokes about size like really tiny and stuff, less dumb brag shit.
2. I think girls that value their sluttiness or like talking about their sexual experiences brag and exaggerate also, its sort of an accomplishment also. And obviously, girls are really bad at estimating real sizes and are very influenced by the entire sexual experience (hot guy great time = big
Dick, and opposite).
3. Girls also know the affect penis size has on men, she had to know the affect she was having on her no-chance friends, she was making them jealous and putting them down, and she liked it or she could of played it down to make her friends not feel bad.
4. The guys, even though they both felt bad and low about her comments of the hung other guy still had to exaggerate to each other to prove themselves.
5. Racial stereotypes for penis size are everywhere, with Black being very established and universal. Here in Asia though, the hung White foreigner is the most common I\'d say, but only because locals are less likely or more reluctant to mingle with black people and most interracial couples or relationships are White/Asian. Having been with a fair amount of Asian guys there definitely is reason for the stereotype, but not necessarily the rule, however their flaccids can shrink insanely and there seems to be almost no \'showers\'.