nomad1 wrote: Hmm-
I would say great, but not actually. It has been yet another emotional roller coaster. Dr. R thinks all is well, and perhaps it will work out to be. Just had some problems after trying to use the Grip. Long story short I am STILL wrapping and now using a 1 lb weighted sleeve to try to get full attachment. Feels stringy at top. That said, I was just expecting a lot quicker recovery and no stringiness. However, you get a little hyper attentive down there so I may be being a bit dramatic. Though anyone in my shoes would feel stressed like I was. Everything is looking much better now, but it looked that way before I used the Grip so I am just going to go real, real, real slow. I talk to Dr. R on and off and exchange pics, etc.
I eat really well. Ok I do drink.
The Girth you see post-op does not stay...a lot of that is swelling. That said it is 5\"+ Flaccid Girth. I am not sure but I think that is .75\" above where it was and I do not expect to lose much from here. It looks a lot better than the original, but after multiple surgeries and then having to really nurse it this time I think I wish I never started or just stuck to conventional/non-surgical methods. But I didn\'t! So I will keep letting it heal and kind of go with the flow. I will write again and be more specific. And yes I am ready to have sex in a big way.
I cannot say I am a fan or not of Bella. I am more of a fan than Alloderm because it wraps all the way around, feels better and is thicker. Just the stringiness and adhesion issues...
Thanks for checking in.