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TOPIC: This Months Journal of Sexual Medicine: PMMA

This Months Journal of Sexual Medicine: PMMA 8 years 5 months ago #1293417356

I was made privy to an article posted in this months Journal of Sexual Medicine by Dr. Casavantes (in conjunction with Professor Lemperle and Dr. Morales). It is specifically about PMMA in the penis, as well as nodules, etc, hence why I think it would be of interest to readers here.

It was originally on the Journal\'s web page, but it is no longer accessible since the Journal is a subscription-based publication. I was able to rectify that by contacting Wade and was able to get this link:

Link to the Dr. Casavantes PMMA article found in the Journal of Sexual Medicine

If anyone has a membership with this journal, there is also a peer-review-type article written by Dr. Alter in response to PMMA in the penis. I was able to read it a few days ago but it has also been taken from Journal\'s non-subscription section. I suspect both articles would normally require a subscription to read.

For those who don\'t know, Dr. Alter is widely recognized to be one of the more unbias & insightful doctors to address the issue of Phalloplasty (he used to perform penis enlargement procedures, but no longer does). To summarize what I do recall was in it, Dr. Alter didn\'t have any major hangups on the efficacy of the procedure, but did point to gaps in knowledge in both stats regarding patient satisfaction as well as long-term implications. Short of endorsing the procedure (since his point of view was rather critical), he did imply it was a hopeful procedure as far as Girth gains go. I\'ll see if I can grab a PDF of that article as well.

Feel free to make conversation about the above-articles, this thread is open for discussion.

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This Months Journal of Sexual Medicine: PMMA 8 years 5 months ago #1293419431

That sounds really interesting, I\'d love to read Alters full review, please Sceptical One, if you get hold of it please post it on here.

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This Months Journal of Sexual Medicine: PMMA 8 years 5 months ago #1293425862

I saw a program on PBS recently about bodybuilders who inject something into their muscles to give them super-size muscles. These guys get (emotionally) addicted to the stuff and keep injecting until they are pretty hideous looking. The program followed an American/Brazillian doctor team who studied three or four guys in Brazil (for some reason Brazil seems to be the place that they\'re doing this the most).

They showed computer imaging of the material that was injected into the muscles and how it had \"marbleized\" with the muscle tissue and was virtually un-removable. I kept thinking that the images looked like fudge swirl ice cream the way the injected material was so intertwined with the muscle mass.

They never referred to the injected material as PMMA, but it sounded like it was the same thing. Did you guys see this PBS program, and if so, what did you think?

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This Months Journal of Sexual Medicine: PMMA 8 years 5 months ago #1293426133

The most interesting thing to me is that the pathology slides posted in the article show the beads are quite spread out. In my case, my slides of the nodules showed the beads firmly packed together. What caused the beads to aggregate like that is hard to know, but it is a significant difference between a good outcome and a disastrous one.

I think the issue is either the carrier or the linnea safe was not properly inspected / manufactured. Having had success twice before with metacrill, there\'s not much other explanation that seems to fit. Furthermore, the guy who got linnea safe on this board when I was there the same day (wannagetbig is his name) also developed immediate nodules (far less severe than me though). However, Avanti staff did not ignore him and he went back for kenalog around the 10th day...and ended up doing reasonably well enough to get a second round, though he also had more unevenness than average, it seems like r2 corrected most of it.

My urologist works with Alter, and based on what he\'s seen, he\'d probably write a pretty good response to this as well. At least they show some of the complications in the original article.

Edit - Florida: Are you talking about synthol? ( ) I didn\'t see the PBS show , but I\'ve seen stuff online with those guys. PMMA in muscle doesn\'t look fake and watery like that.

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This Months Journal of Sexual Medicine: PMMA 8 years 5 months ago #1293427002

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This Months Journal of Sexual Medicine: PMMA 8 years 5 months ago #1293427079

Got to be Synthol. It\'s huge in Brazil. I\'m into the bodybuilding thing so I know people who use it. If you have a chance watch the Greg Valentino documentary. If you want to see a person with bad body dysmorphia combined with a mess of other problems and a low IQ - this is the show for you.
People spot use the Synthol pre-show to mixed results. You hear all sorts of wacky theories in the gym.. 1) Oh let fill the muscle with enough oil to stretch the muscle facia thereby you will be able to have permanently bigger muscles at that site - remember this is site injection, not an all over body change like a steroid. or 2) let\'s pin enough Synthol that my muscle gets irritated and swells, thus giving me the appearance of bigger muscles pre-show.. the problem with that is it washes out the definition..
Who am I though.. pro\'s use it, and I\'m no pro.
Valentino went so overboard it burst through his skin like he burst a pipe- google it.. The Man Who\'s Arms Exploded. Disgusting.
I actually thought about it for my calves.. (ok I\'m sick too I guess) I knew an acquaintance (dead now if that tells you anything) who did 20cc\'s per calf with a horse syringe. Swore by it. He couldnt walk for 2 days after. Needless to say I thought better of it and stayed away.

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This Months Journal of Sexual Medicine: PMMA 8 years 5 months ago #1293430862

Yes Penis-Hanger, I think that\'s the same material, thanks. The doctors on the program were saying that it was so intertwined with the muscle tissue that it was virtually impossible to remove it.

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This Months Journal of Sexual Medicine: PMMA 8 years 5 months ago #1293454704

Florida, not the same.

Its Synthol. PMMA is not efficient for that time of mass gain anyways, look how much they have to use in their muscle enhancement like arms or butt.

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This Months Journal of Sexual Medicine: PMMA 8 years 5 months ago #1293496362

good stuff

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This Months Journal of Sexual Medicine: PMMA 8 years 5 months ago #1293567057

Bumping & pinning. I find that this publication is so incredibly relevant to the forum and can do a lot to answer questions that I see pop up all too often.

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This Months Journal of Sexual Medicine: PMMA 8 years 5 months ago #1293569699

People should really read page 5, in particular.

More half the patients (52%) reported minimum to severe irregularities such as single nodules (Figure 7), multiple nodules, hard ridges at the Circumcision scar or at the base, micro-nodules at the entry points, indentations, or voids.

They\'re being totally honest with this number (it\'s higher than I thought) - so when people are concerned about lumps and that kind of risk (and think it\'s a fringe side effect that few have), well - it\'s right there in their own words.

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This Months Journal of Sexual Medicine: PMMA 8 years 5 months ago #1293603232

As a Urologist and a physician in aesthetics (Biltmore Restorative Medicine and Aesthetics) I have an extensive history of using various substances to increase a patients penile Girth. My preference is more along the lines of using fillers that, if needed, could be easily dissolved. While the times I\'ve had to do this is minuscule, it does give the patients more peace of mind. This is their only penis!

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This Months Journal of Sexual Medicine: PMMA 8 years 5 months ago #1293603627

DrGKI wrote: As a urologist and a physician in aesthetics (Biltmore Restorative Medicine and Aesthetics) I have an extensive history of using various substances to increase a patients penile girth. My preference is more along the lines of using fillers that, if needed, could be easily dissolved. While the times I\'ve had to do this is minuscule, it does give the patients more peace of mind. This is their only penis!

If you are in-fact a Doctor who performs procedures on the penis, you\'ll need to obtain a Commercial Account to keep posting (and advertising) your expertise & services. I ask you abstain from any future postings until your account has been both verified & approved.

Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. from your clinic\'s official email address. Thanks in advance.

Note: Please remain on topic, this thread is a discussion on the above-linked journal article pertaining to PMMA.

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This Months Journal of Sexual Medicine: PMMA 8 years 4 months ago #1293646129

Is Dr C using a cannula? Many posts about this but still no clear answer. \"He can if you ask him\" is no clear answer. At this point in time I should expect a doctor to stick to the \"popular\" technique, especially as he\'s written that it\'s so in a worldwide article ...

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This Months Journal of Sexual Medicine: PMMA 8 years 4 months ago #1293651407

jogift wrote: Is Dr C using a cannula? Many posts about this but still no clear answer. \"He can if you ask him\" is no clear answer. At this point in time I should expect a doctor to stick to the \"popular\" technique, especially as he\'s written that it\'s so in a worldwide article ...

Yes, a cannula is used. 100% of the time. Unless he\'s doing micro droplet which I believe uses a very small needle. I think you\'re confusing \"he can if you ask him\" with other physicians discussed in other threads.

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