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TOPIC: Erectile Dysfunction Shock Wave Therapy (EDSWT)

Erectile Dysfunction Shock Wave Therapy (EDSWT) 8 years 5 months ago #1305532281

I can\'t afford the pricey clinical procedure so I bought my own machine for about $1000 and am documenting how I use it and the results here:

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Erectile Dysfunction Shock Wave Therapy (EDSWT) 8 years 5 months ago #1294600745

Ok thanks.. i am out
Hope it gets cheaper in the future (it gets interesting for me at 1k, now it\'s 3k)

6 treatments, mhm i gotta read some studies
Wonder of the cost/benefit regarding number of treatments - eg 1, 5, 10, 50

My bet is that it that it provides benefits with normal function

Anyone knows european providers?

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Erectile Dysfunction Shock Wave Therapy (EDSWT) 8 years 5 months ago #1294599475

where in australia is it done? with dr Oates? i wonder if it would provide benefits to people with normal function [esspecially if combined with prp, and even other chemical protocols eg dr adams]

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Erectile Dysfunction Shock Wave Therapy (EDSWT) 8 years 5 months ago #1294599093

it was 25k, i plan on using it regularly and will also use it in my clinics. procedure costs will run 3k for 6 treatments and prescriptions for PDE5 inhibitors will be written to help increase blood flow and erections.

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Erectile Dysfunction Shock Wave Therapy (EDSWT) 8 years 5 months ago #1294598140

i ended up buying my own machine

Super interesting!
Where did you buy it, what\'s the name and how much did it cost?

And how often do you plan to use it?
(daily/weekly/monthly for a week/month/year)

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Erectile Dysfunction Shock Wave Therapy (EDSWT) 8 years 5 months ago #1294595726

There was an article on Web MD that described how nightly viagra for one year restored normal, permanent erections. It\'s not shockwave therapy, but still relevant.

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Erectile Dysfunction Shock Wave Therapy (EDSWT) 8 years 5 months ago #1294595556

Sounds interesting, I might be interested in this.

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Erectile Dysfunction Shock Wave Therapy (EDSWT) 8 years 5 months ago #1294595505

dr. oates had mentioned he had the device so i did some research and found out that shockwave therapy is not indicated for ED. here in the US but widely advocated in europe, canada and austrailia. i ended up buying my own machine, i have had 2 procedures and already notice a difference. evening and morning erections r more frequent and stronger. protocol indicates PRP on the 5th treatment.

shockwave therapy is actually

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Erectile Dysfunction Shock Wave Therapy (EDSWT) 8 years 5 months ago #1294595313

Great input!

I am also interested in this.

Where did you do it and what was the cost?
And the result?

I am in europe.
Is the search term \'Shock wave therapy\'?
There is , but it\'s not about the penis.

Low-intensity extracorporeal shock wave therapy is a novel modality that has recently been developed for treating erectile dysfunction.
aims to restore the erectile mechanism in order to enable natural or spontaneous erections.

Results from basic science experiments have provided evidence that LI-ESWT induces cellular microtrauma, which in turn stimulates the release of angiogenic factors and the subsequent neovascularization of the treated tissue.

The results of our studies, which also included a double-blind randomized control trial, confirm that LI-ESWT generates a significant clinical improvement of erectile function and a significant improvement in penile hemodynamics without any adverse effects. Although further extensive research is needed, LI-ESWT may create a new standard of care for men with vasculogenic ED.

-> so, the authors of this paper were from
Neuro-Urology Unit, Rambam Medical Center and Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa 34679, Israel.

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Erectile Dysfunction Shock Wave Therapy (EDSWT) 8 years 5 months ago #1294594969

just had this procedure done and all i can say it works! thanks to dr. Oates for enlightening me to this technology.....

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Erectile Dysfunction Shock Wave Therapy (EDSWT) 8 years 5 months ago #1293695096

i am going to try this, i wonder if this therapy would effect PMMA or HA\'s

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Erectile Dysfunction Shock Wave Therapy (EDSWT) 8 years 5 months ago #1293694425

Dr Kate Kass, is offering GAINSWave'. It appears to be very similar the European Shock Wave Therapy.

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Erectile Dysfunction Shock Wave Therapy (EDSWT) 8 years 5 months ago #1293690640

The research was dated April, 2013. Does anyone have recent information, any possibility of being available soon in USA? I understand in Canada it cost $4,000. for 12 treatments???

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Erectile Dysfunction Shock Wave Therapy (EDSWT) 8 years 5 months ago #1293621847

canada, europe, austrailia but not the us

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Erectile Dysfunction Shock Wave Therapy (EDSWT) 8 years 5 months ago #1293619110

I believe this machine is for ED. The Flaccid state is improved due to increased vascular formation. Might help after a Phalloplasty procedure but it is really for ED ...

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