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TOPIC: Erect PMMA Procedure

Erect PMMA Procedure 10 years 4 months ago #1285369024

I talked to Dan for a bit . Here\'s some of what we talked about:

One of my main aesthetic problems is the circ area, so we talked about that.

- They put 30% in the circ area. Not 10%
- I didn\'t ask if they will do it Flaccid, but the Erect approach seems like it will help get the product in more evenly (and btw, you don\'t get super hard, Dan confirmed this - I had this stuff before - you get like a 60-80% Erection). Then, they wrap it post op - similar to how it was wrapped after my Peyronies surgery - so the penis is Flaccid but is wrapped stretched - basically as close to the EL as possible, held by coban. Wade isn\'t a fan of it bc he says it can make lines in the penis and make the PMMA irregular. Dr. Casavantes used to use coban, and wade used to wrap - then they stopped.
- Camacho only makes 1 entry point, max 2 for long penises. So, there\'s less leaking out of tighter areas like the circ area where my PMMA was being pushed out relentlessly...though Casavantes can move around his entry points.

They thought the 1 entry point might also help my issue with lack of gains...bc he thinks I lost a lot of PMMA - though Dr. N only uses 1 entry point and has had patients with low gains. I am concerned about 30% in the circ area due to nodules. I\'m not sure if they\'ve experienced this or not.

They are more expensive than Casavantes - not so much for round 1 - but especially for me who is on R3. Also, looking at the boards - there aren\'t many guys here who have gone to him. I\'m not sure if they\'ll do the day 2 follow ups with extra PMMA, massage, etc...Dan seemed to feel the wrap would make massage unnecessary though I didn\'t get into it in great detail. it\'s hard when you get used to things one way to suddenly go to someone else...who can be better or worse - who knows. I get the sense that Casavantes has done a lot more penile PMMA than camacho... but im not sure.

I\'m waiting to hear back if they can get Linnea safe - then it will probably be worth it do go to Camacho - for me...but still, I\'d like to hear from other patients and it doesn\'t seem like there are any at all. I don\'t read the other boards as much, though.

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Erect PMMA Procedure 10 years 4 months ago #1284906756

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The price is $2800 and they use Metacril if anyone was curious.

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Erect PMMA Procedure 10 years 4 months ago #1284906419

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Everyone has their own opinions, and I have read most of the stuff about Dan Salas, and I still believe he is a good guy and worth it (I would personally prefer the LG Hanger to his Hanging device however, since I have read heaps of reviews and everything is positive, and great quality), But the main thing is Dr Comacho (since he is actually the one who will be doing stuff to your Dick), and Dr Cassaventes reccomends him, and I think that is a positive sign.

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Erect PMMA Procedure 10 years 4 months ago #1284906413

Didn\'t dcpimpin12 have a bad experience with Dr Camacho where he did not even shave him prior to having surgery and he got a bad infection that would not go away for a long time? I certainly hope nobody is going to rush into having this procedure.

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Erect PMMA Procedure 10 years 4 months ago #1284906205

To add, the last few times I was in for procedures I\'d get from around 25-50% hard... Even though I couldn\'t feel anything other than slight pain at times I\'d get a good chub going... Dr. C said it was easier to work with like that (not completely Flaccid) but he mentioned that you wouldn\'t want a full blown Erection either. Makes sense, a slight semi keeps things from retracting but still is easy to manoeuvre and work with.

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Erect PMMA Procedure 10 years 4 months ago #1284905841

Dr. C said it\'s harder to do with the penis Erect. He didn\'t elaborate much. I just asked him - because my Urologist said he\'d show me how to use the caverject injections so I could get the filler done (he assumed it would be Erect too - and that the filler was USA based Restylane....). I called the office to ask if I needed to bring caverject (and nobody here seemed to use it) and they said no. I asked again in person and he just said it\'s very hard to do when it\'s Erect. I would suppose the Erection makes the tissue envelope much tighter and thinner - and it\'s more risky and tough to get the PMMA in. Anyway, Caverject doesn\'t give the best boner anyway unless you\'re sexually stimulated.

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Erect PMMA Procedure 10 years 4 months ago #1284904563

Shit if that\'s the case, any interested members can pay for my gas, and a couple hundred dollars and i\'ll take you to and from Tijuana (sentri pass style), explain personal hygiene & wrapping technique,provide fine dinning in Tj or SD, and a few senoritas if you\'re interested. We\'ll call it the Uncle Titto of Penile Enhancement Services. Hoddle i\'ve had first had knowledge of his acrylic cylinder pumps, he first gave me a prototype held together by marine epoxy and the inter chamber was all scratched. That one broke and he then provided me with a 2nd acrylic cylinder and this time it was all scratched inside and out, it looked seriously used. I called him out on it and demanded a refund, he admitted that it was a return and cleaned it with isopropyl alcohol...really? really kiddo? With any of this 2nd used equipment it would need to be autoclaved! Any surg tech would know that glass, acrylic, or steel used in this fashion would need to be properly sterilized, not sanitized! Since i have insight to his business ethics, i wouldn\'t trust him to fix a tire. Most people rarely change their ethics or attitude over time. Buyer exercise caution with dan salas.

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Erect PMMA Procedure 10 years 4 months ago #1284902657

I don\'t think Dan Salas is a bad guy. He\'s nothing like Chad Hedman for example. The problem with Dan is that he thinks his knowledge and experience is worth more than it really is. What others share for free on forums, he charges people for. From what I\'ve read he does seem to provide as good a service as he can, but in reality other than driving a guy to and from the surgical center, does he do anything of value? His PE equipment is supposedly good, but it doesn\'t do anything vastly cheaper stuff does.

When we first came across Dr Comacho I think he was charging $1500 for the lig cut. But then Dan got involved and now I think it\'s around $4000. So basically just so Dan can earn a living out of the PE industry, guys now how to pay over double for the lig cut than they would had Dan never come across PhalloBoards and learned about Dr Comacho.

So whilst he\'s apparently a very nice guy and really does try to help the guys who employ his services, given the nature of his work, it\'s actually very hard for him to provide anything close to a value for money service. Ultimately, guys simply don\'t need assistance when getting the lig cut, PMMA or using manual PE equipment. These aren\'t major surgeries that leave the patient needing assistance. It\'s not like guys have are Dermal Grafts etc. No one uses a nurse service for a Circumcision! Circumcision!

Pretty much anything you need to know you can get for free here. For example, loads of guys can vouch for the reliability of much cheaper PE equipment and provide links to where you can buy and help if you are having difficulties using it. Members here can easily explain how to get in and out of TJ, so you don\'t need to pay a broker for a lift. As for after care with the procedures themselves we have hundreds of accounts of guys managing just fine without any assistance. I\'ve had 11 surgeries and never once felt as if it would be useful to have someone to hold my hand on the way back to my hotel.

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Erect PMMA Procedure 10 years 4 months ago #1284902434

I\'ve been around both manual and surgical PE since 2005 and I can second that anytime Dan Salas has come up in the last 10 years it\'s nearly always been negative. Proceed with caution for sure...

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Erect PMMA Procedure 10 years 4 months ago #1284897582

good info coolhandluke. I say, that cast rather a gloom over the evening.

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Erect PMMA Procedure 10 years 4 months ago #1284895391

The forum has already establish that in the past, as little as a few years ago, Dan Salas conducted himself in a less than credible fashion. His work ethic, lies, and untrustworthy past should be taken with caution. SO and I have discussed at length the sketchy business practices of Salas and there are archives on this forum on the topic of Dan Salas and his history in the Male Enhancement hobby. Do your homework friends, don\'t trust anyone who sells you the answers you\'re looking for before venting them out. Dan Salas is just another Pirelli with your average vocational school surg tech education. I question if his services are even necessary.

ps- anything w/ Dan Salas attached to it always smells like piss, his stretchers are crap, he recycles his returns (they\'re not even autoclaved after they\'ve been in circulation).

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Erect PMMA Procedure 10 years 4 months ago #1284894764

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yeah they are in the same building, I believe whenever someone talks about lengthening surgery to Dr C, he refers them to Dr Comacho

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Erect PMMA Procedure 10 years 4 months ago #1284894613

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I like the idea of this. I might do it in a few months. I have sent them an email for more information. I think this doctor is in the same building as Dr. C.

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Erect PMMA Procedure 10 years 4 months ago #1284894552

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hey bro, I reakon that Dr C would find it interesting and may even start doing it himself (as he is always open to improvements). Definately contact them, Ive talked to Dan Salas before on email regarding lengthening surgery and he is really helpful, they have really great customer service.

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Erect PMMA Procedure 10 years 4 months ago #1284894482

looks interesting tom kat and the doctors seem to be quite experienced. it would be nice to see some real-world results from this procedure (apart from what they show on their website) and to see how these results stack up against what Dr. C is currently doing. I wonder how soon after the procedure you lose the Erection. because I think it takes at least 24 hours for the PMMA to settle.

I\'m quite interested to know more about their procedure so I think I will send this clinic an email with a list of questions. I also couldn\'t see anywhere on the site about exactly what PMMA product they use.

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