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TOPIC: Dermal Fat Graft removal?

Dermal Fat Graft removal? 11 years 4 weeks ago #1306255086

his unit looks several different colors/shades , esp after HA injections and then after DFG Removal......anyway to reach him would be much appreciated. TY.

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Dermal Fat Graft removal? 11 years 4 weeks ago #1281285501

hunkydory wrote: I got 70%/30% DMSO and aloe. I rubbed it on to my penis - I can\'t say I felt anything -( I was expecting a Bengay effect). Is there any sort of program with this or should I just apply daily?
Thanks, Dan.

You need to be careful with DMSO. Make sure your hands and penis and both clean before applying it.

I\'d start applying it once daily, then after a week or so twice daily. Ideally I think you should mix it with something like paba or iodine. I think the DMSO itself might have an effect but you might as well try adding some stuff to the mix as anythings worth a shot given your circumstances.

I think you need a 3 pronged attack though. DMSO, pumping/stretching and some meds such as Cialis and/or pentox. I just think you need to get as much blood flowing as possible to try and make things more pliable.

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Dermal Fat Graft removal? 11 years 4 weeks ago #1281284806

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I got 70%/30% DMSO and aloe. I rubbed it on to my penis - I can\'t say I felt anything -( I was expecting a Bengay effect). Is there any sort of program with this or should I just apply daily?
Thanks, Dan.

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Dermal Fat Graft removal? 11 years 4 weeks ago #1281238841

hunkydory wrote: Is there any advice on the DSMO% ? - there are many levels from 99.9% down to 50%. Some are pure, some are mixed with things like aloe. I read an article suggesting that if applied topically it should remain below 70% due to skin irritation. I was going to go for the one mixed with aloe (70% DSMO) as it seems to make sense for what I am using it for but I\'ll take any advice on this. Thanks in advance.

I\'m no expert but I used 99.9% pure and found it too harsh so diluted it down to 70%. With that in mind I\'d use 70% if I were you. It might be a good idea to mix it with some paba. Basically I\'d try anything that has been used to treat scar tissue.

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Dermal Fat Graft removal? 11 years 4 weeks ago #1281238655

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Is there any advice on the DSMO% ? - there are many levels from 99.9% down to 50%. Some are pure, some are mixed with things like aloe. I read an article suggesting that if applied topically it should remain below 70% due to skin irritation. I was going to go for the one mixed with aloe (70% DSMO) as it seems to make sense for what I am using it for but I\'ll take any advice on this. Thanks in advance.

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Dermal Fat Graft removal? 11 years 4 weeks ago #1281235151

hunkydory wrote: No I haven\'t tried pumping but think I will. If I recall DMSO is topical correct? Is the idea to rub it on the skin? - I am not sure I understand what it is supposed to do for my situation, I thought it was for scarring (I will look it up too).
Thanks, D.

I found with using DMSO and iodine it didn\'t actually remove scar tissue but softened and shrank it greatly. I\'ve heard of people using it in another applications to soften and reduce tissue, so figured it\'s worth a shot on a fibrotic grafts. I don\'t think it would dissolve the graft, but I wouldn\'t be surprised if it helped soften it and make it more pliable. Doing that in conjuncture with meds that increase blood flow to the region along with pumping stretching might help. I\'d try all these options before considering PMMA or surgery.

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Dermal Fat Graft removal? 11 years 4 weeks ago #1281234978

I think what H10 is trying to do is to get more blood blow into the region to soften the area and get it pliable again. Pumping sounds like a possible good idea to try. The cream will improve the skin too. One needs a consistent regime for a long time to see any results, so patience is a virtue! Try it for a few weeks and see what happens, then you can re visit the surgery options...Good luck.

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Dermal Fat Graft removal? 11 years 4 weeks ago #1281234707

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No I haven\'t tried pumping but think I will. If I recall DMSO is topical correct? Is the idea to rub it on the skin? - I am not sure I understand what it is supposed to do for my situation, I thought it was for scarring (I will look it up too).
Thanks, D.

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Dermal Fat Graft removal? 11 years 4 weeks ago #1281233841

Have you tried pumping? I\'d be very interested to see if you could make progress with daily Cialis, pentox, ADS, pumping and DMSO. I really think a good regime where your penis gets lots of blood flow and the graft gets manipulated could be beneficial. I\'d certainly do that before considering PMMA or surgery.

I don\'t get why US Dr\'s are appalled at you mentioning PMMA. I personally think you should avoid it if possible, but their logic seems totally warped to me. If you read Darkstaffs thread he had PMMA removed via degloving. How on earth is that so terrible in comparison to removing a graft via either a base incision or degloving? If you think about it, US Drs are telling you to avoid it in case something goes wrong and the only alternative is surgical Removal. Instead you should go to them and have your graft surgically removed! It just makes no sense. How did these guys get through med school! I fell for the same bullshit, hence it gets me angry to hear Dr\'s saying the same to you. I was told not to consider a permanent filler (my Dr hadn\'t heard of PMMA) and to have the fat cut out. As a result I suffered Necrosis and still have problems with skin adhesions. These are the two main worries involved with removing PMMA! It is literally warped logic in my opinion.

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Dermal Fat Graft removal? 11 years 4 weeks ago #1281233803

If you want to remove the graft and loose skin it\'s better to do it before putting in PMMA'based on my recent consultation with Dr Solomon regarding smoothing out the wrinkled and irregular dorsal surface skin of my penis. Since I had PMMA he won\'t do it though because PMMA in large amounts (20cc or more) impairs blood supply, adds scar tissue and increases risk of post operative infection and impaired wound healing if he does do surgery. He said he has had some problematic cases doing it.

It\'s a bummer facing the prospect of your Dick being out of commission for so long while you reconstruct it'with no guarantees on outcome.
I am going to get a PMMA touch to help with the irregular surface, hopefully.

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Dermal Fat Graft removal? 11 years 4 weeks ago #1281232781

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I am in the process of making an appointment to see Dr. C in February - I talked to Wade and the plan is to see if PMMA can be added to what I have and avoid surgery.

I\'m a little bummed as I don\'t see how this can work with my condition as it is (a hardened graft combined with PMMA). But, I don\'t want the potential complications of surgery if I can avoid it - even if it is not botched, removing the graft will leave me with saggy skin all over my shaft (the graft increased my Girth by 2\" over night and it has been that way for almost 20 years). Also I will be back where I started from 20 years ago and I don\'t want to explain to people where my Dick went either.

According to the breast reconstruction sites where this condition is common, massaging the hardened graft is advised to resolve it naturally. I may try that daily but I feel like I have been massaging it to no effect just through jerking off.

I wish I knew what the right thing to do was. Right now my complication is aesthetic only but that has definitely affected my sex life too, so I don\'t want to just leave it as \"good enough\" if there is a viable solution. US doctors are appalled if I bring up PMMA so I find my conversations are split between the Dr\'s in the US (removing the graft) and Dr C in Mexico (adding PMMA).

All this happened after I got addicted to nicotine which I think had something to do with constricting the vascularity of the graft - I need to let that one go.

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Dermal Fat Graft removal? 11 years 4 weeks ago #1281118230

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Ok thanks and that is really good to know. Dr Reed said I would probably need the shaft skin reduced as it has been stretched to accommodate the graft. I told him no way did I want that. That is just another layer of complication that I did not think about.
Dr. Alter has an office here in NYC, I am going to schedule a consultation with him and if I can swing it see Dr. C. and see what he can do.

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Dermal Fat Graft removal? 11 years 4 weeks ago #1281116583

I feel the same as Hoddle10. I had Dermal Grafts (and previous FFT) removed completely by Dr Elist in 2008. The grafts were placed in 1997. They were shrunken reabsorbing and starting to feel like wads under the skin. Four months later I got the Elist implant.
I had consulted with Dr Alter at the time I was contemplating Removal. I decided my best option was to go with Elist (wrong choice). I have had PMMA about a year now and I am still trying to get the surface texture and wrinkles lessened, maybe with another surgery or a PMMA touch up.
I would not have had them removed if I knew the resulting skin would look so bad.

You might want to consult with Dr C too and ask him what he could do with PMMA. And what the thinks of doing it over the grafts.

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Dermal Fat Graft removal? 11 years 4 weeks ago #1281116327

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Thank you! I will look into Gary Alter and DMSO which I don\'t know anything about.
From the research I have done Fat Necrosis is pretty common, usually in women who have had fat graft transfers after breast reconstruction. It comes from a bad bloodd supply to the graft which kills the fat cells causing the body to surround the cells which leads the the hardening. The graft was 2\" thick so it it really hard and thick. From what I read there is not a medical consequence to keeping it in, other than being demoralizing.

I can\'t imagine how something hard would interact with PMMA even if it covered the area as it seems the graft would breakup the collagen after a while as it shifted - but I don\'t know what I am speaking about at this point when it comes to PMMA and a hardened graft.


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Dermal Fat Graft removal? 11 years 4 weeks ago #1281115419

I wish I hadn\'t had my FFT removed and just had PMMA over it. However, there was very little fat left and a dermal graft is obviously different. Personally I\'d have a consult with Gary Alter. Even if you\'d rather have the surgery in Florida, I\'d still get Dr Alter\'s opinion.

I think it\'s highly unlikely you\'ll find someone who has had a dermal graft removed that has been there for a while. But Chad Hedman (the guy who ran MNS) did have his alloderm graft removed after a few years. In theory this must be pretty similar. Also we have a member, Candybars, who had his Belloderm graft removed after a year.

I wonder if DMSO could soften the graft up?

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