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TOPIC: PMMA Pricing Conversation

PMMA Pricing Conversation 11 years 3 months ago #1280487264

I\'ve been a member of this forum for awhile now and was one of the last few patients who paid $1,500 before the price spike. Looking now, after one procedure with Dr. C back in 2011 I wouldn\'t mind dishing out twice the amount I paid for. I plan on going back again for another procedure and am hoping to get the 20% concentration this time.

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PMMA Pricing Conversation 11 years 3 months ago #1280324200

If I remeber correctly, the starting price was $1500 and now it is $2500? That is a huge jump in price.

BUT, BUT, DR C says that his cost for the PMMA has gone up so \"A\" price increase is more than fair. Still, This is a business. I do not blame Dr C for his price increase. Everything goes up when demands go up, is it fair? yes and no but this life is not fair so we have to deal with it.

If one is not happy with the price, don\'t go for it.

For me, It was worth every penny and then some. After spending over $12k on the wonderful defunct elist silicone implant that caused me pain and suffering 2nd to none, so far PMMA with Dr C and his quality work have been great, for me at least......

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PMMA Pricing Conversation 11 years 3 months ago #1280323250

But the same can be said of Dr Comacho Melo, yet you\'ve just had surgery with him! Even worse you got the wool pulled over your eyes by Dan Salas.

There was a huge argument over at the old PhalloBoards when we heard Dan Salas was trying to work with both Dr C and Dr Comacho-Melo. I even ended up calling Dan a pimp as I was so pissed off with him trying to get involved with those Dr\'s, as I knew it would lead to prices rocketing. Some people defended Dan and said he was a \"good guy\" and just offering a service. Yet here we are 2 years later and I was totally right about the impact him sticking his beak in would have. I\'m sure he is a good guy, but he\'s bad for this industry and he isn\'t needed and just ends up costing everyone money, you personally more than most, only you don\'t know it.

Before Dan came along Dr Comacho Melo was charging just $1500 for the lig cut. Now correct me if I\'m wrong, but isn\'t he now charging $4000 and did you a \"favor\" by standing by his original quote of $3000. Yet you still believe that poor old Dan doesn\'t earn anything from these surgeries and just hangs around Mexico for the hell of it! Get real!!! The truth is, just as I warned at the time, as soon as a surgical broker got involved the price more than doubled. You paid exactly double the price Dr C-M was charging back when Dr C was still charging $1500. Yet you complain about Dr C charging an extra $1000, but say nothing about your Dr, Camacho-Melo, charging an extra $2500 ($1500 in your case) and feel bad for Dan!

Not long after we discovered Dr C, Dan tried to start working with him and even advertised PMMA on his site, only he charged $2500 for it, rather than the $1500 Dr C charged. Don\'t you think it\'s a bit odd, that soon after this Dr C moved his priced up to $2500, but decided not to work with Dan? Dan showed him the demand was still there at a higher price. If you want to blame anyone for the price rises in TJ blame Dan Salas and stop feeling bad about not tipping him for giving you a lift. The guys cost you an extra $1500.

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PMMA Pricing Conversation 11 years 3 months ago #1280322617

I think Dr C should lower his price as well i mean lets face it if it wasnt for this forum he wouldnt have the business he has now. Now I wasnt around this forum when a great mod was here by the name of ep but i heard good things about him and that he was well respected here. as im learning new things about ep and why he left the forum i cant help to think that this forum does wonders for dr c. so yeah dr c if you read this please lower your price.

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PMMA Pricing Conversation 11 years 3 months ago #1280319848

Skeptical One wrote: @Spankass

I can see it now:

\"Spankass on phone with Avanti Derma: Ok how much for an appointment?
Receptionist: $2500 for the first appointment.
Spankass: $2500!? Listen, you guys are in Mexico, I can find it for half the price there.
Receptionist: Yes, maybe, but Dr. C is a world-renowned bioplastician who is very experienced.
Spankass: He\'s just sticking a needle into a penis, how about $1,000?
Receptionist: I BEG your pardon?
Spankass: Fine, the original price of $1500 I think is a fair one.
Receptionist: Sorry we do not negotiate prices, our first time appointment is $2500.
Spankass: $1750.
Receptionist: :: remains quiet ::
Spankass: :: remains quiet ::
Receptionist: If it makes you feel better, your follow up appointments reduce in price each time.
Spankass: Give me your follow-up appointment rates.
Receptionist: Our second appointment goes for $2,000, however I cannot charge you that now.
Spankass: 2,000 is too much, are you guys crazy? $1850 is my final offer and I\'ll pay in cash!
Receptionist: Click.

Give me a break ...

S.O, funny as hell and most likely right on the nose....LOL!!!!!!!!

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PMMA Pricing Conversation 11 years 3 months ago #1280319037

  • briceb
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SpankAss wrote: those patients are not 100% proven success stories as in years of no side affects or any complications

To be fair, I do not know of a single elective cosmetic suregery that has this type of track record.

SpankAss wrote: I was hoping he was maybe 50% business and rest more out there to help more people with there issues so the higher in price he goes he def does put out alot of people from the market

SpankAss wrote: to go up so drastically shows only that you saw a opportunity and took advantage of it rather then actually sincerely caring for the people with the problems

So what would you tell me if I came to your bank and said \"Give me a loan but make my interest rates half of the market rate to show me you care\"? Come on, that is an absurd statement to make. Mercedes and BMW have priced themselves out of some people\'s reach, as well. He is running a business and not a charity. However, if you would like to take some of your \"well over 6 figures\" and start a fund to help supplement the cost for other patients, I am certain they would appreciate knowing you care and will give up your money. No dice? Didn\'t think so.

SpankAss wrote: now you can say the same thing still but the 3k went to 5500 vs the 8k and the 8k did go down btw with many US docs to around 6k so why travel all the way to TJ to save 500 bucks when many US docs are doing the PMMA and in time it will be common so what then...competing war?

Now I think you are getting it. Supply, demand and the marketplace will determine the cost of the product or service. Welcome to economics 101.

SpankAss wrote: look at Loria...he evaded all kinds of questions but then again looking back on it think about it.... i have a new thing coming out and you want me to go into detail about so what you can come to some forum take my ideas and go start your own thing? If i was loria i wouldnt have said crap here either. Who knows who is who here and i might just steal your new and up and coming procedure for myself

Sorry, but a doctor is going to have to tell me what is in the mix before he injects in into my body.

SpankAss wrote: perfect example is Dr C going to korea to learn how to do he is gonna do it...what it the korean dude had a patent on it and didnt want anyone to know his technique then would he post to random guys on a forum? prob not

This statement is ridiculous. Dr. C had to set up going to Korea and meeting with the doctors over there to be taught the technique. It\'s not like they flew over there, threw on a surgical mask and snuck into the operating room. If the Korean doctors did not want Dr. C to know the technique, they would not have invited him.

SpankAss wrote: i am not being negative towards him cause i will more then likely being going to him but rather the fact i simply dont agree with his new pricing methods bases mainly off this sites increase for his business

SpankAss wrote: i dont see why a increase was needed at all even cause was his business not running fine without this site at all before this forum was made.

You have to understand that Dr. C was performing a few of these procedures and the majority of what occupied his time was other cosmetic procedures. This was never a big part of his business until people found out about it (And his technique has greatly improved since then). Take into account the value of the materials, his staff, his personal time, etc. you will see that this procedure absolutely could support a price increase. We are getting back into economics 101 again, but he has only so many hours in a day. If I have time to deal with 5 people and I have a dozen that want to see me, I am certainly in demand. I can then price my service higher and keep the demand of 9 people, still only being able to service 5.

SpankAss wrote: PS. ultimately its his business and he can do w/e he wants and we can not go to him or go to him that is i guess the bottom line lol

Ding ding ding!!! We have a winner!

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PMMA Pricing Conversation 11 years 3 months ago #1280318869


lol I somehow missed your paragraph asserting Dr. Loria should have remained non-transparent about things he would inject into our dicks. I\'m not even sure how to respond to that. Not even sure how Loria entered the equation

Take his ideas? What ideas? Do you know what in the hell you are talking about? Have you even kept up with the Dr. Loria situation? Do you know Bluemale stated, and I quote \"After going through this process and seeing two types of doctors I only wished I started with these guys. Word to those reading this and considering this procedure. Be smart. Have goals. I would Stay away from Loria\". Two members have reported visiting Dr. Loria for work. Both have followed up with Dr. Casavantes for Revision work. Both have praised Dr. C and gave a vote of no confidence for Dr. Loria. This, despite Dr. Loria costing more than Dr. Casavantes.

I just re-read your entire posting and to be quite frank, either you were typing it sleep-deprived or you are extremely naive for someone who has been around the forum longer than average. The posting makes no rational case for objecting to a price change, and all you did was admit to being (literally) cheap despite making a healthy income. You type with almost a sense of entitlement for a lower price or discount, and I can assure you that attitude wont get you a better deal.

I can see it now:

\"Spankass on phone with Avanti Derma: Ok how much for an appointment?
Receptionist: $2500 for the first appointment.
Spankass: $2500!? Listen, you guys are in Mexico, I can find it for half the price there.
Receptionist: Yes, maybe, but Dr. C is a world-renowned bioplastician who is very experienced.
Spankass: He\'s just sticking a needle into a penis, how about $1,000?
Receptionist: I BEG your pardon?
Spankass: Fine, the original price of $1500 I think is a fair one.
Receptionist: Sorry we do not negotiate prices, our first time appointment is $2500.
Spankass: $1750.
Receptionist: :: remains quiet ::
Spankass: :: remains quiet ::
Receptionist: If it makes you feel better, your follow up appointments reduce in price each time.
Spankass: Give me your follow-up appointment rates.
Receptionist: Our second appointment goes for $2,000, however I cannot charge you that now.
Spankass: 2,000 is too much, are you guys crazy? $1850 is my final offer and I\'ll pay in cash!
Receptionist: Click.

Give me a break ...

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PMMA Pricing Conversation 11 years 3 months ago #1280318577

SpankAss wrote: my point was and is that the people from here are pioneers who paved his credentials for this specific procedure and those patients are not 100% proven success stories as in years of no side affects or any complications and in turn the prices should reflect a smaller increase rather then the huge one he took

he seems like a cool guy and I get thats its all business but at same time I was hoping he was maybe 50% business and rest more out there to help more people with there issues so the higher in price he goes he def does put out alot of people from the market that were planning to get it before and cant cause of the new prices

personally i can afford as i make well over 6 figures a year as a banker/underwriter but at same time i am indian and very cheap so i like a good discount (free ofc lol) but to go up so drastically shows only that you saw a opportunity and took advantage of it rather then actually sincerely caring for the people with the problems

now i am not saying he doesnt care on some level but its def not that of a humanitarian AND i get its business so i dont blame him but i dont give him much praise anymore as i used to or think

when i first came 2 or so years ago i saw it started here and i could only think \"wow he made that dudes day and it barely cost him anything over the other docs who charged him 8k and failed yet for like 3k some dude in TJ did and did it right over a US doc\" thats the kinda of stuff you want to hear about a doc

now you can say the same thing still but the 3k went to 5500 vs the 8k and the 8k did go down btw with many US docs to around 6k so why travel all the way to TJ to save 500 bucks when many US docs are doing the PMMA and in time it will be common so what then...competing war?

look at Loria...we all thought OMG shill after shill and he evaded all kinds of questions but then again looking back on it think about it.... i have a new thing coming out and you want me to go into detail about so what you can come to some forum take my ideas and go start your own thing? If i was loria i wouldnt have said crap here either. Who knows who is who here and i might just steal your new and up and coming procedure for myself

perfect example is Dr C going to korea to learn how to do he is gonna do it...what it the korean dude had a patent on it and didnt want anyone to know his technique then would he post to random guys on a forum? prob not

this forum is not a double edge sword and i dont know where you get that idea at all since 95% of whats posted here about PMMA is all positive and the pics to back it up lol

even the guys who didnt like it like fatmike posted pics.... Dr C can say \"OMG this dude didnt like how big i made his Dick and how perfect it turned out\" lol cause the pics show exactly that and the reason you didnt like it at one point was not for lack of looks or Girth

every story on here about PMMA has its small complications but most if not all got past them and went back for more rounds so i am sure thats a negative thing the Dr looks at? lol ...again your repeat business states otherwise.

if i was him personally though i would never endorse this site publicly but how much you wanna bet he uses this a selling tool to people who didnt come from this forum as a data base of success stories and all he can say he has nothing to do with which makes it even more credible and worth charging a higher fee for him.

i am not being negative towards him cause i will more then likely being going to him but rather the fact i simply dont agree with his new pricing methods bases mainly off this sites increase for his business and i will personally voice that with him as well when i see him or talk to him cause i could care less if he doesnt like what i have to say and even turns me away....i said my peace as i always do and i wouldnt stop just cause he is doing my surgery or not

if his costs went up then sure i understand as in ccs or w/e but if there the same then i dont see why a increase was needed at all even cause was his business not running fine without this site at all before this forum was made. So if thats the case then why increase unless costs went up but if business went up as well at same time costs went up it might be all relative as well and price could have stayed down too.

not villianizing him as i said before ... just putting my .2 cents out there as well from what i have seen over the past 2 years

and you know what, loria will get more and more too but not cause of some site but rather guys like bluemale who took the chance even after reading and dicks turned out badass and looks better then PMMA too cause its a more natural looking one

just putting it out there ...he went up to high to fast ...increase in price is fine but not at the level he did it

PS. ultimately its his business and he can do w/e he wants and we can not go to him or go to him that is i guess the bottom line lol

It\'s not Lorias idea! He took the idea from a paper poster here! He\'s using a technicality that allows him to legally inject silicone oil. The fact that liquid silicone has such a bad reputation in plastic surgery, that even layman, such as yourself, know of it, is the reason Loria likes to shroud things in mystery. If he advertised his procedure as \"liquid silicone injections\" no one would go near him!

Look at Bluemales final photo. It was a poor aesthetic result and Loria refused to add more the try and even things out.

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PMMA Pricing Conversation 11 years 3 months ago #1280318258

I\'m perplexed that there is any reason to complain as prices are still relatively better than alternative Phalloplasty methods which don\'t even come close to yielding the same quality of results. Why is this even a relevant matter? As one member has made apparent, you\'d have to be admittedly cheap to make a conversation out of this. As in admitting aloud that you are cheap (word of advice: don\'t admit to being cheap, it\'s not a likable characteristic). You know your cheapness is a problem when you admit to 6 figures but can\'t make a rational argument as to why a doctor can\'t make a business decision in light of increased demand.

Oh and I\'m in the restaurant business, don\'t be one of those cheap sons of bitches who don\'t tip well despite excellent service. Pisses me off .

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PMMA Pricing Conversation 11 years 3 months ago #1280313668

I think I remember talking to Dr C and Wade about their price increase and they told me that their costs for PMMA went up from the manufacturers. I also asked them about PMMA for my girlfriends chin to enhance it. They said that the chin takes about 2 ccs to do at the cost of $180 per cc. That\'s a great price I think for a chin enhancement but I had 27 ccs injected into my Dick the first time. If we went by the pricing he has per cc, that would make my first round $4,860.

Don\'t get me wrong, I would love to pay the cheaper prices others have had, but I still think the prices are very low as they are. Also, what is nice is that you pay for each round as you go. You don\'t have to save up $10,000 all at once, you only need $2,000 or so at a time. That\'s so much easier to do.

Anyway, there are people on this forum with $50,000 dicks. I have $6,000 into mine and I couldn\'t be happier. I wish I did this year\'s ago. It changed my life. If having most probably the best outcome of any penis enlargement method, at one of the cheapest prices offered anywhere in the world is out of your price range, I think people should reevaluate their motives.

Just my 2 cents.

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PMMA Pricing Conversation 11 years 3 months ago #1280313421

my point was and is that the people from here are pioneers who paved his credentials for this specific procedure and those patients are not 100% proven success stories as in years of no side affects or any complications and in turn the prices should reflect a smaller increase rather then the huge one he took

he seems like a cool guy and I get thats its all business but at same time I was hoping he was maybe 50% business and rest more out there to help more people with there issues so the higher in price he goes he def does put out alot of people from the market that were planning to get it before and cant cause of the new prices

personally i can afford as i make well over 6 figures a year as a banker/underwriter but at same time i am indian and very cheap so i like a good discount (free ofc lol) but to go up so drastically shows only that you saw a opportunity and took advantage of it rather then actually sincerely caring for the people with the problems

now i am not saying he doesnt care on some level but its def not that of a humanitarian AND i get its business so i dont blame him but i dont give him much praise anymore as i used to or think

when i first came 2 or so years ago i saw it started here and i could only think \"wow he made that dudes day and it barely cost him anything over the other docs who charged him 8k and failed yet for like 3k some dude in TJ did and did it right over a US doc\" thats the kinda of stuff you want to hear about a doc

now you can say the same thing still but the 3k went to 5500 vs the 8k and the 8k did go down btw with many US docs to around 6k so why travel all the way to TJ to save 500 bucks when many US docs are doing the PMMA and in time it will be common so what then...competing war?

look at Loria...we all thought OMG shill after shill and he evaded all kinds of questions but then again looking back on it think about it.... i have a new thing coming out and you want me to go into detail about so what you can come to some forum take my ideas and go start your own thing? If i was loria i wouldnt have said crap here either. Who knows who is who here and i might just steal your new and up and coming procedure for myself

perfect example is Dr C going to korea to learn how to do he is gonna do it...what it the korean dude had a patent on it and didnt want anyone to know his technique then would he post to random guys on a forum? prob not

this forum is not a double edge sword and i dont know where you get that idea at all since 95% of whats posted here about PMMA is all positive and the pics to back it up lol

even the guys who didnt like it like fatmike posted pics.... Dr C can say \"OMG this dude didnt like how big i made his Dick and how perfect it turned out\" lol cause the pics show exactly that and the reason you didnt like it at one point was not for lack of looks or Girth

every story on here about PMMA has its small complications but most if not all got past them and went back for more rounds so i am sure thats a negative thing the Dr looks at? lol ...again your repeat business states otherwise.

if i was him personally though i would never endorse this site publicly but how much you wanna bet he uses this a selling tool to people who didnt come from this forum as a data base of success stories and all he can say he has nothing to do with which makes it even more credible and worth charging a higher fee for him.

i am not being negative towards him cause i will more then likely being going to him but rather the fact i simply dont agree with his new pricing methods bases mainly off this sites increase for his business and i will personally voice that with him as well when i see him or talk to him cause i could care less if he doesnt like what i have to say and even turns me away....i said my peace as i always do and i wouldnt stop just cause he is doing my surgery or not

if his costs went up then sure i understand as in ccs or w/e but if there the same then i dont see why a increase was needed at all even cause was his business not running fine without this site at all before this forum was made. So if thats the case then why increase unless costs went up but if business went up as well at same time costs went up it might be all relative as well and price could have stayed down too.

not villianizing him as i said before ... just putting my .2 cents out there as well from what i have seen over the past 2 years

and you know what, loria will get more and more too but not cause of some site but rather guys like bluemale who took the chance even after reading and dicks turned out badass and looks better then PMMA too cause its a more natural looking one

just putting it out there ...he went up to high to fast ...increase in price is fine but not at the level he did it

PS. ultimately its his business and he can do w/e he wants and we can not go to him or go to him that is i guess the bottom line lol

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PMMA Pricing Conversation 11 years 3 months ago #1280300886

Although his prices have gone up I don\'t think he\'s yet priced out the \"common man,\" the cost still amounts to less than a months pay for most people. Just think how much more business he\'d have (and how much higher his prices would probably be) if customers could finance the procedure or use credit cards (the American way).

@DC Pimpin
This forum is a double edged sword, he could just as easily gain a negative reputation; just ask Dr. E-list about that. The fact that he has a good reputation speaks more to his track record and professionalism. I feel the admins of this forum do a good job to keep the shills out, and you can easily find anecdotal stories of complications and imperfect outcomes by Dr. C.

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PMMA Pricing Conversation 11 years 3 months ago #1280300751

But dcpimpin the reason Dr C isn\'t treated like Loria, Krakovsky or Elist is because he didn\'t seek out this site as a an avenue of marketing that he didn\'t have to pay for. I think his business has benefited greatly from PhalloBoards but he has done absolutely nothing to solicit this. The reason for his popularity is purely down to PhalloBoards members. It started with a post by Envisionmore and then GSX was the first pioneer. After that it simply snowballed. Virtually all the PMMA research was done by our members, so we \"sold\" the procedure to ourselves. All the progress reports were volunteered by our members at the request of other members. Dr C himself had nothing to do with any of this. He\'s a benefactor certainly, but he didn\'t come on here touting for business, using shills and shady surgical brokers. I\'m sure his prices did go up due to the demand thanks to this site, but he\'s just reacting to market forces and seeing as he didn\'t do anything to actively try and promote himself, then he\'s done nothing wrong in my opinion. Also his prices are lower than Dr N in Prague and I think Dr Passy. So of the 3 main PMMA Dr\'s spoken about on this site, he is still the cheapest. Also, if you remember when the procedure first started being discussed he said he\'s use between 10-12cc of PMMA. Now he routinely uses 25cc +.

I can\'t speak on SO\'s behalf, but I suspect he\'d strongly be against any financial relationship between PhalloBoards and any Dr. Even if it\'s something simple like a discount for our members. The whole he reason he set up the forum is because he and others we absolutely sick to death of being mislead by information found on forums who had financial relationships with certain Dr\'s. It\'s imperative that the site remains totally impartial. We don\'t want situations, for example, when members would become hesitant about criticizing Dr C or asking probing questions if they thought it could cause for him to get annoyed and withdraw his PhalloBoards discount.

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PMMA Pricing Conversation 11 years 3 months ago #1280300291

as my good friend spankass said and i quote: (the site is the only reason his prices went up because he sees avenue of marketing he didnt have to pay for and never had before and if anything he sjhould be giving a discount for people from the site because its free business) totaly agree with that statement.

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PMMA Pricing Conversation 11 years 3 months ago #1280299264

briceb wrote: This is just to carry on the conversation from Kingpin\'s progress thread.

There are a lot of people that are complaining about the pricing of PMMA and how the price has increased due to demand.

I completely understand that everyone would like for the pricing to be as inexpensive as it was when this forum began. I would love for that to be the case as well. However, the doctor is a businessman. And as a good businessman, he understands supply and demand. Also, compared to other options, it is relatively inexpensive.

Also, I find it interesting that some people are complaining about this forum being the reason for the increase of the popularity and thus the price. At the same time, this forum is the reason some of these very people even know or have further information about PMMA as an option.

All this to say that I think that it is very unfair to villanize Dr. C for increasing his prices. He has a business to run and he is doing that to the best of his ability. I think that when all factors are weighed (risks, complications, size increase, etc) the price is still very fair for what is received.

I did not take advantage of the lowest pricing but that was a personal choice. I wanted to wait and see a few more outcomes. Also, I wanted to make sure that I felt comfortable with his technique and knowledge, which appeared to improve. I feel that this in itself was worth the increased cost.

Just my $0.02

This echoes my sentiments. Furthermore, while cost is important, it cannot be the reason you pick one method over another...that would be reckless!

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