I had mental issues with sex, porn and PE long before coming here haha. BUT the danger here vs. Natural PE is that surgery / injections are quite invasive and very hard to reverse.
With manual PE (especially pumping to a big girth) I would enter this weird zone of arrousal, fantasy and euphoria. Naturally after I came and some time passed it would deflate and I would go back on with life with my normal dick. But I\'d always have to take steps like pumping to get to that fucked up state.
PMMA changes this process.
1) You see other member\'s results.
2) You fantasize that if you did it your results could be like theirs.
3) You get the procedure.
4) You are in this crazy arroused state of \"wow\" for a couple months until it just becomes the new norm.
5) Since the intial infatuation is gone from your procedure is gone, you want that feeling again and fantasize about how amazing a another round would be.
6) You think you are some special case and hope you can handle more product or get bigger gains or whatever it is you fantasize about.
7) You get another round.
The infatuation \"wow\" feeling is back.
9) see 5.
10) another round.... the cylce continues.
What we don\'t see is that this whole time our perception of what is normal is thrown out the window. We see other members posting about their giant schlongs and we get sucked right in. The real world is forgotten. We watch porn that only validates these new perceptions we have. This whole time, like pumping we inflate our dicks, only they don\'t deflate. We just keep building them up bigger and bigger, in this tunnell vision.
I\'ve used the steriod analogy before, but I still think its true: We push past what most people would think is normal in our weird mental state that we are in. MOST women would not find those big ass roided out guys to be attractive, but those guys obviously think they are by doing what they do.
So will this place mess with your head? - Yes it\'s likely.
I think there are different kinds of dysmorphia going on here.
There\'s the kind where people believe they are small or too small for their partner. Even when they are average size they have this negative perception about being average and it not being enough.
There\'s the kind who believe having a big dick will solve various problems and issues in their life. Whether its to add confidence, cure depression, machoism whatever.
There\'s the kind like me who get caught up in being huge. Beyond even what is normally considered huge. Its a turn on for them to be \"too big\".
In all of these cases PMMA or any other PE surgery for that matter likely won\'t \"cure\" this dysmorphia. We need to figure out what is at the root of it, because a bigger dick won\'t solve it.