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TOPIC: Anyone else holding off for now on Casavantes?

Anyone else holding off for now on Casavantes? 12 years 10 months ago #1275383216

I\'m scheduled for lig cut surgery with Dr. CM and PMMA for my biceps & calves this coming Nov 20 & 21 with Dr. C. I guess I need to inquire about which product Dr. C plans on using in my arms & legs... And in a few months what will be used in my penis. This forum does keep us on our toes.

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Anyone else holding off for now on Casavantes? 12 years 10 months ago #1272858346

supa wrote: I am not sure you have understood what (I believe) EQ means:

it is all well and good that Linnea safe is a new generation product; however, in contrast to Newplastic and Metacrill (used by Dr C. for years), Linnea safea\'s complication rate is not known. By definition.

hoddle10 wrote: It would be good if everyone who is/was planning on getting the job done soon to write Dr C. about the \"demand\" of using Linea Safe.

everyone? bad idea! not sure the good doctor would welcome the spamming :-)

We are never complete with knowledge.We have no testimonies yet that fact(forumwise), but i doubt Linea safe has gotten worse then other products, and has now new risks. (possible tho but not even i am that skeptic)

Well rather enough people to make him aware of the patient orientation, then too few people. And most likely people who havent gotten NP or Meta because those people care more about it i guess. Remeber ONE penis !
We were always, more or less in the freaking dark.

Didn\'t Lemperle say in a reply to Smartman that a later version of NP was pretty much pure anyway? I suspect these products are continually evolving, only they can\'t relaunch every time they make an improvement. I doubt Linea is actually much, if any, different to the NP Dr has been using for the last year. I seriously doubt their engineering and production took such giant steps forward in the short space of time NP was off the market. They\'ve probably been steadily improving it for years and following the patent issues which caused them to cease production, they\'ve simply rebranded.

That are some of your thoughts of what could be. Your kinda saying NP/Meta is the exact same product then Linea Safe.

My thoughts of what could be is diffrent.
If it its the same Company producing NP/Meta and now Linea Safe (as Lemperle guesses but does not know, as all of us) then those manufacturers probably have Leftovers from NP/Metacrill, which still need to be sold to make profit out of it. Maybe for a lower price then the new product.

Even/despite (fuking english conversation) tho they might have now their new purer version of the product ready.

I guess the safest source, we can relie on is Prof Dr Lemperle.
And he says Linea Safe is alot more pure then the other products (NP/Meta) and with that more likely to be used without the result of FBG (granuloma).

Im def more willing to get pmma injection with a product that is considered more clean according to Dr Lemperle.

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Anyone else holding off for now on Casavantes? 12 years 10 months ago #1272858324

Having participated in these \"complications\" thread, chats, PMs and emails I know why most members are confused by them so I will leave these simple facts:

Most of us that get the penis procedure will not have a FBG or any other complcation.
Some of us that have the procedure done will get a FBG.The debate is over the exact size of most and some which at the end of the day is pretty silly when there is very little facts.

If you end up falling into the some group, and make no mistake a handfull of us will in the next 1 to 10 years, make sure you are able to live and deal with it. At that point theoritical complication rates are meaningless!

Before anyone has this procedure, please look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself this question. \"Am I prepared to deal with and live with the consequences of getting a FBG\"?

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Anyone else holding off for now on Casavantes? 12 years 10 months ago #1272858026

Miracle7x6Happy to be proved wrong but to the extent of my knowledge there is no scientific evidence that injections at deeper levels, such as in the penis, can generate such FBG incidence rate. On the contrary, and so far, my understanding is that FBG risk for injections at deeper level is very low.

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Anyone else holding off for now on Casavantes? 12 years 10 months ago #1272857683

The long term effects of small particles is related to granulomas. It is suspected that 1 of 20 may develop them with Metacril between 5-10 years.

Would love to see medical documentation demonstrating such a high rate of complication. Also as previously mentioned, FBG\'s were many times more likely to occur in the face (nasolabial folds) than elsewhere in the body. Hundreds of Dr. Samy Passy\'s patients are 5-10 years post op without a single incidence of FBG. The current attack on Metacrill is particularly alarming as I recently received 28cc\'s of it. I would be very appreciative if one could provide literature that uniequivocally states that the incidence of FBG is 5% within a 10 year time period.

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Anyone else holding off for now on Casavantes? 12 years 10 months ago #1272857033

Didn\'t Lemperle say in a reply to Smartman that a later version of NP was pretty much pure anyway? I suspect these products are continually evolving, only they can\'t relaunch every time they make an improvement. I doubt Linea is actually much, if any, different to the NP Dr has been using for the last year. I seriously doubt their engineering and production took such giant steps forward in the short space of time NP was off the market. They\'ve probably been steadily improving it for years and following the patent issues which caused them to cease production, they\'ve simply rebranded.

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Anyone else holding off for now on Casavantes? 12 years 10 months ago #1272856457

I am not sure you have understood what (I believe) EQ means:

it is all well and good that Linnea safe is a new generation product; however, in contrast to Newplastic and Metacrill (used by Dr C. for years), Linnea safea\'s complication rate is not known. By definition.

It would be good if everyone who is/was planning on getting the job done soon to write Dr C. about the \"demand\" of using Linea Safe.

everyone? bad idea! not sure the good doctor would welcome the spamming :-)

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Anyone else holding off for now on Casavantes? 12 years 10 months ago #1272855560

I think we all would want any of the injection Doctors to use the newest and as far as we belive safest product!

It would be good if everyone who is/was planning on getting the job done soon to write/talk Dr C. about the \"demand\" of using Linea Safe.
If it gets a bit more expensive, fuck it saftey first.

I was going a step forward within thinking about PMMA with this new product.

God i pray that he swichtes to Linea Safe.
So let him know that we want it guys!

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Anyone else holding off for now on Casavantes? 12 years 10 months ago #1272853613

Tommygun wrote: The long term effects of small particles is related to granulomas. It is suspected that 1 of 20 may develop them with Metacril between 5-10 years.

What is the complication rate of the new Linea Safe?

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Anyone else holding off for now on Casavantes? 12 years 10 months ago #1272853449

is there no chance he is planning to switch to the new product (Linea Safe, or whatever it is called)?

I am hoping so. I emailed Wade re alternatives to Metacril and the concerns over quality.
The long term effects of small particles is related to granulomas. It is suspected that 1 of 20 may develop them with Metacril between 5-10 years.

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Anyone else holding off for now on Casavantes? 12 years 10 months ago #1272853410

Tommygun wrote: I was all set to book my appointment, but I do remember some posts where his competitor in TJ (Passy, right?) was using Metacril and he was chided for using a sub par product.

From your example I assume that \"par\" is Artefil? if that is the case then all the other products including the new Linea Safe will be sub par!Artefil is the only product with guranteed purity. It is mandated and periodically tested by the FDA to contain \"< 1 in 100 small particles by number\". Artefil can cost >$1000 per cc so figure $20,000 just for the product to have 20cc injected.

Your next best bet from a purity standpoint would be Artesense which is the Canadian version of Artefil. There were reports earlier on this forum that Dr. C would inject Artesense for $7,000 per session. When I inquired about the Artesense option I was told by Christian that Dr. C only offered Newplastic or Metacrill for the penis.

Artesense like Artefil uses Bovine Collagen as a carrier so you would require an allergy test at least 30 days before you do the procedure if in fact Dr. C offers Artesense as a penis enhancement option. He does offer Artesense as a facial option.

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Anyone else holding off for now on Casavantes? 12 years 10 months ago #1272853166

I wasn\'t aware he was going to switch to Metacril - is there no chance he is planning to switch to the new product (Linea Safe, or whatever it is called)?

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Anyone else holding off for now on Casavantes? 12 years 10 months ago #1272851488

Mostly just info gathered here. I also googled it and it simply has far more variation in particle size than the other alternatives. I was already nervous about the variations in New Plastic.
I was all set to book my appointment, but I do remember some posts where his competitor in TJ (Passy, right?) was using Metacril and he was chided for using a sub par product.
******Ask the Experts
Can Metacrill be used in United States?
Mar 11, 2010I heard about Metacrill, which is a permanent filler. I heard that I can buy 10 syringes for $500 through Dr. Samy Passy. He sent me an email explaining that I could make a wire transfer to a bank in Madrid in his name and he will send me the package. He also told me that a doctor in NYC could make the injections for me. Have you ever heard about you think it is safe and the method of payment is legit. Let me know what you think about this. I really appreciate everything you do for all of us trying to make sense of treatment options.Response from Dr. PieroneHello and thanks for posting.Metacrill is a PMMA product from Brazil. The quality of Metacrill is not good in that the particle sizes have tremendous variation. The issue with lack of uniformity of particle size is that this may increase the risk of late granuloma formation. That said, Metacrill has been used by some injectors in Mexico and Brazil for body lipoatrophy with a very low reported rate of granulomas or nodules. These injections are typically at deeper levels and there is a lower rate of granuloma complications when fillers are injected at deeper sites, presumably because of fewer immune cells in muscle compared with skin. I would be concerned about using this product for facial injection because of the quality issue.The bigger problem is that it would not be legal for a doctor to inject Metacrill in the United States because it is not FDA approved. So the product will do you no good here.Can Artefill be mixed (injected over) newplastic / metacrill PMMA?artefill (here in USA) be mixed with newplastic, metacrill or precise PMMA (the PMMA offered by... Read more 'Response from Gerald Pierone, M.D. 'WHAT BRAND OF PMMA OR ITS COMPONENTS SHOULD I GO FOR?in Rio has extensive experience with PMMA and uses Metacrill. Dr. Denis Valente in Puerto Allegre... Read more 'Response from Gerald Pierone, M.D. '

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Anyone else holding off for now on Casavantes? 12 years 10 months ago #1272850244

Tommygun wrote: The Metacril has some bad reviews as far as quality and consistency.
Some of you guys are I am sure looking for a r2 or r3. Will you still do it with the Metacril even though it is sub par?

IMO it is not fair to suggest that Metacrill is \"sub par\" unless you tell us what par is.

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Anyone else holding off for now on Casavantes? 12 years 10 months ago #1272841041

The Metacril has some bad reviews as far as quality and consistency.

Good reviews/opinions as well, e.g.

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