This could be a sore subject and after spending a great deal on many things I was myself on a tight budget so I did factor this into the equation. If I could save the extra fifteen hundred dollars (approximately) for a second session I had resolved to request a first one of 20% concentrate hoping that it wouldn\'t need any touch up. That seemed the most economical \'bang for the buck\' method of PE.
Then I arrived at the clinic and was readied for the operation. Until then most had been about formalities. Now once on the table it was about what my objectives were and how we might get there. And my earlier decision melted like ice in the sun as I realized I was messing with my one and only instrument of manhood. This isn\'t some \'eat all you can\' for a single price meal. It was \"Here\'s your Penis, what do you go home with?!?\"
So realizing the great power that Dr C and Zobel Wade wielded I took care to listen to them carefully. After all penises is something they know a whole lot more about than I do. They see them day in day out and have done so for years. This technique and substance is also their realm, having perfected it themselves and seen many configurations and results. I resolved then and there to do the smart thing and let them decide what is the intelligent thing to do. For they had the \"Intelligence\" on this subject which no amount of investigation on my behalf could ever bring.
This proved the right approach in my case. First it showed that they were being empowered to exercise their profession to the best of their abilities, not being harnessed by the preconceptions of a patient who might be disoriented or even deluded. And that is exactly what they did, using their understanding of penile mechanics and PMMA integration to its fullest by overcoming step by step the unusual morphological challenges which my somewhat misshaped penis brought to the procedure. They worked very hard for what seemed like at least two hours, painstakingly devising new solutions to each problem encountered. It was hard labor and I know having worked at many jobs. Not at all a walk in the park.
So of course they are deserving of earning a proper living on this method they have helped devise and are continuously perfecting. And it didn\'t fail to cross my mind that with the above calculations one would pay possibly twice as much to achieve the same girth objectives when starting with 10% and then applying much larger finishing touches. But this is if things were all so simple as basic math, which I am fairly sure they are not.
First, if they wanted to make as much money as possible, they would have made their rates different from the starting gate. It isn\'t hard to make sure you gain as much as you can, all you need to do is spend some time crunching numbers and formulations of various injection scenarios, with at each time costs which make it expensive no matter how you go about it. Instead they offered what one might call a groundbreaking killer deal of girth per dollar. All your penis can take of highly effective 20% PMMA for one low flat rate of $1500. This isn\'t even being removed from their current offerings even if it is being discretely discouraged.
Why? Because all of a sudden a successful medical team turned greedy or did comparative marketing studies and found themselves underpriced? I seriously doubt this for several reasons. First I have worked with many unscrupulous people and am prepared to attest that this is not the case of Dr C and his team. Secondly were this the case they would officially rescind their former deal to stave off bargain hunters looking for a deal. Third they would be working at a number of different pricing formulas and intervention packages to attract clients more than to treat patients.
None of this is going on, so it is safe to assume that we are instead in presence of entirely different motivations. Dr C has done this procedure and it isn\'t easy to meet the varying demands of many patients while ensuring the utmost prudential care and making certain that there will be no permanent results which might bear criticism. Many patients come to his clinic demanding huge girth goals and seeking to have him engineer for them discount priced Beer Can shaped aesthetically \'deformed\' unnatural penises. Dr C is NOT a Penis Dr Frankenstein, making it an issue to manage unrealistic expectations (worse, pressure to produce insane unreal permanent results, but for real) from the onset, something which is best dissuade by pursuing a gradual process during which patients may have time to reassess their objectives and come to realize on their own over several months that \"Bigger isn\'t always Better\" beyond any rational limits.
Making rapid huge girth gains less instantly achievable off the starting line by insisting that people begin with 10% makes sense in reducing the risk of patient psychology making us go off the deep end. All you can eat is something that can be abused, for aside from serious

conditions it can be vomited, digested or otherwise recovered from. Having too thick a penis from PMMA enhancement means however only one thing: having for the rest of one\'s life a \"monster dick\". And I doubt this has anything to do with Dr C\'s vocation or goal to help patients with their goals of \"Enhancement\". For can you call it enhancement when one\'s body becomes disfigured by the procedure? Or does it become a form of medicalized mutilation?
Let us also consider another factor, were this procedure lacking in customers one might imagine that switching to less concentrated PMMA might bring the small existing patient base to come in more often for follow-up procedures. This means more business for the clinic and at the end more cashflow. However, this shift to lower concentration PMMA didn\'t come during the years of few clients one might wish to \"farm\" and encourage to increase their patronage, but it comes at a time where Dr C is subject to a deluge of demand he can hardly meet. Let us also remember that within his price structure the actual product is far from the only cost, even if it is the main variable one changing mechanically according to injection typology. Instead it came at a time when business is booming and time slots are getting harder and hard to schedule. This actually means in fine a reduction in the number of patients since for the same number of available time slots fewer will be treated due to more treatments per patient.
My conclusion is that Dr C has chosen to further professionalize this procedure especially given its current high visibility brought to a great extent both by his previous reliable results and also by PhalloBoard\'s analysis and investigation of this method in the forefront of phalloplasty. Also thanks to this success it is also possible that Dr C is using his growing credibility to at last influence patients at large to the fact that PMMA must be for ENHANCEMENT and not to produce Freak Show Girth Sea Monsters. There is very noble aspect to his profession which he does much to defend, and it is only normal that he be attached to making this procedure as fail-safe and responsible as possible.