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TOPIC: What is the catch with fillers?

What is the catch with fillers? 3 months 3 weeks ago #1308719254

I’m still a waffling over getting HA filler. I’m really taking my time to decide and even have been discussing it with a therapist.

I’m curious if anyone has ever posted or seen a video of someone masturbating or moving the skin around the shaft after having HA or PMMA. I’m very curious if there is any kind of animation deformities, such as the skin looking thicker or bunching up in weird places. I guess my concern is just because some before and after pictures look good doesn’t mean that it looks good in all positions or when being moved.

I’m also curious if anyone has ever seen a picture of what it looks like when they’re very cold. It seems like in everyone’s Flaccid pictures they’re always fairly extended or warmed up. It seems to me like if you were very cold that it would look kind of crazy and bunched up.

It’s very important to me, that my penis maintains its aesthetic appeal. It’s just as important as the size in my opinion.

It’s apparent that, that there are a lot of people on the forums that continue to get injections, chasing inches, at the cost of the appearance of their penis. No judgment here, they should do what they want, but I very much wouldn’t want to look that way. I suspect there are even many people on the forums that have Body Dysmorphia (I am diagnosed with BDD and in treatment). The existence of that type of person, and the natural urge to make our penises look as flattering as possible in photos makes me very skeptical anytime someone says their HA looks great afterwards.

I have this waking nightmare that I go get the procedure done, and after the fact, I realize that it looks crazy in some position or that there’s some little negative fact that has been left out because of the reasons mentioned above.

I guess what I’m looking for in short is, what’s the bad part? What’s the catch? Can someone who’s had it done and just been “okay” with the results or even “unhappy” with them chime in. The last thing I want to do as someone with Body Dysmorphia is to get advice from someone else who has Body dysmorphia. I don’t mean the medical risks, I’m aware of the complications. I’m more interested in the bad-side of a successfull procedure.

For example if you take a woman who has had perfectly placed breast implants and they look great, a100% perfect procedure. When she flexes her pec muscles, the implants will jump up because there’s an animation deformity with all under the muscle implants. When she bends over and they hang, they may look an unnatural. When she lays on her back, the outer edge may ripple and the implant will slide outwards to her armpit. When you squeeze them, you can tell the difference between the firmness of the implant and the firmness of the natural tissue. All these things are normal and expected, and don’t indicate a bad outcome. They just come with the territory; they are the “catch” that nobody seems to discuss before the procedure. Women get surprised by these outcomes constantly.

What’s the catch with fillers? Has anyone seen a thread that delves into this bad-side of things? I’m interested in anything of this nature but also very specifically I’m wondering about knowing what it looks like when the skin is moved or the shaft is stroked, I guess. My wife enjoys looking and and moving my skin up and down on my shaft like that and I don’t want it to look strange for her.

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Last edit: by Bradonline1984.

What is the catch with fillers? 3 months 3 weeks ago #1308719255

Sorry, I realize now how long that post is. I get obsessive.

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What is the catch with fillers? 3 months 3 weeks ago #1308719256

My progress log post PMMA will show in absolutely NOT the most flattering light.
When you turtle hardcore, if you have enough filler to make it worth getting filler in the first place, it looks weird, no two ways about it.
My shit looks like a raspberry sitting on a marshmallow when I'm at peak retraction. Thing is:
a)nobody is ever going to see me turtled up. I wouldn't have let them see me like that before filler, why would i do so now?
b)I had an ugly Dick before filler. I think all dicks are ugly. Maybe if you have perfect Dick aesthetics, changing them is a concern, but for me, I had aesthetic imperfections before, and my "after" has aesthetic imperfections that are still within the realm of looking natural. That's all I care about, that nobody is going to notice.

That said: this is NOT a venture for guys in the wrong headspace, and you can see some dudes on the board who just keep chasing something and they're never going to be satisfied. You know yourself - are you that OCD? Are you going to keep getting procedures and still say to yourself "my Dick is too small, more!" with no end in sight?

I know in my case I was already above average, but I'm also a giant human, and I wanted a comparably giant Dick. I had one procedure, there are some MINOR irregularities, none of which a woman would notice unless she was staring at my Dick under a hospital light and knew about Dick fillers.

Basically if you're in an unhealthy mental state before, this isn't going to fix it. And is unlikely to improve it. If your world revolves around your Dick size, you're gonna have a bad time.
Especially if you're already in the realm of "normal" and you're obsessive about a number. "I want to get as big as I can get without it looking fake and stupid" was my goal. Not to be ok with myself, not to solve some deep-rooted insecurity or trauma, but because "YOLO" basically, I was laughing at the absurdity of it all the whole time.

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Last edit: by itgoesthud.

What is the catch with fillers? 3 months 3 weeks ago #1308719258

The “catch” with fillers, like with any cosmetic procedure, is that there will always be some minor imperfections. Bumps, or areas that aren’t perfectly filled, or subtle differences in appearance when the skin is moved are all things that can happen. I have some patients where there is really really almost Zero flaws but it is best to plan on some.

Just like with breast implants or liposuction, there are always trade-offs. In the case of penile fillers, the results are typically very natural, and partners won’t notice any difference. However, it’s important to go into this understanding that no procedure is 100% perfect—there might be tiny irregularities, like the way the skin moves or how it looks when cold, that you’ll have to accept. Over all guys love it but its not for everyone.

It’s crucial to be realistic—while most men are thrilled with their results, no cosmetic procedure is without its trade-offs. @Sullivan

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What is the catch with fillers? 3 months 2 weeks ago #1308719266

@itgoesthud thanks, I haven’t looked at your log yet but it’s nice to hear an honest take, especially knowing that you still are happy with the results

@dr_sullivan thanks for chiming in with a professional perspective on it.

Frankly, I do have an unhealthy perspective on it, hence the therapy. I like to think I wouldn’t get carried away chasing something since I care as much about the aesthetics, and proportions being right as the size, but I kinda have accepted that I have disordered thinking on it so I can’t trust my own rationale.

My therapist pointed out that if I get it done and my wife doesn’t react in a way I’d hope that it might compel me to get more rounds so I can get the reaction I want. And on the other hand if she does react very positively then that also might compel me to get more rounds, chasing the positive reaction again.

He’s suggested, if I insist on doing it, setting non-negotiable limits that my wife is aware of. Which sounds reasonable.

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Last edit: by Bradonline1984.

What is the catch with fillers? 3 months 2 weeks ago #1308719267

Bradonline1984 wrote: thanks, I haven’t looked at your log yet but it’s nice to hear an honest take, especially knowing that you still are happy with the results

yeah man, look at this ridiculous turtle-looking MFer
I retract down to 2, 2-5" fairly regularly. Before filler, this meant a sort of corrugated, wrinkly look like an accordion. After, the extra skin only shrivels so much.
Know who's ever going to see that? A doctor, not someone I'm fucking.

Bradonline1984 wrote: Frankly, I do have an unhealthy perspective on it, hence the therapy. I like to think I wouldn’t get carried away chasing something since I care as much about the aesthetics, and proportions being right as the size, but I kinda have accepted that I have disordered thinking on it so I can’t trust my own rationale.

Well and to be fair, any of us who are statistically average who are willing to risk undergoing an experimental medical procedure have SOME degree of psychiatric brokenness. It's all a relative scale of broken. I was in the top 10%, but that wasn't enough for me, and that's probably because of blah blah Freud, unresolved trauma, blah whatever.

There are people who've had work done that are genuinely below average and need some help getting to average so they can feel "normal", and I think these are the guys who probably end up with the best results mentally because their goal is "normal", not "statistically non-existent".

I didn't look at mine as a way of making myself whole. I looked at it as a fun thing I could do to enhance sex. So my prospects for satisfaction were way better than if I were attempting to find a resolution to dysmorphia, if that makes sense.

If you're below average it's one thing. But IF YOU ARE AVERAGE, before I dove in, I'd ask whether or not it'd be torture to live the rest of my life with the penis I was given at birth. If you can't find peace with an average dick, some arbitrarily chosen number is unlikely to bring you peace.

I think there are some who SHOULD have fleshed out their dysmorphia before going ahead with fillers, so you're ahead of the game there, and shouldn't take this as me nay-saying.
But if you got to the girth you have in your head as ideal, with reasonable aesthetics, can you look yourself in the mirror and honestly tell yourself you'd be happy and stop? Or would you never be happy and keep going for so long you end up a cautionary tale?

I'd personally love another half inch give or take. I feel exactly ZERO anxiety or discomfort over not having it. So the odds of me perpetually chasing a dragon are zero.
If you can't realistically force yourself to stop, THAT is when you end up with a mangled freak dick. Good injectors WILL give you suitable aesthetics if you aren't OCD about perfection.

Just food for thought. If you get it done well, and you have the right attitude about it, for PMMA at least the shit is AWESOME. The reaction I got from my girlfriend when she got me at 100% EQ for the first time with my new hog was priceless.

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What is the catch with fillers? 3 months 2 weeks ago #1308719271

If you struggle with BDD I wouldn’t do it. It will simply be one more aspect of your body to obsess over .

Having had a lot of HA and subsequently dissolving a good bit of it my advice to all members who value aesthetics and natural feel is to go slow and don’t overdo it. I tried to correct imperfections with more filler when I should have simply dissolved some. Now that I’m closer to my baseline size my penis looks better, healthier, and feels more natural. I’m still bigger but I’ve found that the increase in size is only worth it for me if the aesthetic and feel is good.

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What is the catch with fillers? 3 months 2 weeks ago #1308719274

@itgoesthud yours looks pretty great at average retraction, but the complete retraction does look about how I assumed it would look. I am flaccid and naked in front of my wife a lot, every day usually. But like a lot of people I usually covertly give it a little tug before she sees me so you’re probably right that nobody will ever see it.

I noticed in one of your pics, in a profile angle, there was a lot of girth on the top surface. Was that mostly just local swelling?

@Dickwhitman79 that’s really interesting. So you do feel that you were able to maintain an aesthetic shape even with a small amount left in? Once you got the reversing enzyme, do you feel there were any lasting negative effects? I know you said you are still larger, but, I guess my question is: is the notion correct that, I could get it done, hate it, reverse it and everything would go back to normal? Or should I expect some kind of lasting change in that scenario.

Have you shared pictures at those different stages in your journey?

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What is the catch with fillers? 3 months 2 weeks ago #1308719275

The profile view settled down completely, you wouldn't be able to tell and I had any work done just looking at it from the side.

Consider that trauma causes retraction, and what you're doing is traumatizing the penis. Now consider your traumatizing a penis that has 22 cc's of filler, plus edema, and it's trying to retract into itself. Go grab about 30 insulin syringes and bundle them together with rubber band.

Now something to bear in mind is what remains behind after the carrier absorbs is less than a third of that - I think I probably had just a little over four CC's of actual PMMA microspheres, from over 20 CC of injected product.

So you've got a ton of cellulose gel, and a ton of edema, that are not going to be there a few days or even weeks post procedure. Your shit is going to look like an absolute catastrophe right after, especially if you turtle like I do. My doctor did a brilliant job tapering towards the glans, but in the middle of all that swelling it's hard to see.

Looked like a small can of chipotle peppers with a little turtle heads ticking out, but it all settled in beautifully. Another reason you need to be in a good headspace before doing this, because you will see guys on the board who are freaking out only 2 or 3 days after talking about Removal. We end up talking them down and they end up fine. But they still freaked out unnecessarily because I guess they just didn't prepare themselves mentally, saw a mangled Dick, and they couldn't control their thoughts telling them that their Dick was going to look mangled like this forever.

Now there are some dudes who did have bad results, but as far as the injectors that are sponsors here, that tends to be the exception rather than the norm, and in my limited time here thus far I haven't seen any who have not gone back in for a correction and ended up with a good result

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What is the catch with fillers? 3 months 2 weeks ago #1308719276

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I’ve not had the procedure yet but wanted ti know if there is benefit to the quality of Erection or improvement in how long you can last? Perhaps that would be a reasonable trade off for having the risk of lumps/bumps?

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What is the catch with fillers? 3 months 2 weeks ago #1308719309

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Just wanted to add that for me, having had PMMA - it looks like a pig in a blanket when it's cold/showering. I also turtle when exercising. I have retraction issues. But when I'm hydrated, or drinking, or when it's hot outside, it hangs beautifully. So there's tradeoffs for sure.

As for @Billter question - seems like you're more interested in the procedure improving your sex game. In my opinion, other than having a girthier partner, and the fact that the PMMA filler settles firmly (as opposed to fat transfer or HA from what other's have shared about it being "squishy" when erect), sex lasts the same amount of time. You should continue lightly jelqing, pumping, and kegeling when it's safe to do so after the procedure.

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What is the catch with fillers? 3 months 2 weeks ago #1308719327

Billter wrote: I’ve not had the procedure yet but wanted ti know if there is benefit to the quality of Erection or improvement in how long you can last? Perhaps that would be a reasonable trade off for having the risk of lumps/bumps?

There is no benefit to Erection quality or how long you can last. The latter ("how long you can last") has had some occasional reports of either benefiting or digressing in this regard due to changes in sensitivity, but to such a minimal degree that it isn't worth concluding it has any concrete impact.

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What is the catch with fillers? 3 months 1 week ago #1308719373

“ It’s very important to me, that my penis maintains its aesthetic appeal. It’s just as important as the size in my opinion.”

From this alone my opinion is you should not get filler.

Some people get nice aesthetics result on round one, but from my reading and personal experience it takes several rounds to get ok/good aesthetics. Combined with the temporary HA route means you will never not need new filler. I’ll be going for round 5 soon to remedy some aesthetic issues (Round 2-4 were all for aesthetics) & I generally have what can be described as an ideal result after round 2 yet there is still more to be done.

If you change your priorities and choose size over aesthetics then you still have to unpack all of your other concerns:

- Such as the way the skin moves on top of filler. For me the skin and filler move together on top of shaft.
- In terms of retraction that is something I don’t experience at all anymore due to Hanging, pumping, Ellanse, and Cialis.

With your priorities I would say don’t do it. If you change your priorities then you still have a lot of questions to ask yourself & decisions to make on type of procedure.

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What is the catch with fillers? 3 months 1 week ago #1308719379

Thanks for throwing in with your take on it.

I’m so torn on the whole thing. I’m pretty sure I want it but I also don’t want to regret getting it.
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What is the catch with fillers? 3 months 1 week ago #1308719382

Unless you go to a shady injector, or you're one of those edge cases that genuinely gets butchered or reacts poorly, you get far enough past a procedure you'll forget what your old Dick looked like.

If you need perfection, don't do it. If you're going to obsess over it not having the perfect symmetry from before, don't do it. If you aren't, you'll likely end up happy with the result and saying to yourself "man, these guys have some ridiculous standards, it looks fine, I mean I notice X/Y/Z aren't perfect but they're turning minor imperfections into catastrophes!"

And if you're good with a 2nd or 3rd round of pure touch-up? Your chances of being bothered are that much less.
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