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Searched for: ellanse
26 Sep 2016 04:48

Johnson wrote: Dr. Oates - given everything you know - which is all in all the best choice - ellanse or Voluma? 

Ellanse does not have the reversibility advantage that HA\'s have. Ellanse is even more expensive. It may be that once each injector has sufficient experience (say 50 cases) that we train and allow them to do Ellanse as a premium procedure. we need more experience with it at the moment.

22 Sep 2016 16:45
Dr. Oates - given everything you know - which is all in all the best choice - ellanse or Voluma? 
22 Sep 2016 15:49

jogift wrote: Up till now there has not been any clear answer as to whether voluma or ellanse moves about in the penis. If both move then there will be little choice of one over the other. If one is better then the curiosity of the partner and embarrassment to myself could be avoided or reduced ...

Well I have posted several times it does not move around in the way people seem to be thinking. It gets bound into the tissue with bloodvessel/fibrous ingrowth. Same as the HA that is everywhere in you tissue - it is not sloshing about.

Ellanse should not have any movement  - it is a stimulatory filler (but temporary) like PMMA.

22 Sep 2016 11:32
Up till now there has not been any clear answer as to whether voluma or ellanse moves about in the penis. If both move then there will be little choice of one over the other. If one is better then the curiosity of the partner and embarrassment to myself could be avoided or reduced ...
29 Aug 2016 08:19

Restoration wrote: 15 mL ? Wow - isn\'t that like $8000 for the product alone? I think that\'s the USA price, though I\'m surprised it\'s so much cheaper in Australia.

The main question I guess is - does it stay where you want it to stay? The penis is just such a weird body part... from erect to flaccid - I can see it completely changing shape, whereas PMMA at least creates your own tissue (juvederm won\'t do this to my knowledge - radiesse does I think). Then again, I am still learning about the HA fillers. It\'s interesting.

It is not that expensive - that is our price to do The procedure. If we can work a deal with the company we will look to reduce it.

It does not move around - basically it should just feel normal. PMMA, Radiesse, Ellanse are all \'stimulatory\' fillers that is they stimulate collagen production. HA will produce some collagen but not as the main filling action.
28 Aug 2016 12:04
So Ellanse is a biostimulator meaning it will cause collagen to form. Ellanse lasts up to 4 years depending on the type. After those four years, you will have new collagen on the shaft making your penis thicker permanently. Question 1: Does anyone have any idea how this new penis tissue feels or looks? Why are we in the penis augmentation game? For me it is to be able to compete in the extreme sexual selection culture we live in. Meaning, I can\'t give A LOT less pleasure than my competitors. Penis size has a lot to do with that. But not just size. The important thing is really the feel of the penis. The bigger, the better feel. But firmness is just as important. Question 2: Has anyone had a temporary filler and could you be so kind to chime in on the feel of it? Would be really nice to know which filler is the firmest and would render the biggest pleasure for the sexpartner.
27 Aug 2016 01:19

Restoration wrote: Yeah, Dr. Oates, I agree. I think they mean \"it goes away\" really. Speaking of those two fillers, do you think you\'d get as good results with Radiesse in the penis as you have gotten with voluma? Is there any main reason you like one over the other?

I have never really used Radiesse - did not seem to have a great advantage

I thought that Radiesse would encourage more human cells to keep the CaHa in place, wheras voluma just sits wherever it wants & can move at will - but I suspect I am wrong about this.

Voluma does not move.

If you\'ve answered this elsewhere, sorry about that. My penis looks like a piece of beef jerky after all the procedures I have gone through after my round 3 pmma mess, so I sort of hope one day I can do something very minor and conservative (like HA or Radiesse) just to improve it a little from its current appearance. I did use radiesse in the past, after round 3, to camouflage nodules. It looked great, but the effects were gone quite fast (6 mos max, I think). I did not use very much. It was really more of an experiment.

Maybe Ellanse will help and last longer
22 Aug 2016 22:40
I said fuck it and scheduled pmma. I\'m confident enough in it now. I do have faith in ellanse but having to go back for years on end and constantly having a penis that is changing shape and uniformity is too much mental anguish. I\'d rather focus on a few rounds of pmma and be done with it.
22 Aug 2016 22:40
I just got Ellanse in Australia. It\'s firm and doesn\'t move at all..... very happy so far.....
22 Aug 2016 22:40
Any updates mike81? I\'m leaning toward ellanse too
22 Aug 2016 22:40

mike81 wrote: By the look of it, I\'m going to be the first patient for Dr. C to use ellanse.

Good on you for being the first. Your reporting will be very helpful to those members who are teetering between pmma and ha. Make sure to take before and after pictures & measurements...and good luck exploring this new terrain!
22 Aug 2016 22:40
By the look of it, I\'m going to be the first patient for Dr. C to use ellanse. I\'m going in January.

$4200 for 12cc

4 year version isn\'t avaliable in Mexico yet. I spoke with a sinclair rep (their parent co.) yesterday to try and get an ETA of when it would be avaliable. For now it looks like the 3 year is what I\'ve got to work with.

I had a great conversation with Wade. Like most say, once you speak with or meet them, you can tell they\'re pros. But as much as they are professional, they are breaking new ground. There is most definetly a make it up as you go aspect to this whole PE game. Even for them. Everybody is vastly different. No cookie-cutter directions that apply.

I plan on getting ellanse and letting pmma rack up some 10-15 year progress reports before I commit. I also think there\'s a good chance ellanse could provide some (albeit not a whole lot) permanent growth.
22 Aug 2016 22:40
I was also quoted Ellanse, 2 months back, I pressed them to give a straight answer whether they had injected it yet and the answer was no. Perhaps things have changed but I didn\'t want to be the first. Maybe all fillers are somewhat the same with injection technique, but I don\'t know.

Late reply to above from Destern 22: I also experienced the very slow customer service and this personally makes makes me nervous. Customer interaction is critical and I don\'t know why they do this but I perceive it as a lack of professionalism or they need more staff (same thing either way) I\'m also disappointed that Dr C just stopped replying back to members here right after opening a thread.

I\'m not trying to beat up on them and I\'m sure they are very nice people and good at injections from what I have read but I need good communication to feel comfortable to have this procedure done.

I wear a lot of hats in my job and take tech calls/emails as one of my many tasks . Some of them are a little ridiculous/OCD but you have to deal with it and figure out a way to get people answers without letting them bogging you down.
22 Aug 2016 22:40
So they are now offering ellanse again? Is it for the 4 years ellanse ?
22 Aug 2016 22:40
I just got a quote this afternoon for Ellanse from Dr C\'s office
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