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24 Jun 2011 03:24
My saga has finally begun and on it\'s own thread

Thanks for ALL the amazing advice and info from actual personal experiences. Dr C. even says they learn and refine techniques from our very discussions here.

Best of luck to all!

24 Jun 2011 03:24
Thanks biggerbob.

The kit from autoextender comes with anti-fluid tape. How does it work? Does it prevent the pumping affect on the head which I know is not good to do for too long? 3m makes many kinds of tape I believe. What type do you use?

How much weight do you hang with? This is what I plan on doing. I imagine to get the results I want I will gradually increase to heavier weights and I may be at this for a year before I go to Tijuana.

I also wonder if I\'ll be able to hang right after the injections for best results or if it would put too much restriction on the end of my penis below the head.

Please excuse my numerous questions but I know there are many much more experienced than I on here.

24 Jun 2011 03:24

I have a noose extender as well and experience the same glans discomfort. The discomfort worries me more than it is painful. I don\'t want to cause any damage. The last time I used it I saw red blotches on my head and haven\'t used it since.

@mqab - I also have a vacextender, I use it with my old Andros. I had stopped using the extender due to pain with the noose. The vac system is WAY more comfortable. I do use the 3M tape to prevent fluid build up though, I would recommend getting that. I also use the vac system to hang with.
24 Jun 2011 03:24
Thanks smartman. Your answers were helpful, especially for question 1. In reference to your answer to question 1, could you tell me how stationary the collagen feels? Does it move at all?

I have a noose extender as well and experience the same glans discomfort. The discomfort worries me more than it is painful. I don\'t want to cause any damage. The last time I used it I saw red blotches on my head and haven\'t used it since.

Has anyone here used a Vac extension system? I guess I\'ll just go ahead and order and provide feedback on it\'s comfort. I\'m going to get the weight system which can eventually be modified to attach to my current extender with the right part.

I\'m looking forward to added girth of the PMMA procedure but want to make sure I practice any steps I can to maximize the results before hand.

Thanks to everyone here for sharing their experiences. I will share mine eventually.

24 Jun 2011 03:24
Hi mqab and welcome,
I will agree with you 100% (first try if it is possible to have a gain in length before any girth enhancement without injuring yourself) .
I will try to answer your Q.\'s (N.B. it will be only in my opinion) :-

1. The new collagen will never be attached to the Corpus Cavernosum, IMO it will be between the superficial and deep fascia i.e. in the areolar tissues of the penis and I doubt it if it will be deeper than the deep fascia (injury of the dorsal nerve??) :-
Yes you can move your skin over top of the collagen , but you have to know always the following sessions will be on top of the old ones --> as you get more and more girth your new collagen will be more closer to your skin.
2- I did try it for 3-4 times , you can do it, but I realized what is the point of doing it I have EG around 6.75\". So you dont need it if the aim of it to have more girth unless for other reasons .
3- Of course you can use an extender, I have used a noose penile extender but only for a short period due to glans discomfort , I would like to try VacAds in the future.
4- Me too, my gf & I enjoy anal sex, actually that was one of the reasons why I thought about phalloplasty in the beginning.
It\'s true what you have said ((We all I\'m sure have seen girls in porn that can take just about anything, anywhere )).
I think your gf will enjoy it (sure not all of the girls would love it) if you approach her in a better way (I dont want to explain how to do that here (i.e. anal dilatation before sex)).
BTW I made a joke with my Gf about removing my PMMA and go back to my original girth she went mad and said if you do it, I will buy a dildo lol .
24 Jun 2011 03:24
Hello All,

My first post but have been reading for a few months. I\'ve basically decided on PMMA based on what I\'ve read here and before and after photos but want to do some serious stretching first. Any recommendations on stretching are welcome. I was considering the VacADS from

I have a few questions for those that have had the PMMA procedure done and I hope I\'m posting in the correct spot.

1. Does the collagen that grows weeks after the injection attach itself to the corpus cavernosum, the penile skin or is it attached at all? In other words, does your penile skin move over top of the collagen as if it is the corpus cavernosum?

2. Has anyone pumped after the PMMA procedure? What was your experience?

3. Has anyone stretched after the procedure? Not really focused on results of the stretching after but is it comfortable? If so, what did you use to stretch?

4. Finally, the least important question. I enjoy the occasional anal sex with my lady though she doesn\'t (that\'s why it\'s occasional). Usually she is in pain and sometimes I can\'t even get it in. I\'m only average girth of about 5 inches on a good day. We all I\'m sure have seen girls in porn that can take just about anything, anywhere. This has not been my experience with your average lady however. So my question is, has anyone tried anal sex with their post PMMA penis and what was the experience like for you and for her?

Thanks in advance for any input. Any additional advice is also very much welcomed.
24 Jun 2011 03:24
Come on guys, can\'t you tell that\'s just a coke can cooler tinted in flesh tones? Talk about a pig in a blanket... That\'s a joke photo and not a post surgical ad for your favorite soft drink. lol
24 Jun 2011 03:24
Just make sure your penis dont wound up looking like this guys.
24 Jun 2011 03:24
I hope your extender gets to you soon, I ordered mine ten days ago and it appears it will be delivered to an empty house, they don\'t process orders with even remotely acceptable speed.

Quote:Posted by Mustang2020
FYI: I specifically asked Wade about inserting a needle thru the PMMA and into the CC. He flat out told me there will be no problems. I asked him a few times about it just to be sure and he had the same answer for me, no problem. This caused me to book a session for July.

Go for it Mustang, I went in shaking from psychological stress not by anything medical or painful but because of what it was all about. They are probably the best on this planet and understand our plight, plus work their special magic to make things right. Dr C yesterday told me that the Erectile Dysfunction injections are no problem with PMMA enhancement, only that the tiny standard needles of the Caverjet type auto-injectors may not be long enough to penetrate the girth he sometimes adds through collagen buildup. So there isn\'t any medical counterindication related to PMMA migration but it might involved depending on the thickness of one\'s enhancement using a longer thin insulin needle with a small syringe to reach the proper location and not inject the QuadMix outside of the tunica...
24 Jun 2011 03:24
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jlmb wrote: I was thinking today, would wearing a ADS or extender during the weeks of collagen formation (2-4) after the PMMA procedure cause the collagen to form in that extended state creating a longer permanently stretched flaccid?

Not that i\'ve had the procedure done but I would think to get the proper results you would need to be stretched 24/7 for that it would be tough to do.
I think wrapping could have a better result. Maintains consistent pressure and shape around the PMMA and can prevent turtling. All things you\'re looking for.
24 Jun 2011 03:24
I was thinking today, would wearing a ADS or extender during the weeks of collagen formation (2-4) after the PMMA procedure cause the collagen to form in that extended state creating a longer permanently stretched flaccid?
24 Jun 2011 03:24
FYI: I specifically asked Wade about inserting a needle thru the PMMA and into the CC. He flat out told me there will be no problems. I asked him a few times about it just to be sure and he had the same answer for me, no problem. This caused me to book a session for July.
24 Jun 2011 03:24
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The average blood cell is ~15 micrometers. One blood cell does not cause a PE, CVA, or MI. Rather it requires a large collection of said blood cells to cause these life-threatening health conditions.
I am not worried about the migration of one or two or even twenty PMMA beads into the blood stream as by themselves they pose no real threat. My concern is how are they handled by the immune system. If these beads are engulfed and phagocytized then really absolutely no issue exists. But if they cannot be broken down and significant collection of cells attack the bead and form a type if clot, problems could obviously arise.
Really PMMA appears safe when used in minimal amounts. The amount used for penis enhancement is quite small compared to its use other places.
24 Jun 2011 03:24
FYI when I went in for my first appointment with Dr. C I had somewhat of the same discussion with Wade about permanence.

He did say that collagen in other parts of the body seem to decrease with age. But he said it seems more resiliant in the penis. As in generally the penis doesn\'t age like the rest of our body does.

Just a little tid-bit. I know you have to put it in perspective though because this is coming from the Dr. \'s clinic... bias etc.

24 Jun 2011 03:24
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