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TOPIC: PMMA injection for Glans enhancement can be done

PMMA injection for Glans enhancement can be done 13 years 1 month ago #1277634042

Hi Smartman,

This isn\'t quite the good news I and others here had hoped for! At least there is some progress in glans enhancement research and applications. Two things irk me about Lipen-D:

- cost: roughly $4000 to $5000 for 4 tiny shots in the glans during a brief outpatient procedure. This product is outrageously priced, even if the research, patenting and clinic time is included. One milliliter is a very small quantity. He also is quoting the amount of product meant to enhance a Korean, when it is rather well known that in the ethnic distribution of penis size, they are at the lower end of the spectrum. We can assume that we might need between 10 and 15 milliliters, which could make the cost skyrocket. That is a heavy budget for a small portion of our anatomy, especially as this isn\'t a one time only procedure?

- permanence: it only lasts 2 years? So this is just another resorbable filler which at least works without flowering or adverse reactions? That is a long way from a permanent solution such as PMMA. I hope that one day they shall find a way to permanently enhance this part of our anatomy. There must be some material which can be used similarly without serious health or aesthetic risks. BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD...

I had understood that they had come up with a breakthrough, but the PMMA breakthrough for shaft girth enhancement may have led to excessive expectations among us. Actually, clinical dextran isn\'t as expensive as one might think. Non clinical is rather cheap when compared to the prices charged, plus the clinical cannot correspond really to what is billed when you consider that it is supplied in quantities from 100 grams per unit and as high as 50 kilograms of powder in a single package (as large as a cement bag). Let\'s hope such high pricing at the only clinic in the world offering this procedure doesn\'t lead the daredevils among us to inject themselves !

Dextran is a branched glucan composed of linear ?(1?6) linked glucose units and ? (1?3) link initiated branches. Dextran ranges in size from 10,000 to 150,000 Kd. Dextrans are used in many applications as volume extenders, stabilizers, matrix components, binding platforms, lubricants and physical structure components.

SOURCE: Sigma Aldrich Dextran from Leuconostoc

I really hope they also propose Lipen-P which makes the procedure and travel around the planet cost-effective if not done every 2 years... Keep us posted when you hear back, and many thanks for saving us all the footwork to find this out for ourselves!


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PMMA injection for Glans enhancement can be done 13 years 1 month ago #1277638442

I agree HC, that was disappointing news to all of us . Lets hope that they find something better in the near future.

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PMMA injection for Glans enhancement can be done 13 years 1 month ago #1277640680

We started clinical trials of Glans enhancement using Lipen D to get approval from Korea FDA. It is go along under management of KFDA.
I think non-biodegradable PMMA materials is not suitable on glans enhancement even if there is previous successful experiences.
Since the target area of injection is connected right with Corpus Spongiosum without anatomical septum , I suggest it will not necessarily be safe even though the particle size of PMMA 100 micon.*And cross linked Dextran could be long-lasted in the human body, it remains stable within the collagen tissue capsule at any cost, and if there is no tissue capsule, it biodegrades. I have many successful experiences about it.

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PMMA injection for Glans enhancement can be done 13 years 1 month ago #1277640839

Dear Doctor Kangseon Cho,

Many thanks for your kind participation in our discussion - we are truly honored by the presence among us of so eminent a physician and researcher.

We can well understand that when designing a new medical procedure, patient safety is paramount, especially when the applications are more cosmetic than for the treatment of heavy pathologies. Therefore your caution when exploring potential fillers is very understandable.

With respect to the preoccupations of patients seeking Phalloplasty, they may be perceived as only wishing for a resolution to psychological concerns about their intimate anatomy. However, you are well aware that self image and public image involving genital size, proportions and aesthetics are all factors of achieving the most important intimate communion, and are therefore part of healthy socialization leading to founding a family.

For these reasons, many prospective patients for glans enhancement are hoping for a lasting treatment which may resolve disgraceful proportions due to genetics or to prior Phalloplasty. It is not so much an act of vanity as it is one of psychosocial healing. For this reason you bring an important contribution to mankind far beyond that of simple cosmetic surgery.

It is true that for wealthy patients living in East Asia, using Dextran may bring a valid long term solution granted that they return to your clinic as often as needed for \"refills\". This is made rational by your pricing which is entirely based on the units of product injected, making frequent top-ups a recommended way of ensuring that one\'s enhancement remains relatively constant, rather than fluctuating in volume from full to empty.

For less affluent patients from distant regions many thousands of miles away, it would be economically prohibitive to travel at regular intervals to South Korea for follow-up injections, given that the expenditures involved would be far greater. Unless there is a network of Phalloplasty surgeons or cosmetic surgeons able and willing to offer your technique on each Continent, it appears to have been designed as a region-specific procedure.

For these reasons, you can understand that some of us still place hope in the results of your current clinical trials with Lipen D for glans enhancement, as this would possibly induce permanent collagen growth inside the glans, leading to a more lasting volume increase.

Thank you for your patience with my absence of medical competence and candid communication of our hopes for a more permanent medical breakthrough in glans volume enhancement.

Most respectfully,

H. Chunk

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PMMA injection for Glans enhancement can be done 13 years 1 month ago #1277644142

Thank you very much Dr.Cho for accepting my invitation to join our Forum that was very kind of you .

You have also mentioned to me :-

- From your experience of glans enlargement, degree and duration of efficacy was similar between Lipen P and D.
In the case of P, glans becomes more solid, causing a bit of lack of natural feeling. But shape is natural.

- The effect of glans enlargement by Lipen P & D may decrease gradually and slightly over time , but expected to last for a long time.

- And \' the unpleasant irregular or rounded or flowered-like shape\' of Glans could be improved markedly after injection of Lipen P&D.

- The size of PMMA used in Lipen product is about 100 micron.

- You have two kinds of Lipen P. One in PMMA (15%), the other is PMMA (10%)

- You suggest D is a more suitable and appropriate in the glans enlargement.

- The results shown in nasolabial wrinkles clinical tests and animal tissue tests,
the degree and duration of efficacy of the P and D seem to have no big differences.

- However, in terms of safety, D seems to be much safer.

- Since the glans tissue is connected with Corpus Spongiosum without any partition , I suggest it will not necessarily be safe
even though the particle size of PMMA 100 micron.

- When Dextran is long-lasted in the human body, it remains stable within the collagen tissue capsule at any cost, and if there is no tissue capsule, it biodegrades in 1-2 years.

Thank you for your profound interest in Lipen.

If you don\'t mind Dr.Cho I have asked our moderator SO to post the pictures before and after you have sent me .

Can you please, send us the address and the phone no. of your clinic in Korea ?

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PMMA injection for Glans enhancement can be done 13 years 1 month ago #1277691677

Hi Smartman,

I\'d be very interested to learn what aesthetic differences one can achieve with such a procedure. I know that some techniques only enlarge the outer rim while others tend to be more balanced in their results. What I am especially interested in also, given that this intervention is said to deliver proportional volume increases, is how large it can become from a given starting point. Assuming all parties remain rational about it, of course. So I look forward to seeing those pictures.

PS. You\'ll soon be joining me in the 500 club

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PMMA injection for Glans enhancement can be done 13 years 1 month ago #1277704550

Here some pictures that Smartman wanted to show us:

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PMMA injection for Glans enhancement can be done 13 years 1 month ago #1277704760

Great results in those I guess now it needs a pioneer from the forum haha..

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PMMA injection for Glans enhancement can be done 13 years 1 month ago #1278975221

Hi Michael,

From what I understand, it isn\'t exactly PMMA that might be used for the glans but another compound without PMMA developed in South Korea. This must be of course confirmed, but from what I gathered about Dr Cho\'s procedure in Seoul, it is a form of Lippen without PMMA which is used for the glans (Lippen \"D\" for Dextran).

Once Dr C has returned from his travels and taken in the know-how from his colleague, we may learn more. I am certain all this will be transparent and quite clear prior to anyone being offered this procedure at Dr C\'s clinic. It is a promising procedure, especially for those with small glans and prone to serious retraction inside a PMMA enhanced shaft. For others, it is merely an aesthetic consideration which may help sculpt them the ideal unit...

Hunk Chunk

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