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Searched for: PMMA
24 Jun 2011 03:24
So is the pmma above the penile shaft but below the penile skin? Not adhered to the penile shaft of course, yes?

24 Jun 2011 03:24
Attached is an illustration of how PMMA is injected into the penis which may help those contemplating this procedure to have a better understanding of this method. I apologize for it being in Portuguese. Just for the record, I am NOT posting this to be comical as one person thought I was doing in a previous posting of mine which resulted in inflammatory remarks and threats made to me and then my banishment from this forum for almost 2 weeks for defending myself.
@New1inch:Where did you find the picture you posted in reply #152 and did you receive any inflammatory/insulting remarks for posting this picture?
24 Jun 2011 03:24
Yeah, about ready to get PMMA surgery myself! Real excited. I\'m also planning on several sessions. Right now my EG is 4.5\", EL is 5\" and I would be content with EG of 5.5\". I\'m going to ask for Artefill, despite the difference in price, assuming the doctor can just as easily work his magic with it as he does with the NewPlastic (i.e. the consistancy and behavior of the product is similar to what he has the most experience with). My understanding is that I have to get tested for an Artefill allergic reaction. I\'ve scheduled a consultation with a surgeon in my area, but I\'m not sure how he\'s gonna react if I ask to be injected with Artefill for this purpose.
24 Jun 2011 03:24
I\'m aiming to be another. Will be sure to emphasize low volume so things hopefully turn out OK in appearance. I intend to do 2-3 sessions.

Post PMMA people- do you think having PMMA done will make attempts at gaining length afterwards through stretching/extension/other manual PE trickier or is it completely irrelevant?

24 Jun 2011 03:24

Capital from the old board is the only example I can think of... his situation was slightly different because he was flying in to TJ from somewhere in Europe, he got 12cc of PMMA done one day, thought that there wasn\'t enough of a difference and got another 10cc or so the next day and (in my opinion) this caused some problems for him healing wise. Please don\'t let me put any words in his mouth, I can\'t speak for him.

Here was his blog with pics:
Here is his old thread on the old forum:

He recovered fairly well in his first 18 days IMO, I haven\'t heard much from him since though.

24 Jun 2011 03:24
If this has been asked before, I apologize in advance:

Would PMMA work and look as good (or even better) on an uncut penis? I mean, you can clearly see on where the PMMA mark ends on most penines after procedure(s). How would it work and look if you\'re uncut?

Pictures of post procedure on uncut penis is very much welcomed!

24 Jun 2011 03:24
S.O. I truly understand the sensitive nature of this board and you all have my full respect for your willingness to openly share your stories here. Seeing as how I'm a female I don't think I will have anything to contribute, but I hope that my hubby will decide to contribute at some point. After he gets home of course. Either way I will update the board of his stats as we go. PMMA is a 'when' and not an 'if' for us. I say us because this is not a journey he takes alone. We have dealt with the pain together and we will enjoy the 'enhancements' together. As far as being proportionate I know 7 in girth would be way over done based on his current length of 4.5. Today he said that if he is finally going to do something about his issues, he wants the lengthening done also. I'm so leery about the lengthening' I don't want anything that could let him down. The PMMA will surely get him at least closer to what he wants. The lengthening could more easily go wrong and I know he couldn't accept ending up with less. The best I can do for him is to really do my research and make sure that he knows the pros and cons of both procedures. Most importantly I need to support his decision. On the issue of kegels' I have made off and on attempts, but never fully commit to it. Maybe a difference between men and women or it might just be me. I have never talked to other women about if they really do them or how often.
24 Jun 2011 03:24
Welcome to P.B.!

First and foremost, I\'m honored & pleased to learn we could very well have our first female member (I have other members who post as \"couples,\" but none as purely the wife/female counterpart).
Secondly, this site dives into the depths of male insecurity (regarding size) and having a female member here has its pros & cons. I\'ve never had to Moderate with a female among us, so I will be just as new to this terrain as you are lol. I kindly ask you keep this site\'s whereabouts and content as personal to you as you do your own man\'s manhood. The importance of this forum can\'t be overstated. And be prepared for a lot of candid talk...for the sake of a good cause (improving sex life).
Let me chime in on the matter of your husband and his desire for girth. First off, an increase of even only 0.25\" will be noticed by you (I\'m sure of this). So a full inch (which would put him at a comfortably above average 5.5\" erect girth) will be a game-changer. I\'d recommend against 7\" since unless he can increase his length, it will create a very disproportionate penis. I\'m not even sure if Dr. Casavantes would go through with a penis that would inevitably be 4.5\" x 7\". I believe 5.5\" is more than sufficient, and he\'ll begin to believe this when you two enjoy his new \"toy\"... assuming (of course) that he goes through with PMMA for girth.
I agree with Yardstick, I believe Wade may have typo\'d and meant to refer to New Plastic... they get tons of inquiries daily and it wouldn\'t be surprising there was a slip here or there. Artefill (and all previous generations) will require testing.
You mentioned having kids... and while this forum isn\'t vaginal-based, may I suggest looking into into kegel exercises? There are techniques women can use to help improve tightness, something you could probably google and look into. I figure if you both make the mutual effort, you will both benefit greatly. Pursuing a better sex life will inevitably end up in a better sex life... many here can attest to that!

24 Jun 2011 03:24
*blushing* You all are open with your personal info, so I will to be also.

That is a hard question to answer... Over the years he has tried to compensate by adding toys to our sex life, which I really just don\'t care for. (With the exception of my bullet.) I made the effort for him but now we are on the same page. He knows I would much rather have him as he is than a toy no matter how realistic it claims to be. So other than an occasional add on with oral pleasures he has stoppend asking to use them. I need more than penetration I need warmth and closeness that goes along with being with a person; an object just doesn\'t give me what I need. The toy that gets used on an occasion measures L 7 G 5.5 and the size feels good along side oral. He is a guy and of course he thinks bigger is better and would like to be at 7 for girth. He said more length would be nice too but he will be happy to just have the girth. I can assume that whatever size he can reach within 2 rounds with Dr. C will be more than fine with me....
him? I\'m sure he will want more. I gave birth to our 2 children 8lb 6oz and 8lb 14oz the youngest is 7. So, sadly I know I am not as tight as I once was.

I don\'t want for him to set the bar to high and become disapointed if he never reaches the 7\" in girth he dreams of. 4.5 EG to 7 may be out of his reach (Dr.\'s discretion). I love him and just want him to be confident with himself. To me he will always be perfect no matter what.

Please someone tell me I am not the only women on here.....
24 Jun 2011 03:24

newman wrote: ' He has a very poor self image of his man parts; he tells me all the time how every guy he has ever caught a glimpse of in person is bigger than him. I think that his view of himself is what causes the performance issues that come and go. ' bothers him most and that is his size and the feeling that if he were larger than we would have a deeper and more connected sex life and he would be able to pleasure me the way he really wants to. I will acknowledge that I do feel the pain of a less than perfect sex life ' BTW his measurements are EL 4.5 EG 4.5'

I guess the key question is what increase in his size would it take to satisfy you??
24 Jun 2011 03:24
I sent an email about the confusion and Wade emailed me back to correct that New Plastic is what they use.

Mustang, I sent him the link but due to the poor connection and limited time he isn\'t able to access and read as well as I can. I do send him messages which include the most beneficial information.

I printed the Consultation paper for him and it's going out with a package for him this weekend. I'm not sure if I should throw a ruler in with it or not. He could take pictures with his iPod and email them but the form says it's optional. I hope email communication will work for the consult because although he does have Skype and a VOIP phone, the connection is very poor and drops are regular.

He has 5 more months minimum before he can come home. Mexico might very well be in our future.

Of course in the mean time I will be spending alot of time here. This place is really wealth of knowledge. Thanks to all for the stories and information shared here.

24 Jun 2011 03:24
You came to one of the best if not THE best forums on the internet about PE in general and PMMA specifically.

If you read thru the threads, you will find that a lot of us have had PMMA done using Dr. Casavantes and nurse Wade. As you know they are based in Mexico and they use New plastic as a filler to increase penis girth. It will not increase penis length.

If you can call Dr. C\'s office you may get better info about this product which is by the way NOT FDA approved in the US. But, many people have used it including myself and so far there has been no major complications. Of course it is a fairly new procedure so there are no long term studies about it.

Go ahead and read about it and about our experiences with PMMA and see what works for your husband and for you.

Of course there are other methods to increase girth, like FFT, Alloderm and Belladerm. But so far, PMMA has proven to be most effective and with little to no risk.

Have your hubby read this forum too...Good luck and God bless him. (My very young son and his mom are overseas at a US army base too)

24 Jun 2011 03:24
You came to one of the best if not THE best forums on the internet about PE in general and PMMA specifically.

If you read thru the threads, you will find that a lot of us have had PMMA done using Dr. Casavantes and nurse Wade. As you know they are based in Mexico and they use New plastic as a filler to increase penis girth. It will not increase penis length.

If you can call Dr. C\'s office you may get better info about this product which is by the way NOT FDA approved in the US. But, many people have used it including myself and so far there has been no major complications. Of course it is a fairly new procedure so there are no long term studies about it.

Go ahead and read about it and about our experiences with PMMA and see what works for your husband and for you.

Of course there are other methods to increase girth, like FFT, Alloderm and Belladerm. But so far, PMMA has proven to be most effective and with little to no risk.

Have your hubby read this forum too...Good luck and God bless him. (My very young son and his mom are in overseas at a US army base too)

24 Jun 2011 03:24
i could be wrong but i think wade mispoke while typing and he meant to say they do NOT use Artecoll. Thats where the confusion is coming from. They use NewPlastic which is water based not biovin based...
24 Jun 2011 03:24
I don\'t know if I am posting in the right place or not. But, here goes... I may be out of place here on this forum; I am here doing the research and leg work for my husband who is 1 not great at putting word to screen and 2 in Afghanistan at the moment. We have been together for 15 years now and have had many ups and down with our sexual relationship. He has a very poor self image of his man parts; he tells me all the time how every guy he has ever caught a glimpse of in person is bigger than him. I think that his view of himself is what causes the performance issues that come and go. In his late teens we went to see an urologist who took two minutes to say there is nothing wrong and that was that. He was so upset and said he wouldn\'t go back any DR for another opinion. We looked at current options a few years back and they all just seemed too risky, costly, and temporary to even attempt. Even with him so far away he always leads our talks right back to what bothers him most and that is his size and the feeling that if he were larger than we would have a deeper and more connected sex life and he would be able to pleasure me the way he really wants to. I will acknowledge that I do feel the pain of a less than perfect sex life but I can over look that issue as we are perfect together in every other way. The part that bothers me the most is knowing how everyday he feels pain, anger, depression, and a lack of self worth. After our talk night before last I began searching again to see if there is anything out there that can give him what he is so desperately seeking. That's when I found this forum and PMMA. This forum is huge and I am getting tons of information. I know I still have tons more exploring to do on here and PMMA but I did send Dr. C an email and the reply from Wade didn\'t ease my mind but make me really confused. I only asked the few question my husband told me to ask but did request more information.One of the questions was if there are any prior test. And Wade's initial reply didn't make coincide with what I had been reading of them on the forum. Here is his quote 'There is no testing prior to the procedure since we are using Articoll. This product contains bovine collagen.' Can anyone help me to understand this since I can only find info for Artecoll not Articoll and based on my reading Bovine collagen does require an allergy test. I replied and then was sent a pdf fact sheet which goes into detail about water based compounds and specifically listed the products used as New Plastic and MetiCrill both of which it states to be water based and no mention of any product by the name'Articoll' I know that some of the members on the forum have used Dr. C with good results and that is why I was actually excited, I thought that I had found what my hubby wanted and was a much safer, cost efficient, and more permanent. Now after this email and product confusion I am not so sure. I am in the process of writing another reply but wanted to get the opinions of this forums members as you have all I sure become far more educated with the products and process' involved with enhancement. BTW his measurements are EL 4.5 EG 4.5 Thanks for any help and I hope that I am not an intrusion to you space.
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