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Searched for: PMMA
24 Jun 2011 03:24
I am so confused now, I thought it built up collagen? but it doesn\'t last? and it seems like it doesn\'t migrate much, so where the hell does it go? would it dissipate evenly or are these guys gonna look like Swiss cheese in a few years?
24 Jun 2011 03:24

smartman wrote: @EQ,
Lets say the migration of these small beads is true :-
So from these points ( it is like human experiments and not animal experiments ) wouldn\'t be enough to show at least one ill-patient???
EQ I am only trying to get the truth as all of us from the whole thing, Dr. Cohen will make it easier for us if he can show us at least one patient , could you help us to get this information from him or from other doctors , I have tried but he unfortunately didn\'t answer my Q. (i.e. our Q.) .

@smartman - Replied in a new thread so as not to clutter this thread with negative info.

24 Jun 2011 03:24
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Just a thought but if a collagen matrix is formed around these beads, the collagen should provide indefinite framework with no real timeframe for degradation.
Regardless of the permanence, PMMA appears to be a reasonable long term solution to penis girth enhancement. Even if a touch up was required ten years down the road, it would be worth it. The bigger concern would be if a touchup is required, will a physician be available to perform this touch up?
24 Jun 2011 03:24
A lot of Youtube clips discussing Artefill show some so-called expert suggest it lasts \"longer\" than temporary fillers (instead of using the term permanent). Some videos have quoted 3-5 years, others have said 10 years, one even said \"10 years or longer.\" Seems like the experts need to get this stuff clarified.
Another question for the doc.
24 Jun 2011 03:24
Thanks for the warm welcome. I had read the old thread over the last few weeks which helped me ask the right questions from the Doc. My wife said she will participate in that other forum. When she signs up I\'ll post here her \'nick\' so any who want to follow or comment can.
24 Jun 2011 03:24

So please watch this video at the end he says the results of artefill will only last 5 years... granted he is talking about use for wrinkles and it is not new plastic, but how does that relate to new plastic injections for the penis? are results not permanent? I am very confused by this. I also saw another video saying it only last 3 years.
24 Jun 2011 03:24
When looking up PMMA on wiki, i found this statement, whether its true or not at least during a nuclear holocaust it seems like you\'ll never have to worry about loosing your shlong

PMMA is used as a shield to stop beta radiation emitted from radioisotopes.I checked out, in that reference site they have numerous articles on the application use of PMMA from commercial industry to medical/dental uses. Sadly you don\'t get alot out of reading an abstract \"/
24 Jun 2011 03:24
Hey guys,
I found a link to a special issue of Dermatologic Surgery (2009) on the management of complications arising from fillers. The issue includes an article by Cassuto (the guy who can apparently remove PMMA), as well as other references that look good. Problem is - I can\'t access the full article. Does anyone subscribe to a service that will let them see the full thing?

Based on the Google search I did for \"Daniel Cassuto pmma\", I think the article that discusses his technique in this issue is: \"Recommendations and Treatment Options for Nodules and Other Filler Complications\". He himself has a separate article in that issue.

24 Jun 2011 03:24
Welcome aboard! August 18th isn\'t too far and we look forward to your progress report! As for seeing pictures, usually their not visible until you\'ve completed the registration process (which requires you clicking on a link found in your email, check your spam folder if you don\'t see it in your main inbox). If you continue to have problems with photos, please let me know.
This PE discussion and community here is definitely the best!
Good luck!
24 Jun 2011 03:24
@ PMMAallTHEway
Hi and welcome to the gang. You might ask your wife to join in on the other thread surveying what women think of size, this is a hotly debated topic and most of us are seeking to better target what is useful to obtain without necessarily going too far on the outside...
24 Jun 2011 03:24
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Hi PMMAalltheway,
Welcome to the forum and good luck with your procedure. Feel free to start a progress log of your own to document your experiences. Also, as I am sure you\'ve done, make sure to really read through the PMMA thread both here and at the old site ( and ask as many questions, both of the community and the doctor, so you have a clear understanding of the risks involved. Welcome again!
24 Jun 2011 03:24 it took me a month finally read through all the threads on this post but wow it was worth it. I am set for Dr C. August 18th at 12:30pm. I will document with lots of pics of course. I am so very excited but nervous as well. Never did get to see any pics from this site (doing something wrong I\'m sure) but saw gsxr\'s on Make me heal. My wife wasn\'t on board at first but does feel bad I hardly get to finish during sex as I am too thin and once she becomes...lubricated it\'s all over for me feeling Anything. We have an open marriage and she does enjoy the comforts of larger, thicker men. I\'ll never have more than my 6\" length but I surely want my 4.5\" girth to thrive. Sounds like won\'t be a problem at all with PMMA. I was 5.25\" long but after a year of the ol stretching and hanging I made 6\". Became too busy and undisciplined to go more but after my first PMMA session I likely will pursue more length but that\'s another topic. I\'m just glad to be a part of this community. Skeptical One and everyone else\'s posts are some of the most intelligent reads of any forum I\'ve seen and I\'ve been looking for 17 yrs now. I\'m 38yo btw. You\'ve convinced not only me but my wife that this may be the best option. You\'ve laid out all or most of the risks and I\'ve had great back and forth info from the Dr and his ppl.

Guess that enough back story for now. Thanks for a great place to share and learn. Fingers crossed!
24 Jun 2011 03:24
For those who are patiently waiting for the new plastic report, I have no t fell asleep at the wheel! I have been inundating wade with phone calls and I recived this yesterday;

\"Dr. Casavantes is still gathering your requested information. I should have something for you by tomorrow. Today has been booked solid.\"

So he is working on it, and as soon as I receive it I will share it with the forum.
24 Jun 2011 03:24
Thanks EP and Mustang for the solid advice (as usual)'.I still haven't completely committed yet but I've been inspired by the success stories'
to all of you PMMA pioneers paving the way'.My hat's truly off to you...
Regarding the ghost'If I had an over 7 inch girth, I believe that would officially protect me from anything a spirit might throw at me'And who knows? If it's a hot female spirit, I might be able to entice her to bangJ
24 Jun 2011 03:24
I don\'t know man....if he gets scared of the ghost...there will be shrinkage!!!!! and you do not want shrinkage after PMMA
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