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Searched for: PMMA
18 Jul 2024 22:22
Hell yeah bro, congrats on the super stellar results. You are still in the collagen phase, so just a slight warning to not over do it with the PE. I know it's more cautious when it comes to pumping, but extensive stretching might also cause some issues. I would double check Ian from AD on your routine (I know he's got tons of experience on this).
18 Jul 2024 20:15
Day 22

Sitting at 6” MEG, 6.5” down lower towards the base, and just under 7” at the base of the fat pad. That’s +1” for MEG (was 5” MEG), and was 5.3 or so at the base before. I feel like I got some monster results. Very curious if any veterans of PMMA think that these results may hold after holding consistently from Day 5 through Day 22.

One of the best perks is still the increase in sensitivity. I had done so much PE (vac extending, clamping, and pumping) over the years that I didn’t realize how overly loose I had made my skin on my shaft. This really helped me take the 24cc’s I think, but has increase my penile sensitivity by what feels like double. I used to last in bed not just all night, but got to the point I I would on rate occasion have trouble ejaculating because of lack of sensitivity. I thought it was because I was a beast of stamina in bed. Nope. I had too much shaft skin.

Well this +1” to +1.7” increase has stretched the skin really tight. My wife gave me a very gentle handjob in the shower recently and I was making sounds I didn’t know I could make. It felt involuntary. Thought I was going to injure her ass cheek from gripping it so tightly. This benefit alone was worth the cost.

Going back for Round 2 first week of December. Have full permission from the wife to go for 7-7.25” of girth after confirming it with toys. I don’t need deepthroat. Just mouth on the glans and two hands on the shaft is my favorite regardless. I am so fucking pumped!

I also am getting loose skin surgery early next years after losing 125 pounds, but still have 50 pounds to go til then.

Doing Round 2 PMMA with AD in December, then major 360 Tummy Tuck w/ fleur de lis and mons lift in probably March of next year followed by a final Round 3 PMMA in summer of next year. Have an extending goal to go from 7.6" BPEL to 8.1" BPEL by summer of next year; I think its very doable. So excited to see myself a year from now!
18 Jul 2024 19:29
I mean overall it looks great. I'd do exactly what you just said. Wait a little and then contact who did it. There should be aesthetic options for smoothing. I mean rejuvall uses PMMA and HA in tandum together. I've had a bunch of HA in addition to PMMA. Not encouraging anything but hey seem to play nice together usually.
18 Jul 2024 18:43
Have been brushing up on anatomy... While many discussions document which fascia are the ones being interacted with during the procedure, I wanted to know where those fascia went as the tissue transitioned away from the penis...

Found these two images helpful

The right side highlights the volume accessible (if I'm reading it correctly) by this the typical PMMA/HA/PCL filler

This is just another view, but under normal circumstances (i.e. not filled with urine)
18 Jul 2024 16:07
Pics probably would help.

Is it all Bellafill or Linnea Safe or what products?

The more you get of any product, the more likely it is to have mild issues.. Especially with PMMA. To gain 2"-3" in girth means a lot of product. Things gradually seem less and less natural or you may develop irregularities. I'm also a high volume patient who's in the 2"-3" larger than baseline category and went into it fully expecting that, so maybe that's why I'm actually happy with it (although I will admit I likely am also just lucky and respond well and had maybe a more ideal canvas to work with than some others).

It's going to boil down to just 'how' unhappy you are. Can you live with it as is? Can you live with the unknown results after surgical removal? Can you live with that size or slightly larger and having some mild touch ups, even with a temporary product to improve irregularities?

There are options. Don't beat yourself up. It likely looks better to others than it does to you.
18 Jul 2024 14:44
Hi, I've been on before and just created a new acct since I have some updates/questions. The forums had been helpful but I just wasn't on much so deleted my old acct.
I'm not looking for opinions/judgments about various products. I'm already aware of most people's biases for/against them so I'd like to stick with solutions. I have no issue with the doc at all. I seem to fall into that small category of people who may not react well to some of the products.

I have had several procedures and went from about 5" around to 7-8" depending on hydration, excitement, etc. The last/final procedure was PMMA in February and gained about an inch. For the first couple of months, it looked/felt awesome. very smooth. Then suddenly, lots of nodules, large and small, began to develop. I'm massaging them at least once a day and some have disappeared while others stubbornly remain.

I'm considering whether I should have it removed/dissolved and either leave it alone or start over.

does anyone have experience with this, pics of what it looks like if you dissolve/remove it all and do nothing? I was told I'd have alot of loose skin and go back to about my previous size.

18 Jul 2024 00:23
I'm considering a similar journey so congrats on your results so far! My main issue is getting circumcised for it, and this is the only thing that's really putting me off. Can I ask;

1. How long you took to let the circumcision heal before the PMMA?
2. What type of cut was it?
3. Did you lose length post cut and if so, did you have to hang to regain and how long did that take?
4. Do you have any regrets about losing the foreskin, does sex feel better/worse?
4. You mentioned you'd done PE for 3 years - can I ask what your starting measurements were and what led to your gains (if any)?

Thanks a lot!
17 Jul 2024 00:04
Also day 12 update
FG - 5.25
EG - 5.5

Re: thick skin
I should mention that while the skin feels thicker, the shaft underneath also seems thicker. It's just that the perceived thickness of the skin is higher near the tip

Attached example of how skin moves around while gripping
17 Jul 2024 00:00
BPEL was 6.5" before, have measured ~6" currently, but not getting a good BP since still a little tender around there
16 Jul 2024 22:03
16 Jul 2024 15:14
1. I saw the entry points after each pmma procedure
2. I saw them healing up over days
3. I saw that these entry points now look like this, these spots are on the same places

So it's no mystery

In my third post in this thread (the 2nd one with attached pictures, here: ) i have picture of Day 3 of procedure right next to picture from now, and you see all the red entry points are now these 'entry point nodules'

How do other people's entry point nodules look? Anyone got any picture besides me?
16 Jul 2024 03:15
15 Jul 2024 23:13
Hey guys,
I've got two rounds of PMMA in me from Avanti Derma and am now considering my third round with Rupeka. Main reason is because I'd like to get the underside of my shaft filled and I've heard he does that. I spoke with the staff at Rupeka's office today and they said the procedure would not require me to stay multiple days like I would for Avanti.

For you guys that have gone through Rupeka for Bellafill, how has your experience been? What can I expect for aftercare? I know Avanti wont inject the underside for safety reasons so that has me concerned why Rupeka will do it. Would appreciate any insight.

Another thing is pricing. With Rupeka it sounds like 15 syringes will run you $8000.. where as with Avanti I could get more or less the same amount of CC's for $4200. Is there a reason for such a high price difference?

15 Jul 2024 02:13
Hey Everyone,

5 years ago I made a post stating it was time for me to commit. I didn’t. Wasn’t ready. Since then I’ve continued to follow the journey of others on this fantastic site, learning and waiting for the right time for me. Well, that time came 2 days ago. Before going into the details of my experience, I want to provide some updated info about me. I’m now in my late 50’s, still married to my wonderful wife, now have 4 grandkids, changed jobs twice, and have dropped 25 pounds. I’ve also spent a lot of time working on becoming less of a grower trying to eliminate my biggest concern about having girth enhancement, poor aesthetics due to severe retraction. Between those efforts and my weight loss, I’ve been successful. My beginning stats are:

NBPFL: 3.00
FG: 3.50
NBPEL: 5.25
BPEL: 6.00
MSEG: 4.50
BEG: 4.75

After much research on this site and taking the advice that Skeptical_One, Texas, and others have given to so many posters, I chose HA over PMMA. The ability to dissolve the HA if needed was my deciding factor for now. My next decision was choosing a provider. Again, I leaned on the experiences of everyone here. I did my due diligence and interviewed several providers near me, including one who I found out was using Silicone. I was mainly talking to other providers to find out their experience and approach including filler used, injection technique, post-op protocol, and of course, price. Let’s just say, the providers who are either sponsors or are recommended here are the only ones I would trust ( my opinion). Ultimately, I chose Phallofill.

The Dallas Phallofill team is top-notch. Everyone there has been fantastic, answering all my questions and providing all the information I needed. I had my first treatment of HA 2 days ago. A total of 5 units was injected. Beau was absolutely awesome. His demeanor and the way he explained everything that was going to be done really helped me to relax. The only painful point was the 1st lidocaine injection. Until you have someone stick a needle in your dick you just don’t know what to expect! The whole procedure took about 30 minutes. Once the injections were done, a silicone sleeve was rolled on to keep my penis extended and help keep everything in place. I have to wear the sleeve for 3 weeks, taking it off every 3 days to clean it and replace it. The 1st time I can take it off is tomorrow so, I’ll get some pictures and post them. I’ve attached some before pictures both flaccid and erect.

Thanks for reading my long post. I’ll continue to provide updates as my journey continues. Thanks! Administrative Edit: Photos will be attached shortly.
14 Jul 2024 00:09
Still changing...

Definitely getting the "thick skin" feeling now, almost feels like there's some swelling underneath it too, sorta floating when flaccid, much less so erect, but its still more like the skin is thicker rather than the shaft underneath.

PS also realizing that the fibrosis area Dr. M pointed out is right where I usually grab while jerking it... time to start using lube instead of going dry I guess...
Displaying 256 - 270 out of 35617 results.