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Searched for: PMMA
19 Jul 2024 16:44

Functionally wouldn't all this do is dilute the PMMA concentration?
To give an analog, if you look at the uses Avanti has for the 10% PMMA vs the 30% PMMA, the former is going to be a smoother results at the expense of size.
Which makes sense,
-20ml of 10% PMMA gives you ~2ml of PMMA microspheres
-20ml of 20% PMMA (like Bellafill) gives you ~4ml of PMMA microspheres
-20ml of 30% PMMA gives you ~6ml of PMMA microspheres

so now when you look at a blend of say, equal parts HA and PMMA
-20ml of a blend (10ml Bellfaill + 10ml HA) gives you 2ml of PMMA microspheres - the same total PMMA as if you'd used 20ml of a 10% PMMA solution

All other things being equal if you get 20ml of SOMETHING containing PMMA, the lower the concentration the better the aesthetic resuit, at the expense of permanent increase per total injected mL of product.
I say this not to advocate one way or another, rather to give my layman's understanding of what you accomplish with a blend. Lower concentration makes for less chance of "clumping" microspheres on top of each other, greater uniformity and more ven distribution.

I wonder if there's other functional benefits to the HA too - for example, is it going to act as a sort of lubricant for the PMMA microspheres to help them slide over each other and flatten out for a nice even uniform layer?

Either way I can see why it would yield a seemingly more natural aesthetic result and why they would like doing it. My semi-educated guesses could be garbage nonsense, I am open to that as well.

I can see where you're coming from, but we don't mix the 2 substances together and then inject them. Dr. Carney has a special technique he developed where he lays down a foundational layer of HA, then once the patient is happy with his results, Dr. Carney goes back in and adds the PMMA to essentially make the HA permanent. You can read more about it here if you're interested:
19 Jul 2024 16:38
Great question! Yes, it will be up to Dr. Carney how he works around your circ scar once he sees you in person and can see your specific physiology. However, I think you'll be very happy with your results and the specialized technique he uses.

In terms of the HA/PMMA, Dr. Carney likes to have an even base layer of HA already down before adding the PMMA, because when you start out with PMMA alone, it does cause granuloma because of how the substance interacts with the tissue if you go straight to PMMA without the HA "buffer" there.

For guys new to filler, we do start out with HA to get the basic look and feel you want while having the most options available to do something else later on, such as making your new girth permanent by later adding PMMA. This is what we call our FusionThick procedure.

We have an entire web page that explains all of this in much better detail than I can quickly share in this forum, if anyone is interested in knowing more about how we do HA/PMMA and why we do what we do.

Thanks for your excellent question, @7indream ! We're looking forward to seeing you and are available if you have anymore questions or concerns before we see you in-office. :)
19 Jul 2024 16:34
Functionally wouldn't all this do is dilute the PMMA concentration?
To give an analog, if you look at the uses Avanti has for the 10% PMMA vs the 30% PMMA, the former is going to be a smoother results at the expense of size.
Which makes sense,
-20ml of 10% PMMA gives you ~2ml of PMMA microspheres
-20ml of 20% PMMA (like Bellafill) gives you ~4ml of PMMA microspheres
-20ml of 30% PMMA gives you ~6ml of PMMA microspheres

so now when you look at a blend of say, equal parts HA and PMMA
-20ml of a blend (10ml Bellfaill + 10ml HA) gives you 2ml of PMMA microspheres - the same total PMMA as if you'd used 20ml of a 10% PMMA solution

All other things being equal if you get 20ml of SOMETHING containing PMMA, the lower the concentration the better the aesthetic resuit, at the expense of permanent increase per total injected mL of product.
I say this not to advocate one way or another, rather to give my layman's understanding of what you accomplish with a blend. Lower concentration makes for less chance of "clumping" microspheres on top of each other, greater uniformity and more ven distribution.

I wonder if there's other functional benefits to the HA too - for example, is it going to act as a sort of lubricant for the PMMA microspheres to help them slide over each other and flatten out for a nice even uniform layer?

Either way I can see why it would yield a seemingly more natural aesthetic result and why they would like doing it. My semi-educated guesses could be garbage nonsense, I am open to that as well.
19 Jul 2024 14:39
Hi there,

what i heard about removing pmma was 'Don't do it!'.. i heard some guy here did it, and it's an invasive procedure cutting stuff out of the penis, i mean it's not like you can remove PMMA just like an implant, i guess it's just cutting out the 'areas with the most pmma' somehow.
The invasiveness would stop me totally from doing that. Also the 'experience' that girls don't seem to care at all or think much about irregularities of the penis.

I think what you describe as 'after some months more nodules developed' is normal, i think there is just some leftover carrier material making it more smooth the first months and then this goes away.

I have to admit i am very curious about the difference in sex and sexual reactions of women and men you had on your way from 5 inches till now!
19 Jul 2024 13:49
While mine was not done together or in tandem, I have had HA added to my PMMA and to be frank... I love the feel of it. It's very smooth and consistent. So I can kind of believe Rejuvall's claims when it comes to the benefits of incorporating some HA. It sounds to me like they also also use the HA to help create space and see if guys are happy with filler in general prior to adding something permanent.
19 Jul 2024 04:20
Yes, there’s been a mix of product in the several procedures I’ve had. The PMMA was the last.
I won’t be sharing the doctors name because I’ve seen way too much bashing of docs on here and products. I appreciate the feedback on how you think it looks and the suggestion to just leave it alone for now. I think I’ll wait till the end of August
19 Jul 2024 04:09
The way I interpreted the post is that he has a blend of products, maybe both HA and PMMA or PCL and PMMA?
I could see PMMA on the top of a squishier HA, instead of blended with it, being weird once the HA breaks down. Brings forth the question of if HA that's underneath PMMA can be dissolved.
Some clarity there would be useful. If HA is under PMMA and it's physically possible to dissolve only that, then maybe you could get an ok aesthetic result in a few sessions?
I'm talking out my ass posing an idea, in case anyone can/cannot validate it.
19 Jul 2024 04:05

Jung wrote: The amount of filler you can take is a blend of your BPEL and how much elasticity you have in your shaft skin. Go in expecting a half inch. Anything over that is icing on the cake.

I didn’t, just did the Signature package, though my Round 2 I’m going to do Utmost.

Looking forward to watching your progress journey! Keep us posted my man. Feel free to PM me any questions at all. This here is a fraternity.

I had HA 3 years ago and ended up with a nice amount of stretched skin left over that i HOPE means they can jam an entire baguette in my pants, but we'll see, end my hijack.
I did the Utmost mainly for the botox, IPL, PRP. Wonder how tender glans is going to be with the weight hanging from it. Guess we'll find out, I can't wait!
19 Jul 2024 04:00

Dickwhitman79 wrote:

atxguy65 wrote: Thanks The pics can be deceiving since you can't feel the nodules and some of the unevenness depends on lighting....and again, depending onthe day, I'm very happy with it. It's those other days where I wonder WTF happened to it from yesterday. Odd!
I appreciate the feedback. Partners of both genders have been happy. I've only had 2 comments from playmates that indicated they were not wild about it but they assumed I pumped and don't like pumped dicks. I have not pumped in a while so it wasn't that. But their comments stung a little and I know I'm a little sensitive about it. I've invested alot of money, time and emotions into all this. On the plus side, the 2-3 regular partners I have love it and are available alot haha.

Who did the procedures ?

I believe he is holding off on mentioning the actual provider until he discusses with them vs us all speculating on resolving his issues, which I kind of find fair of him. It's not a bad result at all. I know what you mean though, I'm curious where he had it done myself. Or even what type of PMMA.
19 Jul 2024 02:00

Jung wrote:

JJones928 wrote:

Jung wrote: @JJones928 -- i know you are coming up on that finalized 6 week mark of when neocollagenesis is complete. How are the measurements holding?

Did you hit a place where you didn't see any more fluctuations in measurements?

I am on week 2 heading into week 3 and haven't seen any measurement changes since day 7 of post-procedure. Everything has been holding steady here on day 16 since day 7. Did you notice that as well or something similar? Just curious if I should be expecting a lot of mesurement changes or reduction on size from this point on. All of my swelling was going by day 5 as far as I could tell. I am holding at +1.5" BEG and +1" MEG for the last 10 days. Trying not to get my hopes up that it will hold there. I can't imagine I would gain more?

So far I am as follows

EG around the circ scar area 5.5
MG 5.25 tapering to a section that is 5.0 then back to 5.25
BG 6.25

My account keeps loosing the ability to post and view pics I have reached out again to gain access to do so

I have scheduled another round for late August close to 5.75 mid shaft is the goal

What day or week post-op did you see the gains solidify and not fluctuate anymore?

At 5 weeks I've pretty much retained the stats above. I'm at the stage now where it feels like I've been this size forever but I do want my shaft closer to 5.75 and I'm good
19 Jul 2024 01:16

JJones928 wrote:

Jung wrote: @JJones928 -- i know you are coming up on that finalized 6 week mark of when neocollagenesis is complete. How are the measurements holding?

Did you hit a place where you didn't see any more fluctuations in measurements?

I am on week 2 heading into week 3 and haven't seen any measurement changes since day 7 of post-procedure. Everything has been holding steady here on day 16 since day 7. Did you notice that as well or something similar? Just curious if I should be expecting a lot of mesurement changes or reduction on size from this point on. All of my swelling was going by day 5 as far as I could tell. I am holding at +1.5" BEG and +1" MEG for the last 10 days. Trying not to get my hopes up that it will hold there. I can't imagine I would gain more?

So far I am as follows

EG around the circ scar area 5.5
MG 5.25 tapering to a section that is 5.0 then back to 5.25
BG 6.25

My account keeps loosing the ability to post and view pics I have reached out again to gain access to do so

I have scheduled another round for late August close to 5.75 mid shaft is the goal

What day or week post-op did you see the gains solidify and not fluctuate anymore?
19 Jul 2024 01:04

itgoesthud wrote: it's crazy how quickly things heal.
I'm looking at your day8 and other than the size difference it...doesnt look damaged, bruised, etc.
If I get a full inch like you did I'll be over the moon - I'm hoping for .75 but +1.0 would be more than welcome.
I land in TJ on Monday for a Tuesday procedure, making my last minute preps now. This is so encouraging.

EDIT: did you get the glans HA too? It doesn't hurt with that stretcher?

The amount of filler you can take is a blend of your BPEL and how much elasticity you have in your shaft skin. Go in expecting a half inch. Anything over that is icing on the cake.

I didn’t, just did the Signature package, though my Round 2 I’m going to do Utmost.

Looking forward to watching your progress journey! Keep us posted my man. Feel free to PM me any questions at all. This here is a fraternity.
19 Jul 2024 00:48

Jung wrote: @JJones928 -- i know you are coming up on that finalized 6 week mark of when neocollagenesis is complete. How are the measurements holding?

Did you hit a place where you didn't see any more fluctuations in measurements?

I am on week 2 heading into week 3 and haven't seen any measurement changes since day 7 of post-procedure. Everything has been holding steady here on day 16 since day 7. Did you notice that as well or something similar? Just curious if I should be expecting a lot of mesurement changes or reduction on size from this point on. All of my swelling was going by day 5 as far as I could tell. I am holding at +1.5" BEG and +1" MEG for the last 10 days. Trying not to get my hopes up that it will hold there. I can't imagine I would gain more?

So far I am as follows

EG around the circ scar area 5.5
MG 5.25 tapering to a section that is 5.0 then back to 5.25
BG 6.25

My account keeps loosing the ability to post and view pics I have reached out again to gain access to do so

I have scheduled another round for late August close to 5.75 mid shaft is the goal
19 Jul 2024 00:45

Odouble wrote: Hell yeah bro, congrats on the super stellar results. You are still in the collagen phase, so just a slight warning to not over do it with the PE. I know it's more cautious when it comes to pumping, but extensive stretching might also cause some issues. I would double check Ian from AD on your routine (I know he's got tons of experience on this).

Thanks brother.

I am doing the slightest of weight on the extension; around 2 pounds or so. Not too far off the triple steel ball weight I was using. I’ll make sure to keep it safe.
18 Jul 2024 22:35
it's crazy how quickly things heal.
I'm looking at your day8 and other than the size difference it...doesnt look damaged, bruised, etc.
If I get a full inch like you did I'll be over the moon - I'm hoping for .75 but +1.0 would be more than welcome.
I land in TJ on Monday for a Tuesday procedure, making my last minute preps now. This is so encouraging.

EDIT: did you get the glans HA too? It doesn't hurt with that stretcher?
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