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Searched for: PMMA
22 Jul 2024 05:58
Can confirm after looking at the labeling on my meds @Jung : immediately after then every 8 hours for the next 6 days.
21 Jul 2024 19:26

richardgaines wrote: Hey @VoltzZz , thanks for sharing your experience. I do hope that things will start looking up for you.

As for the timing of the antibiotic prescribed by AD: you stated you started taking them on day 3. I don’t have my post care instructions sheet from AD in front of me but if I recall correctly, you are to start them on day 1, no?

I was there a month ago and Ian told me to take them immediately after I got back to the hotel room post-op.
21 Jul 2024 17:05
Very possible that is in the post care instructions. I chose not to because I'm on 13 other medications. The concern mainly being my antiarrhythmics and delay of QT interval. After I noticed the infection I called my pharmacy to verify whether or not the script they gave me would be a risk to QT interval and there were no warnings listed.... In the end I could have verified before the procedure so I could have started taking them immediately after.Lesson learned as far as prednisone goes too. Next and final finishing round I'm not leaving TJ without purchasing it from the pharmacy.
21 Jul 2024 16:45
Hey @VoltzZz , thanks for sharing your experience. I do hope that things will start looking up for you.

As for the timing of the antibiotic prescribed by AD: you stated you started taking them on day 3. I don’t have my post care instructions sheet from AD in front of me but if I recall correctly, you are to start them on day 1, no?
21 Jul 2024 11:01
Are you at least happy with the size?
21 Jul 2024 06:50

justn8 wrote: While mine was not done together or in tandem, I have had HA added to my PMMA and to be frank... I love the feel of it. It's very smooth and consistent. So I can kind of believe Rejuvall's claims when it comes to the benefits of incorporating some HA. It sounds to me like they also also use the HA to help create space and see if guys are happy with filler in general prior to adding something permanent.

Even though my procedure wasn't done together, I've had HA added to my PMMA, and I must say I love the result. It's smooth and consistent. Rejuvall's claims about the benefits of incorporating HA seem believable. It seems they use HA to create space and test satisfaction before adding something permanent.
21 Jul 2024 05:27
I wanted to hold off on posting this because initially i felt it may be premature and I didn't want to sound like I was over reacting. A week and a half has passed and I now feel like it's a disservice to the men here contemplating going through with these types of procedures.

Infections happen, it could have been something minor during the procedure or it very well could have been something that happened post procedure who knows. In the end I want to make it clear that I am not blaming anyone.

To start I had my 2nd round of PMMA at AD 7/3/24. Trip went off without a hitch. Procedure went smoothly just like the first time. Ian and Dr M were great and my stay at the Grand was very good also.

Three of the four entry holes were closed before I left to go home. There were no signs of swelling, things looked absolutely perfect. It wasn't until the third day when I was home that I noticed a small amount of yellow type fluid coming from the last entry hole in the neck area. I immediately began the antibiotics I was given and sent Ian email. He replied back on Monday stating that it was a good call for me to start the antibiotics. Told me to keep the area clean and dry and let the area drain on its own.

After about 2 days the last entry hole closed and I thought everything was going to be fine. A day or so later that same area started to swell significantly. I kept in contact with Ian to let him know what was happening. He told me to continue ibuprofen and the antibiotics. Another day or two passed in the fluid migrated to the other side of the neck. I again took pictures and sent them to Ian. Again told me to continue with ibuprofen and antibiotics and to keep him posted.

Approximately a day or two after that The shaft swelled in additional inch and I was starting to feel feverish, sensitive to the touch and I was getting headaches. I was now on my last day of antibiotics and it was a Friday. I decided to go to the ER so I wouldn't have to Wait to see my family doctor to get more antibiotics. They started me on two new antibiotics and prescribed naproxen. I told them AD recommended prednisone for the swelling but they denied me.

This timeline isn't exact to the t but roughly the next day or after due to the fact that the swelling wasn't getting better I asked if I could be put in contact with Dr C. Dr C sent me an email and I forwarded him video and pictures along with the timeline of progression. He has been very thorough with responding which has put me at ease.

I had noticed that the skin around my glands appear to be very dry and cracking. I began applying moisturizer for a couple of days and it didn't help. Last night I decide to slather my glands with Vaseline and cover them for a couple of hours. When I took the cover off , what I had thought was skin I now believe was a thin layer of discharge that dried and sealed the entry point shut. As soon as I started cleaning the Vaseline off the entry point started to weep milky type fluid. Approximately a tablespoons worth came out. It has been weeping throughout the day. Inflammation around the neck has decreased significantly along with the shaft by approximately 1/2 of an inch. The area is not as red or as sensitive to the touch. I assume I'm going to have to continue antibiotics until the weeping of this milky type fluid has ended and the hole as closed. I have about 2 days left of the antibiotics the emergency room prescribed me so going to make an appointment to see my family doctor so I'm prepared to continue. Hopefully this is something that clears up quickly and doesn't end up escalating further than it is.

I want to thank Ian, Dr M, and Dr C for their attention and concern. Thank you too Skeptical one for promptly addressing my concern via pm also. My whole intent In writing this like I said is to reiterate what has been said here in the forum that there are risks involved as minimal
as they may be.
20 Jul 2024 17:05
Lol there's no way to prevent the breakdown of HA or make it permanent. Whatever girth is gained from the HA will eventually have to be replaced. This is just my opinion but I wouldn't want to go through all the trouble of a prep layer (or two if I'm reading their site correctly) before ever receiving any PMMA.

"We discovered that beginning augmentation with PMMA almost always results in the immediate formation of granuloma, which makes for a less than ideal foundation to establish symmetrical penile thickness." Rejuvall

This is a very audacious statement. First of all, to my knowledge only relatively recently has Rejuvall been using Bellafill. Are they saying they found this information out throughout their own administration of Bellafill?

Second, I think Dr. Casavantes, after more than a decade of using Linnea Safe would tell you that granulomas are more rare than they are common and his clients certainly don't "almost always" form granulomas after their first round. But again, I'm not sure what information was gathered for Rejuvall to make that claim.
20 Jul 2024 14:57

Skeptical_One wrote: Between travel, family, and covid, I haven't got a chance to catch up with all the threads -- massive unit, congrats.

To be honest, if you can afford to and have a quality local provider, the Hyaluronic Acid (HA) top-offs post-PMMA can keep you at your desired aesthetics and size at a stable pace.

Hope the travel was smooth!

It's getting pretty large yes. That preference aside, I'm thrilled with how smooth it is and the aesthetics overall. I love the filler and staggering it with PRP shots into the filler layer.

It's comforting seeing other providers have no issues with adding HA to guys with PMMA or even planning on that approach. At this point it's just minor tweaks, which with HA isn't as scary as PMMA for introducing more aesthetic issues vs leaving it. As long as I remain within half an inch of where I'm at in either direction I'll be happy. The last add was to make more of it the same size and balance out the right side. So I'm not overall larger but more of it is that size and it is that size closer to the glans.

Going to continue a bit further with that and the glans. Any updates in future with be more focused on the glans work we're doing. At this point I feel more guys have questions and curiosities about that. I'm also getting one of his other treatments next time and I'll share how that turns out once it takes full effect.
20 Jul 2024 06:33
Between travel, family, and covid, I haven't got a chance to catch up with all the threads -- massive unit, congrats.

To be honest, if you can afford to and have a quality local provider, the Hyaluronic Acid (HA) top-offs post-PMMA can keep you at your desired aesthetics and size at a stable pace.
20 Jul 2024 06:28
@JJones928 -- I wrote back via Email but hadn't heard from you; just in case my response mistakenly slipped into the spam folder or was a missed notification, I wanted to send a courtesy reminder here :)
20 Jul 2024 06:12

Aaronnthompson33 wrote: I'm near kansas...I've looked at nebraska, south dakota , omaha, and Minnesota.

Unfortunately the States you mentioned, I haven't really heard of any reputable Clinics (not to say there isn't). Remember this is a newer frontier of cosmetic medicine and most places don't specialize in it (even if they offer it on their proverbial menu).

If you do however come across a good Clinic in those regions, do share, otherwise I'd strongly recommend traveling -- besides, it's your one & only dick and you'll want good work done.
19 Jul 2024 19:03

Without trying to get into anything too proprietary, does laying a layer of PMMA beneath the HA cause both layers to be encapsulated within collagen and somehow prevent the breakdown of the HA by the body's own natural hyaluronidase so that the HA itself contributes to the total permanent volume? I think that's what I'm reading from what you've written and that link. If it's too long-winded and/or something a random plebe can't really totally grasp (or a trade secret), all good! I was the "how does this thing work" kid that took apart everything in the garage.

I'm happy to help however I can! Tbh, I'm not 100% on how much I can share about that, but I'll get with Dr. Carney when he's back in the office next week and see if I can get an answer to that for you. And I totally get it; I was the same way and still am. Never stop learning!
19 Jul 2024 18:53

Rejuvall wrote: I can see where you're coming from, but we don't mix the 2 substances together and then inject them. Dr. Carney has a special technique he developed where he lays down a foundational layer of HA, then once the patient is happy with his results, Dr. Carney goes back in and adds the PMMA to essentially make the HA permanent. You can read more about it here if you're interested:

Thanks for the info! That does clarify - you aren't using a blend in one session, you're injecting HA in one session, letting it settle, maybe injecting again to manage any unevenness or irregularity, and THEN injecting PMMA after that's all settled in a separate/final session. Until your post I read this as a blend of two fillers into one syringe, during the same session.

Without trying to get into anything too proprietary, does laying a layer of PMMA beneath the HA cause both layers to be encapsulated within collagen and somehow prevent the breakdown of the HA by the body's own natural hyaluronidase so that the HA itself contributes to the total permanent volume? I think that's what I'm reading from what you've written and that link. If it's too long-winded and/or something a random plebe can't really totally grasp (or a trade secret), all good! I was the "how does this thing work" kid that took apart everything in the garage.
19 Jul 2024 17:15
It does reduce the chance. I just would rather have more permanency and not have to go back for touch ups as much. HA doesn't force your body to create as much collagen as PMMA. It's expensive for how long it lasts in my opinion. Again, even if money isn't an issue, I'm of the belief the more you get poked, especially at an older age, the more problems you'll have. Nodules are much less common during the first two visits and with the proper amounts. Issues start arising when guys put in too much at one time or too much in general. As well as poor after care.

I would consider some HA when I know I'm near max with PMMA and 5 ml more would be too much/a high risk of nodule formation. A little HA would be cool for smoothing everything out.
Displaying 226 - 240 out of 35617 results.