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TOPIC: Peyronie's Disease... My experience

Peyronie's Disease... My experience 13 years 7 months ago #1269554887

Okay guys. I\'m going to start with a brief history of how I developed peyronie\'s, treatments I tried; ending ultimately with my decision to have corrective surgery. If some of you have questions, please feel free to ask. I\'d like to keep everything located within this thread as it may prove a valuable resource to others who are curved, curious or too scared to ask their Urologist!

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Peyronie's Disease... My experience 13 years 7 months ago #1269555817

Part 1: How it ALL started

I developed peyronie\'s over 15 years ago. My girlfriend at the time participated in sex toy parties and had picked up \"the fireman\" (a cheap VED). My girl loved watching my seven plus Inch willy grow inside the translucent chamber. She found it very erotic and asked to do it often. The inside of the chamber only reached a length of 7.75\". I was longer than that when inside the pump. My little guy reached the end of the chamber and my girl kept pumping. I told her to stop, that it was hurting me, but to no avail. She was so mesmerized by my size that she kept going. Within a few seconds, there was an audible \'pop\' and I subsequently lost my Erection. Over a period of a few weeks, my penis began to slowly curve upwards (dorsally). It never bothered me but progressively grew worse with each passing month.

Initially, there is pain (during the acute/inflammatory state). Later, (during the chronic/stable phase) no pain is felt and the deformity will remain unchanged unless you injure yourself again. I thought to myself, \"At least I can hit the G-Spot without a problem\", and decided to live with it. Over time, I also noticed a narrowing of my penis in the scarred area. I became desperate and began my search for a cure, treatment or anything that held promise to alleviate some of the deformity.

Enzymes, DMSO, Vitamin E (organic, broad spectrum), propolis, topical verapamil, Vitamin C, Castor Oil, MSM, SomaCorrect VED, Traction Devices, Collagenase, Arginine, Maca, Iodine/Iodide tinctures, Superoxide Dimutase... you name it, I tried it... and failed. I spent thousands on treatments (spared no expense) and never had ANY substantial benefit. I tried every combination. I studied the physiology of the penis day and night. I researched Peyronie\'s pathology, fibrin, transforming growth factor beta, autoimmune disorders, dupuytren\'s contracture and other related conditions. I knew more about peyronie\'s than my Urologist (who\'s the best in the state). My situation was beyond bleak. All seemed lost. Hopeless. But hey, at least I knew a sh$*tload about the male reproductive organ as well as my wound healing anomaly.

Part 2: To follow...

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Peyronie's Disease... My experience 13 years 7 months ago #1269564725

@EP Yes I did. Ironically, the pain was not as bad as one might think. The whole ordeal lead to my GF and I getting into a huge fight. Later that evening, we had make up sex (which is always awesome isn\'t it?).

**Note** My father is 72 and has Parkinson\'s, and other ailments but still has persistent daily erections. It runs in my family. We are super horny and have remarkable Erection strength. My dad has a six incher and my uncle (his brother) is over 11 inches. Funny thing... genetics/heredity. We are not perverts mind you; we are proverts. We took perversion to a professional level; and we\'re proud of it.

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Peyronie's Disease... My experience 13 years 7 months ago #1269574833

I am listening, and cant wait for the there any way I dont have to travel to Brazil..

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Peyronie's Disease... My experience 13 years 7 months ago #1269578287

This is the most promising. Most injectables work on the \"swiss cheese\" principle but this holds promise to lyse through the fibrous plaque. This injectable, combined with a very light traction would be your best bet IMHO. Colchicine and potaba can be taken while undergoing the injections to help prevent the formation of new scar tissue. Surgery is a last resort. I wanted the best, so I went to Brazil. If your curvature doesn\'t effect your ability to have intercourse, you can live with it as many do. Peyronie\'s can cause erectile dysfunction in some individuals if left untreated. I know it\'s difficult LT, but if I were you, I\'d be patient and fix the peyronie\'s first. I LOVE having a perfectly straight penis and my erections are hard as a rock now. I\'d rather choose a straight, healthy penis than a curved monster.

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Peyronie's Disease... My experience 13 years 7 months ago #1269603700

This is a copy from a PM I received recently. I respect others privacy so names, etc. have been omitted. Perhaps his questions and my answers will help another.

Recently, I noticed a kind of two bumps/cysts (about 3-4 mm) beneath the skin of my inner Foreskin, close to the glans. One is showable, the other not. The one that is always seen varies its size according to Erection level (small in the Flaccid state, bigger while Erect). After ejaculation, they become noticeble, both of them. Most of the time I feel some discomfort and pain in that area, mostly after ejaculation.

Well, I have bad news and maybe good news:

- Bad news: yesterday I went to an Urologist and I have Peyronie's Disease;

He told me there's is no totally effective treatment. Vitamin E may help, as well as an extender, injections and, as last resort, surgery.

As for the not so bad news: it's not at very serious level, according to the doctor. He also said he's convinced it will improve an disappear over time.

He told me to buy Vitamin E supplements and take it for about 3 months. It should help. If things get worse, I'll have to take injections in the penis and, if necessary, surgery...

My upward curvature is not very sharp, but my major problem is the discomfort/pain I fell most of the time, and everytime I do PE, the pain in that area seems to increase. When I use the Bathmate at higher pressures I feel that area of the \"cysts\" hurting...! But strangely, it seems that the time I feel most discomfort is after ejacuation.

I also saw that L-Lysine will help with \"cysts\" disappearing.

So, I have some questions I'd like you to aswer me, please:

1 - Should I do something specifically for the pain go away? I mean, stop having sex, masturbating, etc?

Answer: No. Do not stop having sex. Make sure there is plenty of lubrication to avoid excess friction and try to be careful during intercourse and do not let a woman be in the superior position (on top). Use care when masturbating. Hopefully, the fibrotic plaque/nodules you are experiencing are in the inflammatory/acute state and will resolve spontaneously on their own in due time. Most cases of peyronie\'s will resolve without the need for surgery. Mine did not.

2 - Will L-Lysine help me with the \"cysts\" disappearing?

Answer: No. They are fibrotic nodules/plaques. Vitamin E is also useless but can be taken as an added measure. Colchicine, PABA or Pentoxifylline may help at this early stage of the disease. I would not advocate any injections at this point as it might produce further unnecessary trauma. ESWL is also useless and can cause more trauma. As far as traction goes, think of it this way. You CAN stretch a scar but it is still there. Don\'t do traction as this can make the scarring worse.

3 - (The one that bothers me the most): will I be forced to stop PE? I do streches, jelq and sometimes Bathmate. I haven't done it for about a week.

Answer: Yes. Sad to say, but many who attempt to enlarge their penis through \"natural\" means will do damage to their best buddy. The penis was not meant to be warmed up, then stretched, choked or put through unnatural vacuum forces. Would you over inflate your tires to make them bigger? Putting your penis through further trauma from PE will likely make your recovery from peyronie\'s unlikely and possibly make your curvature/deformity worse. I am a member over at Thunder\'s as well (Curveball7). After years of PE, I gave up. Nothing improved curvature and none of my friends had gained size either. Very few will gain from manual PE. Most will gain nothing but will lose precious time. Some will injure themselves. I have doctors on both sides of my family and they both said that it is nonsense. After speaking with Professor Dr. Sava Perovic and Dr. Paulo Henrique Egydio, two of the best andrologists and urologists in the world, they both confirmed what my uncle and grandfather told me. Don\'t do it. It doesn\'t work in the vast majority of people. It can do more harm than good. Men are desperate to enlarge their penis and will believe many unscrupulous claims. Many experience the placebo effect or a temporary increase in size that subsides (never cements). You are free to believe what you will. As an honest and caring human being, I cannot and will not advocate/recommend manual penis enlargement. You could be the type of person who does gain permanent penile size. You are more likely to be a lottery winner. Ask yourself this... What good is a large penis if you cannot achieve Erection? I rest my case. Try eating healthier, exercising (esp. cardio), getting 8 hours of sleep each night. This will do more for your lil\' buddy than years of torturing him; and he\'ll be more likely to serve you in the years to come.

Please, would you help me? What should I do?

Answer: I am always willing to help. I hope and pray this information helps you. I\'m a friend and my intentions are genuine. If you have more questions, please feel free to ask.

Thank you so much.

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Peyronie's Disease... My experience 13 years 7 months ago #1269606764

I have actually stopped all PE stretching and Hanging...I have noticed lesser erections and weaker....after stopping now for a week, my erections are starting to come back and the skin and feel of my Cock is more smooth. I also notice the scar tissue getting a bit smaller. So, I will wait and have sex as much as I can, stay healthy, and see if I can get PMMA one day....

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Peyronie's Disease... My experience 13 years 7 months ago #1269610429

@lastime Good to hear. Keep me posted on your recovery. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Best of luck to you.

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Peyronie's Disease... My experience 13 years 7 months ago #1269647642

@ M7

Man that made me jump....

I love your attitude to life! Sense of humour positive and there for others...

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Peyronie's Disease... My experience 13 years 7 months ago #1269650264

@JABM. True. It is the stuff nightmares are made of. I lived through a 15 year nightmare and survived. It is a dreadful condition and in many cases is progressive. I\'ll help anyone I can. I\'ve already counseled a handful of guys here at PB\'s and will do so until I no longer am able. I remember reading somewhere that we are to \"Love thy neighbor as thyself.\". Good advice.

Also, thanks for the compliment. You are going to be one massive stud! Hope that Italian firecracker of yours can handle what you\'re swinging!

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Peyronie's Disease... My experience 13 years 7 months ago #1269651318

Hello... I\'m new to site... I have peyronies... Mine is more of a \"divot\" at base on left hand side... Perhaps I missed something but I dont think Xiaflex is available for treatment at this time... It is in final stages of trial is it not..? I\'m hoping to make progress in healing my peyronies condition via -- as M7 said -- mild traction coupled with an injectable... If Xiaflex IS available to treat peyronies, will someone please let me know as my Dr says no... at least not stateside yet.... Thank you very much

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Peyronie's Disease... My experience 13 years 7 months ago #1269656753

@Hope4more There is a remote possibility for off label usage. Doubtful, but definitely a possibility. Xiaflex (injectable collagenase) is prescribed for frozen shoulder, dupuytren\'s contracture and peyronie\'s. At present, having dupuytren\'s contracture (a similar connective tissue disorder) is the only means of obtaining Xiaflex. Xiaflex is not the only option; neither is surgery. Your indention/divot is also called the \"hinge effect\" or \"narrowing phenomenon\" and is caused by constriction of the corpus cavernosum due to fibrosis of the tunica albuginea. PM me and we can discuss your situation in private if you wish and in greater detail. I am sorry to hear you have peyronie\'s but there is hope. I will help you in any way I can.

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Peyronie's Disease... My experience 13 years 7 months ago #1269667763

if at all possible, we should keep the discussion on this thread rather than thru PM\'s, it will help us all ( unless some members need privacy, then PM is the way to go)

I never had peyronie\'s. I Had a slight gentle curve to the left before my silicone implant. After removing it, I now have a RIGHT and upward curvature when Erect. elist told me it will go away and with pumping and four injections of Kenalog.

I had a two or three shots, the curvature is a bit better but it is still a lot more than before implant. Sex is fine but it seems to pop out more often than I can remember before the implant and with the implant.

What do you think?

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Peyronie's Disease... My experience 13 years 7 months ago #1269668853

@ M7 HA HA HA I reckon she might just be able to lol

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Peyronie's Disease... My experience 13 years 6 months ago #1269677592

thanks very much for the feedback... i dont mind discussing it on this thread... pm\'s are good to for privacy.. i\'m just looking for some relief from my peyronies... is \"hinge effect\" curable in any way..? thank you

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