I've been messing with PE devices since my early 30's (I'm 39 now).
Ive been married for 4 years and i started using my extender again on and off over the past few years. I"m an average guy - Almost 6 inches in
BPEL (I think I'm 5 3/4) and probably a little under average in
Girth (that's what you get for being a twin).... but we've never had any problems in the bedroom. She's told me that the size is fine for both me and her...but i obviously disagree. Today I talked to her about getting the fillers. I'm 39 and i don't want to keep going knowing i could do something about it its constantly on my mind and i worry about my size at the gym (in the locker room) etc.... if its going to help me feel more comfortable and confident about myself than why not? She gave me her blessing. But its a difficult discussion to have....