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TOPIC: Hoddle10's PE journey including PMMA with Dr Casavantes

Hoddle10's PE journey including PMMA with Dr Casavantes 6 years 1 month ago #1307117428

Hey guys, I thought I should update you all on my progress. I went to Dr C for PMMA in Oct 2018 and have been back several times since. As many of you know this wasn't my first attempt at cosmetic penile enhancement, so I should start with a brief outline of my previous surgeries.

In 1997 I had FFT and lengthening via Y/V incision. This surgery was a complete disaster. I was left with a huge, bright red, tumour like scar, that projected over half a Centimeter out of the skin surface, in the pubic area. The nurse at the clinic where I had the surgery said it was the worst keloid she'd ever seen. It looked more like I'd had a sexual reassignment surgery than a penis enlargement. However, just below the scaring, Hanging between two newly formed scrotal dog ears, was clear evidence that my penis had been enlarged. The fat formed in an unsightly ball in the middle of my penis. I'd like to say it looked like a snake that had swallowed a football, but it was more maggot that had eaten a cherry. So, whilst it was technically bigger, it both looked and felt horrendous. To top it all off, my penis was now also slightly shorter than prior to surgery.

A year later I had my first scar Revision surgery. This became an annual thing for 3 years, as each time the keloid came back. However, I then discovered silicone gel sheets and by applying them the moment the stitches came out, the scar healed much better. Though it was still very visible through my pubic hair it was at least flat and white.

I lived with my deformed penis for the next 9 years, before having the fat cut out and replaced with PLGA scaffolds. This was meant to be both a reconstructive and enlargement surgery all at once and mark a new beginning in my life. But once again things went tits up. Despite being told all the fat would be removed he only cut out a small amount. The scaffold procedure produced zero gain and left me with a deformed circ scar and scrotum. The deformed scrotum was the result of a scrotal web reduction that was meant to take of the 'dog ears' from my Y/V incision.

A year later I went back for Revision of those surgeries and all he did was make everything a little bit worse. This time he removed a tiny bit more fat, but this resulted in what was left becoming particularly lumpy. The scrotum and circ scar became even more deformed.

So about a year later I found a UK based surgeon, who over the course of 3 surgeries removed the rest of the fat, reshaped the scrotum and improved the circ scar somewhat.

However, when removing the fat, he took away too much Dartos fascia, which resulted in the shaft skin attaching to the shaft and not moving in certain places. Also, by now I had a ton of internal scar tissue, so my penis was much shorter and had acquired an upwards Peyronies like bend. So I had to have yet another surgery to release some the scar bands. But this didn't do a thing.

So after about 15 years of surgeries and fuck knows how much money spent, I was left with a much shorter, bent penis, with an uneven contour and had visible scars in the pubic region. Hoorah!

So, my next step was to at least try and do something about the scars in the pubic region. I found a hair transplant Dr who was prepared to work in that region, so I had two sessions, spaced a year apart and this was a rare success.

I then consulted with yet another Dr about the internal scar tissue and skin adhesions, but he wasn't sure he'd be able to improve it and recommended trying to learn to accept it as it was. I was unable to do this so one day, out of pure desperation, I performed self surgery. I got a Nokor needle, pierced the skin and started hacking away at the scar tissue. I did this without any anaesthetic and it was pure agony. Looking back I can't believe what I did. I was able to get through though, as with the first swipe I felt the blade literally slice through the scar bands. This gave me sufficient incentive and courage to take the pain and keep going. Two mins later I pulled on my penis and for the first time in years it looked like my original length! I couldn't believe it, so popped it straight in my stretcher device and kept it there, almost literally 24/7 for the next 6 weeks. The end result was that I'd regained 90% of the lost length, improved the curvature and corrected about half of the skin adhesions. It was easily the most successful surgery I ever had!

However, the contour of the penis when Erect was still uneven and I was left with really baggy skin. And of course, despite all I'd been through, I still wanted my penis to be bigger. Obviously by then I was very aware of PMMA, but remained sceptical or maybe more like hesitant. Basically, I was terrified of the idea of a permanent filler, as I knew if things went south, it would mean more invasive reconstructive surgery. So, decided the most sensible course of action was to try a temporary and reversible option, in the form of HA.

I had just 11 cc of HA injected and gained about 0.75'. This is much more than most seem to gain for the procedure and I don't know why I gained so much, but I did. In fact, for close to two weeks following the injection, I was actually about 1.25' bigger, which gave me a close to 6' Girth. At first, I loved the HA result, but as time went on it started to shift and as the product settled it felt spongey. After a few weeks it had started to look completely deformed, as it just wouldn't settle in the areas where I still had scar adhesions. So, after a couple of months I chose to dissolve it.

At this stage I felt as if I had little choice but to go down the PMMA road, despite my reservations. I figured that even though it could go wrong, I wasn't left with many or any other options, as I sure as shit couldn't handle the penis I had. So, in Oct 2016 I flew to SD for my first appointment with Dr C.

The morning of my appointment I was met by the shuttle driver at my hotel in SD and driven across the border into TJ and to Dr C's office. Before I made this journey, I was a little bit daunted by the idea, but it's actually really easy. Diana arranges the time and place the driver will pick you up from and he drops you off at the tower where Dr C's in located. From there you just take the elevator to the 11th floor and there are signs pointing you towards Dr C's office.

I was greeted my Diana at the reception and then shown into a small waiting room area and given a form to fill in. After a while Wade came and introduced himself. I was then taken into the surgical suite where I met Ian (a really nice guy and notably intelligent) and was shown to the bathroom and given a gown to put on. When I came out, I was directed to the dental chair thing, where patients lie for the procedure. At this point I began to get a little nervous as I hadn't even met Dr C, let alone had the post op consult I was expecting, and it looked as if we were about to start. I had so much I wanted to go over with them, and Ian was already prepping me for surgery. However, I needn't have worried, as then Dr C came and introduced himself and called Wade back over, so we could go over what I'd had done in the past and what I wanted to achieve with the procedure.

I went through all my history, directed them to where the scar tissue was, where the adhesions were, showed them how loose the skin was and explained I wasn't looking for a big gain and that I really wanted them to do was make it more even when Erect and that aesthetics were very important to me. It was decided that they'd place a small amount of PMMA on each side at the bottom half and then use S1000 on the top half where the skin was most loose.

After confirming exactly what we me done and where he'd inject, they marked my penis and then came the worst part of the entire experience, which was the numbing injection. I've since had it done several times and never get used it. But it only takes a minute or so and the rest of the procedure is painless. Once I was numb the cannula went in and there was no going back. The whole thing only took about 20 mins. I had 4cc of PMMA and some S1000. Other than the pain of the needle for the anaesthetic it was pretty uneventful and a completely different kettle of fish to surgery. In fact, if it wasn't for the gown and the cleaning of the area, it would be less dramatic than a trip to the dentist. In short, the having the actual procedure, is definitely not something to get worked up about. The thought of having a PE procedure of course is, but the actual 'surgery' itself is a breeze.

I stayed in TJ for a few days and went back each morning and afternoon, so Ian could take a look and massage if necessary. I really didn't need to, as I'd had so little injected. But it's cheap to stay and TJ and I didn't have anything else planned for those days. I should mention I stayed at The Grand. I know some people like it, but I think it's a dump.

I resisted measuring my penis for 6 weeks post procedure, as I knew swelling would give me a false impression of what my gains would really be and given I had so little injected, I really wasn't expecting much. The final result was about 0.1' in the bottom half and 0.2' in the top half. I was particularly pleased with the area where the S1000 was injected as it smoothed everything out nicely and felt very natural. The PMMA area was less successful, but, had still improved things a bit. So, I decided I'd go back and ask for S1000 to be injected in the bottom half and if that were as successful as my first experience with it, then I'd finally be done with PE.

I flew back to the US and had that procedure just before Christmas 2016. With S1000 there is very little down time and the procedure itself is even less invasive than PMMA. I stayed one night in TJ and then went to Santa Monica for a few days before flying home. When I looked at my penis in the hotel room at Santa Monica it looked amazing a measured 5.4'. I was delighted as from pretty much everyone I'd spoken to, what you see after day 1, with S1000, is pretty much what you get. I remember sitting on my bed thinking of the decades of problems that I'd just left behind. Though I still didn't let myself get carried away, which proved to be a good thing.

Later that evening I started to feel like I had a cold coming on. By around 10 pm I felt as if I'd been run over by a steam roller. Long story short I had my first ever case of the flu. Many times, in the past, I'd thought I'd had it, but only when you really have it do you realise that all you'd had previously was a bad cold. Real flu makes you feel like you might die. I had to get the hotel Dr to see me I was in such a bad state. All the while this was happening, in the back of my mind, well know, actually, at the front of my mind, I kept thinking 'I bet this is terrible for my penis enlargement gain.' I was shaking and sweating so much, and I could feel my penis had shrivelled up to the size of peanut, as if I was in an ice bath. I measured in the middle of the night and my gains had vanished. It was as if nothing had been injected. I tried to be rational and said to myself that once the fever etc has passed and the collagen has kicked in the gains will return.

The flu lasted a week or so and it took me a few more weeks to feel myself again. But I what I lost that night never came back. Obviously, there is no logical reason as to why an illness like the flu would have this effect. But it did and I literally went in a matter of hours. I've speculated that it could be that my immune system was too busy fighting the flu that it didn't focus on building collagen around the S1000. That's probably complete laymans nonsense, but it's the best explanation I have.

So, in February 2017 I flew back for yet another round. This time the plan was to have PMMA at the bottom, where I'd previously had S1000 and Dr C also agreed to try and cut through one of the skin adhesions I had and put some HA in the area he's sliced through to stop it re-attaching. The PMMA was relatively successful, as I gained 0.1' from 2cc. The skin adhesion correction was less so. The HA didn't prevent it re-attaching, it felt soft in that area and the skin above it turned grey and remained that way for close to a year, until all the HA had absorbed.

To cut a long story short, mainly because I'm getting very bored writing this, I ended up going to see Dr C 8 times in total. Most sessions involved injecting just one or two cc's of PMMA and on one occasion just 0.3cc (yes you read that correctly, I went from the UK to Mexico for 0.3cc!) The problem was that the scar tissue made it so unpredictable how it would settle, and I had loose skin etc, so we had to be ultra cautious in our approach.

My last session was in May 2018 and in total I've gained around 0.3' and my penis now looks more even. So overall it has been a success. However, there have been some drawbacks. I've got a couple of nodules that I don't seem to be able to get rid of. Dr C had cauterized them twice, to no avail and I've cut them out with an 18 gauge needle and they came back. They aren't a major problem, but I really hate having these little lumps in my skin as they could be mistaken for an STD. The bigger issue is that I have a lot of thick scar tissue in the Circumcision area. Over time the filler has slowly moved back to where the skin is more compliant. This, in itself, isn't major issue, just a small aesthetic one. However, the scarring I have in that area is jagged and sharp. The extra weight from the filler, which was placed in already very loose skin, has created a pseudo Foreskin. This now continually rubs on the sharp scar tissue and is always read and irritated. The skin is becoming worryingly think. I've seen a Urologist and we are keeping an eye on it. But it's not the fault of the procedure per se. It's a case of paying for the sins of my past. I've just got so much scar tissue from all the surgeries and that is what is causing the irritation.

I want to say a few things about Dr C and Avanti Derma. I was a moderator here for about six years before I finally made the decision to go to Avanti Derma to have PMMA. Prior to that I was well known on several other forums and I'd like to think I was seen as a voice a reason, who took an objective, logical and rational approach when discussing PE procedures. I was always a tad proud of the fact I felt that even if not everyone agreed with my views, I got the impression that I was pretty much unanimously seen as trustworthy and unbiased. I used to cringe when reading the gushing praise some of the moderation team and senior members would lavish Dr C with. I almost felt it brought into question the integrity of the site. So, I feel slightly uncomfortable in saying this, but Dr C is an amazing guy and an absolutely fantastic practitioner. Though I would never recommend anyone get a PE procedure, without fulfilling certain criteria, if you do, then I fully recommend Avanti Derma.

I simply can't express how kind, patient and caring Dr C has been with me. I should also point out that he was fully aware that I was 'done' with PhalloBoards, so as far as he was aware had nothing to gain in terms of gaining the endorsement of one of the most influential posters here. I've experienced 5 other Dr's during PE journey and none even come remotely close to the level of care I received from Dr C and the Avanti Derma team. They catered for my neurosis in a way I find it hard to believe I could have found anywhere else.

Now I fully realise that this reads like the over the top, sycophantic promotion that I used to cringe at, but you have to keep in mind that, for most of the last 22 years, my penis has been a complete write off. I've had god knows how many surgeries and spent more money than I care to think about. For about 15 years it was an utterly deformed mess. When it was finally 'fixed' it was still uneven, fully of bumpy scar tissue and under average. Now thanks to Dr C and his diligence, attentiveness and seemingly unending patience, it both looks and feels pretty damn normal. Also, I can now at least claim to have an over average Girth, so it hasn't all been for nothing! This really wasn't a straight forward case and many Dr's would have turned me away or those who would have catered for my very specific requests. Dr C went above and beyond to make sure everything possible was done to achieve everything I wanted. So, if you were in my shoes, I pretty confident you'd all be waxing lyrical about the man as well.

At some point in the future I will update this thread with photos. At the moment I treating some scar tissue I have at the base and would rather post them when I'm as close to 'finished' as I can be. I'm sure I've missed out lots of details and much of the information about my past may be hazy in terms to order and dates of what and when things were done, but it's pretty close to accurate.

I hope this was in some way useful reading. I know it isn't your typical progress report and probably doesn't provide much information any of you are looking for. But I felt I should at least write it seeing as I've benefited from reading so many others over the years and did feel I should give Dr C the review his work on my deserved. If you have any questions, please ask.

One more thing, I met Skeptical One and he's definitely not what I was expecting!

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Hoddle10's PE journey including PMMA with Dr Casavantes 6 years 1 month ago #1307117457

What is this a novel? Sheesh

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Hoddle10's PE journey including PMMA with Dr Casavantes 6 years 1 month ago #1307118031

I can\'t THANK YOU enough for this post, let alone all of your contributions to this forum.


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Hoddle10's PE journey including PMMA with Dr Casavantes 6 years 1 month ago #1307118115

Hi Hoddle.. happy to hear after this long process you have at least reached some normality. I am considering going to Dr. C. I have had no prior PE treatments and my stats are Eg 4.5 and EL 7... My goal is to reach 5.5 range in Girth. I am also 31 years old.

my concerns are longevity ...quality of product...(linnea Safe)... granulomas..what are the chance that the worst case scenario happens and I have to get the stuff removed.

Kind regards


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Hoddle10's PE journey including PMMA with Dr Casavantes 6 years 1 month ago #1307118498

Awesome read Hoddle.

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Hoddle10's PE journey including PMMA with Dr Casavantes 6 years 1 month ago #1307119938

awesome read hoodle!

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Hoddle10's PE journey including PMMA with Dr Casavantes 6 years 1 month ago #1307121115

Tks, Hoddle

A question: what stretch device you have used? Type and If possible brand too.

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Hoddle10's PE journey including PMMA with Dr Casavantes 6 years 1 month ago #1307122828

What a great post, Hoddle. You\'re one of the most knowledgeable and trustworthy member here. Thank you again for your post and I ask you, please don\'t leave the board if it\'s possible for you.

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Hoddle10's PE journey including PMMA with Dr Casavantes 6 years 1 month ago #1307122952

Great post Hoddle, and we're all very glad you're back!!!

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Hoddle10's PE journey including PMMA with Dr Casavantes 6 years 1 month ago #1307124103

Great and informative post there sir! Its interesting how your story is similar to mine. I\'m not going into great detail but I started back in 95 with Reed in Miami. Didnt go well. Then went to Whitehead in NYC. Then Barron the butcher in LA where I almost lost my penis due to a severe neurotic condition which was treated by two plastic surgeons at Northwestern in Chicago. Went back to Reed later on and now since hes retired I see a plastic surgeon here in Charlotte where I live. It\'s been a long and arduous journey to say the least. I dont know how many surgeries I\'ve had or how much money I\'ve spent. At least a dozen and 50k, respectively.

Anyway, I\'m glad to see I\'m not the only guy whose endured such trauma over the years (decades).

Be well


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Hoddle10's PE journey including PMMA with Dr Casavantes 6 years 1 month ago #1307124571

I\'m glad to read you are going well me friend.

Hoddle went above and beyond to help me several years ago. I will always be thankful to you and never forget.

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Hoddle10's PE journey including PMMA with Dr Casavantes 6 years 1 month ago #1307125646

What is this a novel? Sheesh

Well I suppose a post that receives \"likes\" would seem rather novel from your perspective.

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Hoddle10's PE journey including PMMA with Dr Casavantes 6 years 1 month ago #1307125656

Tks, Hoddle

A question: what stretch device you have used? Type and If possible brand too.

I didn\'t use a specific brand. I used a silicone tube and a bungey chord.

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Hoddle10's PE journey including PMMA with Dr Casavantes 6 years 1 month ago #1307125687

Hi Hoddle.. happy to hear after this long process you have at least reached some normality. I am considering going to Dr. C. I have had no prior PE treatments and my stats are Eg 4.5 and EL 7... My goal is to reach 5.5 range in Girth. I am also 31 years old.

my concerns are longevity ...quality of product...(linnea Safe)... granulomas..what are the chance that the worst case scenario happens and I have to get the stuff removed.

Kind regards


I can\'t tell you what the chances are that Removal will be required. However, I waited for over 5 years after the first few members got PMMA before having it myself. So I was aware of probably over 100 guys who had had it. In my opinion only one genuinely needed to have it cut out. The other complications I\'ve seen have been or should have been treated via less invasive methods.

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Hoddle10's PE journey including PMMA with Dr Casavantes 6 years 1 month ago #1307126944

Thanks for the response!. What about painful erections months or years after? Is it true in your opinion that most are satisfied with the result with PMMA?

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