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TOPIC: Bolkonsky's second progress report

Bolkonsky's second progress report 6 years 5 months ago #1305736808

I\'m back bitches!

Hi guys sorry about the year long hiatus. Life Life and more life.

I went down to Doctor C. for my first round and the site shut down so i went at it alone on my pilgrimage. I was pretty pissed because I came to rely on everyone\'s input.

so here I am. 2 rounds in. I just scheduled my third. I\'ll let the pictures do the talking.

Yes i still hang with my bib Hanger. I hang every day. I havnt really gained too much becasue after every procedure i thought it might be a good idea to not hang for 8 to 10 weeks to make sure everything developed and healed properly. Also i quite Hanging 2 weeks prior to a procedure to make sure my penis is in good healed state ready to take on the trama. Taking that much time off from Hanging really puts a dampener on the progress.

So here are some stats and pics.

right now I\'m about

7.5\" BPEL
6.75\" NBPEL
Girth at tip 5.5\" ( I have 5ccs of microdrops in the flang of my glans)
Girth right below tip 6\"
Girth right below that 6.5ish\"
then up to about 7.5\" at base

Its hard to be fully Erect with a tape measure in one hand and a phone in the other. so dont give me crap that i might be off with my measurements.

I am super super super glad I went ahead with doing this. I can see now after getting it done how its not for everyone. But its been a great decision for me.

I\'ve slept with about 30 girls (i dont keep track) sense my second round and 90% of them say the exact same two words when they grab my Dick. \"oh fuck\" lol

Any questions please ask on here If its a Hanging question please ask on my Hanging thread.
Hanging for length

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Bolkonsky's second progress report 6 years 5 months ago #1305736961

Also my future goals with the VID (very important Dick) is First i\'ll be getting my 3rd round done in December 2018. I\'m going light because i dont want to be too much thicker.

Then i want more silicone micro-droplets. I\'ve heard that Dr. C and his office no longer does this procedure. If anyone knows of another reputable Dr. in Tijuana that does this please pass the name forward. If not i think there is a Dr. in South Korea i might go to to get this done. I was super pleased with the 5cc\'s i have in there. I know another 3 would really make the head pop. But he wont do it for my 3rd round.

Then i want to get the fatpad liposuction. i\'m a lean dude but i just carry extra fat there for some reason. Then i want to get juvaderm / halodrolic or whatever its called, on the regular.... then i\'ll be happy. haha jk. i\'m happy now but then I think the journey will be complete. Its not about being happy its about being everything i can be.

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Bolkonsky's second progress report 6 years 5 months ago #1305737085

Thanks for the detailed report.
Your penis looks very natural and huge in the pictures. In fact i was gonna ask what's your goal with your next round, but you addressed it in the second post.

'I am super super super glad I went ahead with doing this. I can see now after getting it done how its not for everyone. But its been a great decision for me.'

Can you explain a bit more on this?

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Bolkonsky's second progress report 6 years 5 months ago #1305740817


Sex is totally different now. I now require about 5 more minutes of forplay which is really a good thing. Once i start entering the vagina i go very very slowly and creep my Dick in very slowly. Its really a moment for these girls to take in. They gasp, they moan in ways i\'ve never made a woman do before. I would say it takes me 3 to 5 minutes of going very slow in order for them to take my whole Dick. And some of them just dont. some of them i make bleed. I\'m still learning how to handle this thing. lol They call my Dick \"huge\" \"big\" \"omg\" \"this is going to me\".... its a power thing and they love it.

Plus I dont really obsess over my Dick anymore. Sinse i\'ve had this done its freed up my mind to worry and consentrate on other things. I got a new job. I went from making 80k to about 130k per year... I work all the time but its a good thing. so yes its really been in my advantage.

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Bolkonsky's second progress report 6 years 5 months ago #1305741754

very impressive. Good luck on your next round. Do you find that since you added PMMA to your penis that your able to go longer without ejaculating?

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Bolkonsky's second progress report 6 years 5 months ago #1305744054

no i had a real problem with Premature Ejaculation for the first 15 women or so.. I wasnt used to thier genuine moaning and orgasms. It really sent me over the top. I knew i just needed practice. So i\'m still working on it. A woman moaning because your really filling them up and they are climaxing while gasping for breath is incredibly hot. So yea i came like right away for a while. LOL

But its all good now. (fingers crossed)

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Bolkonsky's second progress report 6 years 5 months ago #1305754547

Bolkonsky wrote: Gg82
Its really a moment for these girls to take in. They gasp, they moan in ways i\'ve never made a woman do before. I would say it takes me 3 to 5 minutes of going very slow in order for them to take my whole Dick. And some of them just dont. some of them i make bleed. I\'m still learning how to handle this thing. lol They call my Dick \"huge\" \"big\" \"omg\" \"this is going to me\".... its a power thing and they love it.

That\'s interesting thing. You have huge Girth without any doubts. But do you agree that your Erect length (NBPEL) in the mid of statistical range? And still they called your Dick huge. Is this a \"magic\" of a big Girth?

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Bolkonsky's second progress report 6 years 5 months ago #1305758314

Bolkonsky wrote: no i had a real problem with Premature Ejaculation for the first 15 women or so..

Bolkonsky the advantage you have is your so big that even if you ejaculate she may not even realize it. You could just keep pumping and she's thinking this is awesome!

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Bolkonsky's second progress report 6 years 5 months ago #1305758816

Herbert West,

My nbpel is 6.75\" I know the pics show 6.5\" but just trust me. lol ....However, correct me if i\'m wrong but isnt average like 5.75\" or 6\" BPEL? I felt statistically i am above average length,

But as far as the 20% of guys banging almost all the women out there go, i\'m the average length Dick most women are seeing. I\'m nothing special in the length department. In fact i feel a little short for sure.

And thats why i still hang. I know i can get to 7\" or even 7.25\" nbpel.... just give me a few years of non stop Hanging. After my third round i can hang non-stop and that will do it for me.

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Bolkonsky's second progress report 6 years 5 months ago #1305767575

Dude, you are big enough, May be you want to consider working on other aspects to make your women cum and you will be their king.
30 women? I had thought you were married? did that change?
Good luck buddy, you are making good money and you got a big unit, what more can you ask for? LOL.....

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Bolkonsky's second progress report 6 years 4 months ago #1305771973


Just want to say I cant thank you enough for all your sage advice you have given on this forum. You are a force for positivity and progress for us all. You and several other of the regular members here have helped me considerably.

my story:

I\'ll be terse, but its a good story.

wife and I split up. she left me for a co-worker. (hypergamy) I was working insane hours and grew to resent her so it wasnt really her fault. I moved to a different town and gave the dude the blessing to pursue her full time now that i\'m out of the picture. They have their first date where they have sex for the first time (or so i\'m told). I was fully supportive of them being together. After their first date she calls me up balling in tears. She tells me after sex they were laying there and she made a small penis joke. (stupid on her part). I asked if it was small and she \"averageish\" with a high tone inflection and as if she was asking a question... so yea that means small... He took it very personally and said she must be refering to him and never wanted to see her again... Then he texts me telling me the same thing... Holy shit here i am in the middle of their small penis debacle. I tell him she doesnt care about that. I tell her she needs to lie to him and say all penis\' are about the same in size and it doesnt matter. (i know she likes big Dick. lol ).. typical lies blue pill guys want to hear.. so i kinda fixed it between them temporarily... but they never recovered and now she doesnt like him anymore and is moving to my town to be closer to me... She kinda wants to get back together.. but i highly doubt it will happen.

So yea i went on a bender with pussy. Yes i am in \'the liifesyle\' but not really. I\'m married to my work.

I dont know if it exists but i think i have big Dick guilt. LOL seriously i wish all guys could have the exact same size penis and women would judge us off of our character, wit, charm, erudition... but women are simple simple fish... smh it depresses me.

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Bolkonsky's second progress report 6 years 4 months ago #1305791149

Bolkonsky I gotta ask the question every one of us want to know - and i only ask it because you share so freely - which i love. Why the F did you go to prison?

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Bolkonsky's second progress report 6 years 4 months ago #1305807541

Any concerns about Hanging damaging the PMMA?

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Bolkonsky's second progress report 6 years 4 months ago #1305891517

This is awesome! So de C don't offer anything for glans anymore? How much of an increase did your glans receive?

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Bolkonsky's second progress report 6 years 4 months ago #1305900526


yes i had tons of concerns at first. I went very light and incrimentally added weight in the beginning. but now i believe using the bib Hanger (its a Clamping Hanger) helps loosen up any nodules and helps keep everything loose and plastic as it should. I\'ll go more into this with my Hanging thread.


I was super happy with the increase the silicon microdroplets gave my head. just look at my pics above. You can see how it helps the ridge of my glans really pop. If i would have had another 4 cc\'s it would have made a big big difference. I\'m still contemplating what to do. I really want my glans bigger.


Probation is an in and out game. they can extend your probation anytime they please, up to 10 years. Put you in and out of prison as much as they like. Fuck with you as much as they like. You are a commodity giving them a job. If you suck it up and do the time. You cost the state money and resources. You take away their commodity. You give yourself zero chance of extending your time. Parole and probation are a joke. I\'d take 10 years in prison over 1 year of probation from the state i\'m from. Fuck them.

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