Hudsonhawke7, the senior members here know, so I\'d prepare for at least 2 to 3 procedures. Like jewdub said, 4K is about right including estimated travel and lodging, etc. Preparing for a procedure is not only a financial commitment, it\'s also a lifetime commitment. I wish you the best.
By the way, can you post your starting stats so we can know your goals. Also post your demographics such as age, martial status, etc, as these factors are relevant to what percentage of
PMMA is right for you. The older you are and more settled in a relationship you are, the more you might want to consider 30%, whereas, the younger you are and less settled in a relationship, you might want to consider 10%. Additionally, aesthetics is a factor for you to consider when deciding on either 10% or 30%. From what I know, Dr. C no longer does 20%, so that\'s why I noted that only 10% or 20% is available.
Again, good luck my friend.