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TOPIC: "You have a little dick!"

"You have a little dick!" 10 years 3 months ago #1285304010

Yeah, that\'s pretty much what I\'ve heard by just about every girl I\'ve been with. I received a call one night from a guy my girlfriend was apparently cheating on me with. He talks some shit, and then puts me on speaker phone, and starts telling me how she told him I couldn\'t please her because of my tiny Dick. Then I hear her and several other people laughing in the background........ soul crushing.

I pick myself up, find a young, beautiful, amazing girl, and we end up getting married. During our marriage she makes a few comments about my size, but we have a pretty good sex life. Then we have a baby. After that I could tell things weren\'t the same. Our sex life got worse, and within a year of having a baby she cheated on me with a guy she worked with. I read text messages about how she couldn\'t really feel anything when we had sex anymore.

At this point I\'m ready to give up, and resign myself to either being alone, or finding someone that\'s willing to settle. My confidence is wrecked. I\'ve had sex 4 times in 5 years. I\'m in my mid-40\'s, and I spent the last 15 years doing PE exercises to really no benefit. About 3 months ago I decided that things needed to change, had to change, or what\'s the point? So I started working out regularly, started eating better, and started a new business. I\'m getting my teeth fixed, and getting my deviated septum fixed, so hopefully I stop snoring (who wants to be with an out of shape guy, that snores like a freight train, and has a tiny Dick?).

What I didn\'t know is that I could change the size of my Dick, but I had to do something, so I saw a documentary about a doctor doing dermal graphs in Korea. I started doing research, and found Dr. Solomon, and was ready to try and save up the money to have the procedure done. When I was doing my research I found this site, and learned about PMMA. I have to tell you that I didn\'t sleep for 2 days because I felt like I found a cure for my incurable disease. I\'ve read progress report after progress report. I feel like this is a life changer. I never again want to ever hear those words out of a woman\'s mouth: \"You have a small penis.\", or see that terrible look of disappointment when I get naked.

And this is the worst and shallowest reason of them all, but I still see my ex a lot because of our son, and she comes over quite a bit. I want to get this done to just see the look on her face when I walk into the living room naked, and \"didn\'t realize she was here\". That will be worth every penny.

So, after doing some research, I tried to schedule an appointment with Dr. C immediately. Unfortunately the first appointment I could get is January 21st. I will update everyone during my journey.

What are my starting stats?

4.25\" EG

3.5\" FL
3\" FG

Here are some pics:

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"You have a little dick!" 10 years 3 months ago #1285304103

Welcome to the forum! Firstly, I\'m so sorry about your life experiences with women, I truly believe you dealt with some bad apples, it\'s beyond fucked up to not only cheat, but attempt citing something a man can\'t (readily) change as a reason. And as a guy who started thinner than you did pre-op, it\'s safe to say there is reason to believe that you will achieve a sense of normalcy going forward.

I wish I had your length, and with what length you possess you can and will achieve a nice heavy unit. I don\'t often reply to most progress reports, not because I have any issue with them, but because I don\'t relate as much. But when it comes to the < 4.25\" group, I\'m always making sense of the pursuit (that is no knock on guys who started out bigger).

If I could make any suggestions, it would be to set a (realistic) goal and stick to it. Know that your journey wont be without the need for correction or possible complication. But what I do know is that the journey from Snugger Fit to Magnum did at least one thing for certain for me: it relieves the mind of that weight that\'s only gotten heavier with time & experience.

Good luck and if you have any questions feel free to PM me.

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"You have a little dick!" 10 years 3 months ago #1285304168

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so so sorry about the torment you have been through (they sound like truely rotten people), but there is plenty of good news: You are WELL above average in length (MORE than enough to please pretty much every woman), so the women that were making fun of your size were 100% talking about your Girth, but the other good news is you can easily increase your Girth to above average (and more depending if you do multiple sessions) with PMMA from Dr C. So after a few months you should actually have a very big penis! keep positive and focus on your bright road ahead. remember, 6\'\' length is above average, and you will easily increase your Girth!

sizemic started with only 1/4\'\' bigger than your Girth, and is currently (after 6 rounds of PMMA) at 7\'\' Erect Girth! (which he recently said a girl refused a second sexual encounter becuse he is TOO big for her!)

btw, i know photos can be decieving, but your pictures make you look like you have a big penis already! (you certainly have a good length at 6\'\')

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"You have a little dick!" 10 years 3 months ago #1285304227

I would certainly like to chalk it up to a few \"bad apples\", but like I said, just about every girl I\'ve been with in the past 20 years have made comments or told friends. That\'s why I started pumping, and doing PE exercises so many years ago. My goal is to gain an Inch, and be at 5.5\". I don\'t care if I\'m not the biggest, I just want to be more confident. I\'m a little worried about all the discussion of how the recent gains are much lower. I do feel the product has changed, but I just don\'t want to put this off any longer. I\'m fully prepared to do 3 rounds, or even more if needed. Like I said, if I can gain an Inch it would truly be a miracle.

Thank you!

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"You have a little dick!" 10 years 3 months ago #1285306305

Thanks for relating your story slk, and sorry to hear about your experiences with these women. But Skeptical One is right, you can do something about it, you can change your penis, and you have a good starting length.

Best of luck on your journey and keep us posted of your progress.

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"You have a little dick!" 10 years 3 months ago #1285306618

People can be cruel in life, sorry to hear what happened to you ! I hope you will get where you want and put it behind you ! Good luck mate !

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"You have a little dick!" 10 years 3 months ago #1285307704

Dera SLK, I am not far from your stats, Cock-wise, just a few years younger than you.

In my quite long and rather profligate dating life, which came naturally to an end some ten years ago (I got bored) I occasionally had a few comments about the size of my unit but nothing remotely close to what you went through. I am deeply surprised to hear from you that because of your perhaps slightly below average numbers you have essentially been relentlessly subject to harassment from all the girls you have met.

From my standpoint, you have tossed a coin many, many times and it ALWAYS landed Tail: a statistically very unlikely event; admittedly, not an impossible one. Either you have been very unlucky (as just said: a possible event) or your coin is not fair. Coin not being fair means that the women you have met all come from a fucked up \"urn\"/sample from which men should stay clear of: you sure they don\'t share any common factor? Nationality, State, education, ethnicity, class, etc. Let us know. For example, for choice I would fuck, indulge in one-night stand with a woman from NY but neither date or marry her.

My view, for what it is worth, on you getting PMMA: I think benefits (psychological and else) distinctly outweigh risks. So, good luck with your pursuit of a bigger Dick. Dr. C. will help you getting out of your mental stress. Keep us posted.

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"You have a little dick!" 10 years 3 months ago #1285308029

Welcome, sorry to hear your troubles.

You\'ll soon be too large for the toilet paper roll!

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"You have a little dick!" 10 years 3 months ago #1285308394

slk20003 wrote: I felt like I found a cure for my incurable disease. I\'ve read progress report after progress report. I feel like this is a life changer. I never again want to ever hear those words out of a woman\'s mouth: \"You have a small penis.\", or see that terrible look of disappointment when I get naked.

That\'s exactly how I felt when I found this site.

I was 6 x 4 on the top half and ~4.5 on the bottom half... so we were pretty similar.

6\" is the average length though, so i don\'t know what is wrong w/ these women (well, Girth changes the whole perception of \"big\" versus small - regardless of length)... but \"the look of disappointment\" is real... yep... the worst face you can ever see!

I haven\'t gained that much, but it still helped a lot from where I was. I need more, eventually. Good luck w/ things - if you get PMMA I think you\'ll be happier. Keep us posted.

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"You have a little dick!" 10 years 3 months ago #1285311410

Good luck on your trip with Girth enhancement.

for some odd reason, or may be not so odd, women are horrible about guessing the size of our units. My personal experience has been that they, most women, think that a thicker penis is bigger and better than a longer penis of slightly less Girth and they prefer the Girth vs length....So you are an ideal candidate for extra Girth, but please make sure you know the risks going in....

PS: it looks like you are a Grower, so keep your unit stretched after the procedure as long as possible....try Cialis before and after your sessions..

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"You have a little dick!" 10 years 3 months ago #1285311469

From my standpoint, you have tossed a coin many, many times and it ALWAYS landed Tail: a statistically very unlikely event; admittedly, not an impossible one. Either you have been very unlucky (as just said: a possible event) or your coin is not fair. Coin not being fair means that the women you have met all come from a fucked up \"urn\"/sample from which men should stay clear of: you sure they don\'t share any common factor? Nationality, State, education, ethnicity, class, etc. Let us know. For example, for choice I would fuck, indulge in one-night stand with a woman from NY but neither date or marry her.

I don\'t want to imply that every girl I\'ve been with has made comments. Obviously when I was younger girls don\'t really care if you\'re a little less than average. It just seems that after I graduated college it started, and no, there\'s no specific type of girl I\'ve dated (just that they all must love big dicks - HA!). One girl was a Greek American that told most of the people that we worked with that I had a small Dick (even though she wore the thickest padded bra I\'ve ever seen). The girl that was laughing while I was being made fun of on speaker phone was Filipino/Latina. I\'ve had all types of girls make comments. One said: \"It\'s ok that you\'re small. We all need a little Dick in our lives.\" WTF?

My ex (blonde, white) wasn\'t ever mean about it. In fact, she \"claimed\" I was the only one that she could ever get off consistently with, but like I said I could tell something was off after she had a baby. Then I made the mistake of reading text messages she sent to the guy she was having an affair with: \"I\'m so wet thinking about your Cock. I need it. I want it in my mouth!\" Not only have I\'ve never heard that from any girl, I certainly never heard it from her in the 10 years we were together.

Guys, I don\'t want to sound like a whiny bitch. I just wanted you to know why I\'m here, and that I was to the point of giving up on women. I feel like I have the opportunity to start a brand new chapter in my life, and 2015 will be one of the best years yet. I know this is a process (perhaps a never ending one), and there will probably be issues and money wasted, but the benefits far outweigh the risks, imo.

I feel that I will have the last laugh.

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"You have a little dick!" 10 years 3 months ago #1285315510


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"You have a little dick!" 10 years 3 months ago #1285317417

Dance With Dragons wrote: Your story is extremely similar to mine. I started exactly where you\'re at. I can tell you that 3 rounds later I am routinely called \"big\" even \"huge\" and my Dick is one of my best assets and far from a liability. I was up for almost two days straight struggling with the final decision to have something done about my Dick so I get it on a very deep level. I wish you success, happiness and a new found confidence. My ex wife who once asked me to buy a penis Girth enhancement toy now routinely tries to hit on me and offers to have sex with me. I think pursuing the route of total body health enhancement and dedication to self improvement will serve you well. Best of luck!

Thank you! In the few weeks I\'ve been on this forum, I\'ve read countless progress reports, and yours really resonated with me. Like I said, if I could get this done tomorrow I would, and wish I had found this site years ago.

As I stated, my big concern is the diminishing results that seem to be happening recently. I truly believe the product isn\'t the same and/or diluted. I believe Dr. C knows this, yet certainly doesn\'t want to lose business. I don\'t believe he has any control over it. That said, I don\'t want to wait any longer, and I\'m prepared to have to go back for multiple rounds. I wish getting close to 1 Inch gains on round 1 were still \"normal\".

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"You have a little dick!" 10 years 3 months ago #1285318936


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"You have a little dick!" 10 years 3 months ago #1285331075

See your story is nothing like I had to endure directly, but I really felt like less of a man before the procedure and I can relate to you - to your anxiety. I was by all statistics supposedly average but even considering that I did not feel confident. It is sad that in the material world we live in men also must go through these social pressures. I wish you luck and think it will definitely help you, mentally. PMMA was \"closure\" for me. It allowed me to stop thinking about my penis and allow me to get on with my life. In fact, just knowing that I can pop down to SD any time and add more size is something that really lets me sleep at night.

You do need to be aware of the risks. I think in the end you will find that a bigger penis really is a grass is greener type of situation. You probably won\'t wish to go back but you\'ll realize that it isn\'t much different on the other side.

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