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TOPIC: BTBassist's Road to PMMA

BTBassist's Road to PMMA 10 years 8 months ago #1283288743

Though I\'ve been around here for a while, and commented on several threads this might be the first thread I\'ve STARTED here. I wanted to take the opportunity to lay my story out for all to see. I hope this is the right place to put this. I chose this forum because I plan on PMMA with Dr. Casavantes in the very near future.Some of this is going to piss a couple of people off. I apologize in advance for offending your ear (or eye, as it were), but this is the truth.This is how I got here: I began \"natural PE\" a few years back. I began with an already \"larger than average\" penis. I really did it because of the thought \"why the hell not?\" I was 7.5 inches in length, and 6.25 inches in Girth, both Erect measurements. After 3-4 years of natural PE, I reached 8 inches in length, and just over 6.5\" in midshaft Girth. Then, for reasons unknown to me, I started experiencing some ED issues. When I stopped PE for a while, my Erection quality returned. I thought that maybe my \"routine\" was a little too much. So I backed off to light PE, and once again I experienced ED issues.Finally, I gave up on \"natural PE\", and my ED was no more. I felt happy with what I had, so I just stopped all together, and life was good. This is where the story really starts getting shitty.
I got involved with a woman, who LOVED my Girth. She loved to suck it, and would deepthroat me Flaccid just to feel it grow in her throat. I\'m a pretty big guy as well (225lbs, bodybuilder-like physique). The first time I fucked her she said \"bury it in me\". I did, and gently stroked and grinded like I was accustomed to doing with other women, and she told me \"I\'ve seen how strong you are. Fuck me. Break this little pussy.\" I gave her what she asked for, and she loved it. What followed was the most intense sexual relationship I have ever had in my life. Hard pussy pounding, hard anal, facefucking. And that was every time we hooked up, not just once in awhile. She wanted to feel used by a big guy with a big Cock. I fucked her until she cried more than once (upon her requests for me to \"not stop\", we\'re talking very rough sex, NOT ). My neighbor at the time stopped me outside our apartments one time and said \"I almost called the police last night, because my wife and I thought you were beating her up, until my wife listened a little closer\". Ever fuck a chick in the ass so hard you have red ass-cheek shaped marks on your abs the next morning? That said... this was not a healthy relationship. It quickly became clear that sex was the only thing that was there.After that relationship ended, I was really jaded toward women. I haven\'t had a real relationship with one, since. I\'ve really just found women that have liked my size, and wanted me to fuck the shit out of them. But this is about my Dick, not about my relationships, right? After some time, I noticed something felt \"off\" about my penis. And over a period of a year, it was very apparent to me that \"it is smaller than it used to be\".I finally measured, and confirmed my fears. It is indeed smaller. I\'m back to my pre-natural PE starting length, 7.5 inches (7.75 on a really \"good\" day... but 7.5 is about my average), but my Girth is considerably less than even where i started, it\'s about 5.25\" midshaft. Erections are not difficult to come by, and there are no visible irregularities other than the loss in Girth. I haven\'t even hooked up with a woman in over a year, not because I feel \"small\", but because I feel a strong sense that part of my sexual identity has changed. I\'m not a guy with a \"huge Cock\" anymore... I\'m a guy with a \"pretty big Cock\". Every woman I\'ve ever been with has said that I\'m big... it doesn\'t matter. It\'s how I feel about myself and my body that matters. Being comfortable in my own skin is what I\'m after. I would like to see 6.5-7.0\" MSEG before it\'s all said and done.Now I\'m turning to PMMA with the following stats:Flaccid length: 5-6\"
Flaccid Girth- consistently 4.5\"
BPEL- 7.625\" (we\'ll call that the average)
MSEG- 5.25\"Feel free to chime in with thoughts, suggestions, questions, etc. That is why I started this thread. I am definitely interested in the thoughts and opinions of those that have undergone the procedure. I will definitely update this thread in the future, as many others have done.
Not to slight ANYONE else, but a special thanks to Miracle 8X7. Your thread is really what helped me solidify my decision, especially since we have such similar \"starting measurements\". I also want to thank everyone else who has shared their experience on here, and all of those who are just here to support.

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BTBassist's Road to PMMA 10 years 8 months ago #1283288823

if ur length is 5.6 in my opinion it would be better to work on ur length first and then go for PMMA. like if u can get ur length to be 6.5 and then go for PMMA it would be even better.

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BTBassist's Road to PMMA 10 years 8 months ago #1283288952

dcpimpin12 wrote: if ur length is 5.6 in my opinion it would be better to work on ur length first and then go for PMMA. like if u can get ur length to be 6.5 and then go for PMMA it would be even better.

That is my Flaccid length. My Erect length is a touch over 7.5\". I\'m not all that concerned with gaining the length back. Show a woman a 7.5\" Cock, and show her an 8\" Cock and she\'ll just tell you she sees two 10\" cocks, know what I mean?

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BTBassist's Road to PMMA 10 years 8 months ago #1283289436

oh wow ur 7.5 that\'s a nice size... I cant wait to get there my self.

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BTBassist's Road to PMMA 10 years 8 months ago #1283289588

dcpimpin12 wrote: oh wow ur 7.5 that\'s a nice size... I cant wait to get there my self.

Thank you. I hope you find something that works for you.

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BTBassist's Road to PMMA 10 years 8 months ago #1283290334

You\'ve lost an 1.25\" in Girth. You need to see a Urologist before you consider enlargement.

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BTBassist's Road to PMMA 10 years 8 months ago #1283290399

hoddle10 wrote: You\'ve lost an 1.25\" in Girth. You need to see a Urologist before you consider enlargement.

Hadn\'t really considered that since I hadn\'t lost functionality. I will take that into consideration. Thank you for your input.

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BTBassist's Road to PMMA 10 years 8 months ago #1283290639

BTBassist wrote:

hoddle10 wrote: You\'ve lost an 1.25\" in Girth. You need to see a Urologist before you consider enlargement.

Hadn\'t really considered that since I hadn\'t lost functionality. I will take that into consideration. Thank you for your input.

Maybe you should ask Miracle or Restoration what they think. They\'ve both suffered from Peyronies disease and though you haven\'t reported much shortening or a curve, you have lost a dramatic amount of Girth and I know thinning of the penis can happen with Peyronies.

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BTBassist's Road to PMMA 10 years 8 months ago #1283290676

hoddle10 wrote:

BTBassist wrote:

hoddle10 wrote: You\'ve lost an 1.25\" in Girth. You need to see a Urologist before you consider enlargement.

Hadn\'t really considered that since I hadn\'t lost functionality. I will take that into consideration. Thank you for your input.

Maybe you should ask Miracle or Restoration what they think. They\'ve both suffered from Peyronies disease and though you haven\'t reported much shortening or a curve, you have lost a dramatic amount of Girth and I know thinning of the penis can happen with Peyronies.

Oh, okay. I had never heard of that. I didn\'t know Peyronie\'s affected Girth, I just always thought it was curvature related. Honestly, I just thought it was due to me doing the \"natural PE\" stuff, and then stopping.

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BTBassist's Road to PMMA 10 years 8 months ago #1283293280

What these guys already said! This might seem like a \"quick fix\" or something but seek out more standard professional help first!

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BTBassist's Road to PMMA 10 years 8 months ago #1283313570

Hey man, we seem to be going through something similar. Well, I don\'t think I lost quite as much Girth as you but I\'m pretty sure I didn\'t start out with as much either. I don\'t really know how much I lost but I know exactly how you feel about the change. My girls tell me I\'m still big and thick but it doesn\'t feel the same to me and I don\'t feel the same way about myself. I just want to warn you, maybe your experience will be different but most likely urologists will not help you. If you had Erection problems they would give you pills. If those didn\'t work you could get a pump, take shots, or get an implant. If you are younger than about 45 or so they will think you have mental problems. If you come to them complaining about lost size after PE exercises they will definitely think you\'re nuts. I totally understand your desire to get PMMA to restore your size, and at the same time I understand other poster\'s advice to see a urologists. I bet that most members on here have not dealt with urologists and simply assume that they are eager and sympathetic, ready to help with all manner of penis problems. This is not the case, especially for younger men. It\'s becoming increasingly clear to me that sexual medicine is still in the dark ages, and probably will be for a long time. I\'m not saying don\'t bother seeing a Urologist, I\'m just giving you a warning about what to expect. It may be different for you.

pm if you want to talk more about coping with losing Girth. I don\'t know if I can help but I can definitely relate to and understand what you\'re going through.

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BTBassist's Road to PMMA 10 years 8 months ago #1283315422

Peyronies drastically affects Girth in some patients... it is mostly a curve thing, but the curve is due to scar tissue which screws up erectile capacity, reduces length, and reduces Girth. The degree to which this happens varies from person to person. I lost Girth before I even had much of a curve. Then the curve worsened. It changes over time. At the worst, I had 3.7\" Girth at the tip, down from stabilized around 4\". Most patients have localized narrowing or a \"hinge effect\"...which I sort of had at first - but then the entire penis narrowed. My Urologist explained that it\'s not common for that to happen, but since the penis \"works together\" as one unit - if you have a damaged area, it may reduce erectile capacity overall.

I didn\'t read your whole thing - I\'ll go back and read it later.. I glanced through the thread & saw the comment about losing Girth from hoddle.

Ok - I read your post... not sure what to say... I never did manual PE. And, if you see a Urologist, he will tell you that you are above average and to go home & then you\'ll get a $600 bill for the miraculous advice (or a small co-pay depending on your insurance). Urologists generally do not support manual PE except for the all day stretcher for people with curves. I\'ve seen 10+ of them over the years in many different cities (trying to find the best one to treat peyronies) general, the avg Urologist is more concerned w/ prostate cancer and other things... if you see one, you need to see a male sexual function specialist...not a general Urologist. But, it doesn\'t sound like they would find anything is wrong with you. If you uniformly lost Girth everywhere, then maybe it has to do with manual PE not holding its gains or something - and I just don\'t know anything about that to comment on it. I didn\'t even know you could get that much Girth from manual PE.

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BTBassist's Road to PMMA 10 years 8 months ago #1283315599

Restoration wrote: Peyronies drastically affects Girth in some patients... it is mostly a curve thing, but the curve is due to scar tissue which screws up erectile capacity, reduces length, and reduces Girth. The degree to which this happens varies from person to person. I lost Girth before I even had much of a curve. Then the curve worsened. It changes over time. At the worst, I had 3.7\" Girth at the tip, down from stabilized around 4\". Most patients have localized narrowing or a \"hinge effect\"...which I sort of had at first - but then the entire penis narrowed. My Urologist explained that it\'s not common for that to happen, but since the penis \"works together\" as one unit - if you have a damaged area, it may reduce erectile capacity overall.

I didn\'t read your whole thing - I\'ll go back and read it later.. I glanced through the thread & saw the comment about losing Girth from hoddle.

Ok - I read your post... not sure what to say... I never did manual PE. And, if you see a Urologist, he will tell you that you are above average and to go home & then you\'ll get a $600 bill for the miraculous advice (or a small co-pay depending on your insurance). Urologists generally do not support manual PE except for the all day stretcher for people with curves. I\'ve seen 12 of them...and they\'re more concerned w/ prostate cancer and other things... if you see one, you need to see a male sexual function specialist...not a general Urologist. But, it doesn\'t sound like they would find anything is wrong with you. If you uniformly lost Girth everywhere, then maybe it has to do with manual PE - and I just don\'t know anytihng about that to comment on it.

I really appreciate your input. Thank you very much for taking the time to post.

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BTBassist's Road to PMMA 10 years 8 months ago #1283315645

Restoration wrote: I didn\'t even know you could get that much Girth from manual PE.

I only \"gained\" .25 inches in Girth from manual PE. I just happened to lose it when I stopped, and then ended up losing even more. So I ended up with about an Inch less Girth than what I started with. I\'m sorry if that was unclear in my original post... I know there are a lot of numbers up there. I spit out a lot of numbers.

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BTBassist's Road to PMMA 10 years 8 months ago #1283321961


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