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TOPIC: Late Progress Report

Late Progress Report 11 years 2 months ago #1280760741

Hello everyone, I\'ve been a long time lurker. I\'ve also already had 2 PMMA sessions with Dr. C and in a couple of days I am headed down for my third. I wanted to share my experience with hopes that it might help others make informed decisions. I had intended to create a post much, much sooner than this, but initially I was hesitant and I\'m not really sure why. After my second session I had some things in my life that I won\'t begin to bore you with go pretty bad. I lost the desire to continue on with my PMMA enhancement and never did end up posting. Obviously that desire has returned , and I\'m ready to get this ball rolling again and document it properly this time. It has been over a year since I\'ve had my second session.

I\'m not going to go into the visit as this has been covered by most everyone else and mine was the exact same. All the staff was very professional and made me feel as comfortable as I could be considering the situation, lol. First visit makes me laugh when I think back on it though. In walk 2 buff dudes, Wade and Dr. C and I\'m like holy shit what have I gotten myself into. We start the procedure and I have the 2 buff guys sticking needles in my penis while there is techno playing over the speakers and I start to get a little antsy. Pretty sure Wade notices and comments on how the music probably isn\'t very relaxing. We all kind of laugh and Wade gives me a pill to calm myself down a little and all was gravy after that.

For my first session I received 10% which I think was the popular choice at the time. Lay a foundation first session, build on size with the second. I actually gained quite a bit on my first session. I started with an EG of 4.2 inches. After the first session, if I remember correctly I ended up somewhere in between 4.75 and 5 inches. I remember that Wade and Dr. C seemed kinda surprised on my gain. Aesthetics were good, slight curve on both sides of the shaft at the base most likely due to turtleling.

For the second I received 20% and again had good gains, although they were comparable to the first. Initially I gained maybe a quarter of an Inch more than the first time around, but that size was lost and I ended up with 5.5 EG all the way down the shaft. Aesthetics were a little bit worse this time around. The curve at the base on both sides is slightly worse and the upper left side near the glans has a little more PMMA than the opposite side. This gave the left side the ridge that you sometimes see under the glans with PMMA. All in all, I was not too disappointed. Definitely not disappointed with the size, but I knew there would probably be some aesthetic issues after the 20% session.

So fast forward 6 months from the second session and I hook up with my first girl since having PMMA and the difference was clear. I\'ve never had a girl go after my Cock like that. Had a couple of go\'s in the evening hours. I wake up to her grabbing my Cock at like 2 in the morning and we go at it again and of course in the morning another time. Holy shit I was sore after that, lol. I ended up sleeping with this girl quite a bit and never once did she mention anything about my aesthetic issues. Just continued to constantly jump my bones any chance she got. If I had to choose between my perfectly aesthetic old penis and my new one, I would take the new one with no hesitation.

So here I sit 2 days before my third. I hope to clear up the aesthetic issues this time focusing on making the right side even with the left then adding some size to the base. If I could end up with 5.75 at the top and middle and 6 at the base with decent aesthetics I would be happy and be done. Unless that Glans procedure turns out to be good! Will probably get some pics up here in the next day or so and will update after my next session.

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Late Progress Report 11 years 2 months ago #1280760879

Nice to see you finally post.. Im very excited to follow your progress for the 3rd round. Will you be getting 10% again? or will you be upping it to 30% also what was your starting length and did you lose any after PMMA? good luck and welcome to the forum.

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Late Progress Report 11 years 2 months ago #1280760989

Thanks for the warm welcome, I imagine I will go for 10%. I\'m not looking for too much more Girth at the top of the shaft and I think if it\'s concentrated enough at the base I will achieve 6 inches there. I think 5.75 top and mid shaft, then 6 inches at the base would be perfect for me. Never in my life did I think I would be this big. I\'ve had a girl work my self esteem into the ground due to my initial size and now I couldn\'t be happier.

Erect length is kind of a long story. Before any sort of PE I started out with 5.2 inches NBPEL. In my early 20\'s I did some stretching and managed to gain an Inch getting myself up to 6.2 inches NBPEL. About a year before my first PMMA session I had a mild case of Peyronie\'s disease and I lost about a half an Inch in length, leaving me around 5.75 NBPEL. I have retained all size since, lost nothing over my 2 PMMA sessions. After the third is done and I\'m good and healed I might try and regain the half Inch, we shall see. Here are my stats

Pre Op Post Op

EL 5.75 EL 5.75
EG 4.2 EG 5.5

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Late Progress Report 11 years 2 months ago #1280765687

Congratulations man. Great gains. Post some before and after pictures if you don\'t mind. I\'m waiting for my 4th round to fix some low spots and increase my base Girth, but alas, I\'m poor at the moment!

Good luck with round 3.

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Late Progress Report 11 years 2 months ago #1280773277

Ultrawide, thanks for finally sharing your story. May I ask how your sex life was with the 4.2\" compared to the new dimensions.Please provide as much info as possible.I have a girl who wants to go trip with me next year and share same double room in the hotel.This girl has 2 kids and I am afraid I wont satisfy her with my 4.2-4.3 EG and 5.3 EL

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Late Progress Report 11 years 2 months ago #1280774946

Hey man. Thanks for your update. Glad to hear things are going well for you and this has been a good experience. Definitely keep us updated on the new round.

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Late Progress Report 11 years 2 months ago #1280775109

yao wrote: I have a girl who wants to go trip with me next year and share same double room in the hotel.This girl has 2 kids and I am afraid I wont satisfy her with my 4.2-4.3 EG and 5.3 EL

Use a bunch of foreplay, your fingers and tongue. If you are secure about yourself, bring a vibrator or two. Some women who had kids can easily do anal for your pleasures but you can easily satisfy her IF she is in to you! Good luck!

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Late Progress Report 11 years 2 months ago #1280788449


Mustang2020 gave great advice. If I might add some additional practical techniques I\'ve used prior to my augmentation. I suffered through peyronie\'s and possessed a Girth similar in size. Not all women that have given birth have a large vagina. Totally false. The coital alignment technique is awesome. Most (no... not all) women love simultaneous stimulation of the clitoris and the feeling of penetration. In most cases, it\'s a winning combination. Also, any position that keeps her legs closer together will increase (some) friction to the vaginal walls. The connection you share, stamina, Erection quality, etc will be the deciding factor of her satisfaction. Not the size of your manhood. Of course, as Mustang mentioned, if she is into you, like Porsche, there is no substitute. Women are far more complex creatures than us men. Best of wishes to you and don\'t stress it.

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Late Progress Report 11 years 2 months ago #1280790611

The CAT and the modified CAT are great for most women to achieve orgasms fairly quickly. Also, some women like to sit on top and can control their movements to bring climax at their will.

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Late Progress Report 11 years 2 months ago #1280791268

Hey ultra I\'m interested in what type of stretching routine you did, how often, and overall time it took you to gain an Inch in length? That\'s awesome!

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Late Progress Report 11 years 2 months ago #1280798696

Hey guys, bear with me, I\'m on the slowest hotel wireless ever. Definitely not going to be able to upload pics till I get home. Had my appointment yesterday and everything went smooth. Easiest session I\'ve had yet, seemed like a breeze compared to the others. Dr. C, Wade, and Mel were great as always. I had 30% at the base and 10 at the top and so far it is looking awesome. Almost all the aesthetics issues were taking care off. Dr. C was able to to fix the ridge at the top and everything is much much more even. Wade was right when he said you\'re gonna have a brand new penis, lol. You guys will be able to see the difference after I get back home and get some pics up. As for size I didn\'t bring anything to measure with, but I\'m pretty sure I\'m up over 6 all the way down the shaft. I know the doc said he used 30% at the base, but I\'m wondering how many CC\'s he used. Didn\'t think to ask unfortunately. Reason why is, it is pretty much the same size all the way down the shaft. Maybe very slightly bigger at the base. Not complaining at all though I\'m on cloud 9 with the way it looks right now! Really hope I can retain the size after the collagen growth.

As for after care, it has changed since my last session over a year ago. Instead of wrapping it, I was given a silicone sleave to wear for the first 3 days. My first 2 sessions I was shown how to wrap and given Cialis. This time I was just told to wear the silicon sleeve as much as possible and the usual massage tips to keep everything even. After the trip back to the hotel I was not too sure about the silicone sleeve. Kind of a funny story. So we get to the border and take the bus lane. When you get up to the building where the walkers go through I had to get out and stand in line. Everything was fine with the sleeve until I stepped out and I felt it slide almost all the way off. Felt like it was just Hanging onto the tip, lol. So I\'m halfway limping through the line with my bags praying that it doesn\'t slip all the way off and roll out my pant leg. By the time I get back to the van it\'s all the way off, but the silicone was gripping onto my boxers so I was able to make it all the way to my room, lol.

So finally, I\'m in my room and take my pants off and it looked kind of mis-shapened. Plus it was bleeding a bit from the entry points and I kinda freaked out a bit. Got in the shower, cleaned up, and smoothed everything out it and everything was fine. Took some Cialis and got a couple erections and continued to massage for a while. The erections looked great everything was soooo smooth and even, very pleased with Dr. C\'s work. So I continued to massage and get an Erection every now and then throughout the evening. When it came time to sleep I went ahead and threw on the sleeve again. I set the alarm for 2 hours. Got up after 2 and took the sleeve off and it kept everything really uniform. So I massaged for a bit again, put the sleeve on again and slept for 2 more hours and repeated the process another time after that. The sleeve worked great over the night. I think the reason it slipped off the first time was becaues of the bleeding from the entry points. I\'ll feel pretty confident wearing the sleeve to the airport for the flight home. I wore it out when I went to get some breakfast and it was solid.

That about sums up everything for now. I\'m staying one more night and will continue to massage and relax and then flight out tomorrow afternoon.

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Late Progress Report 11 years 2 months ago #1280798898

yao wrote: Ultrawide, thanks for finally sharing your story. May I ask how your sex life was with the 4.2\" compared to the new dimensions.Please provide as much info as possible.I have a girl who wants to go trip with me next year and share same double room in the hotel.This girl has 2 kids and I am afraid I wont satisfy her with my 4.2-4.3 EG and 5.3 EL

Yao, I think that largely depends on the girl. In my early 20\'s I had great girl who I was able to satisfy despite my size. I remember at one point we hadn\'t seen each other in a while and I called her up. She told me how happy she was cause she knew she was gonna have good sex that night. I was never able to get her to reach orgasm with just my penis, but I learned to be good with my mouth and fingers. She also liked anal and that was another way I was able to make her orgasm.

However, I\'ve been on the otherside of the equation where I\'ve had a couple of sluts and one of them let me know that I wasn\'t big enough for her. Her vagina was freaking huge though, lol, and she hadn\'t even had any kids. Really took a hit to my self esteem, but I\'m way over that now, lol.

After PMMA I was able to give a girl an orgasm with just my penis for the first time. Pretty awesome feeling as it\'s been a long journey.

If you genuinly like the girl and she likes you back, then I think you will be fine. Some of the guys here have made some great suggestions here as well.

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Late Progress Report 11 years 2 months ago #1280799238

bigdick1 wrote: Hey ultra I\'m interested in what type of stretching routine you did, how often, and overall time it took you to gain an Inch in length? That\'s awesome!

It\'s been a loooong time since I\'ve strecthed so I\'ll try to remember the best I can. It was all manual stretching. It started with warming up by soaking a towel with hot water and then placing it over my penis for a good minute. Then I would stretch it straight out, then to the left, right, up, and down for a good minute each. Then I would stretch it straight out and this time use kegels to enhance the strecth. I would pull straight out and start with 10 kegels and overtime work up to more and more. Then I would always warm down with another hot towel. If I remember correctly I gained an Inch pretty quickly, like 6 months. I think with manual PE, you gain an Inch or so really quickly and then the gains get real slow. I didn\'t have the patience to continue on after the Inch, lol.

I will be using an ADS, the ESL40, when I get back home. Wade actually told me they sold something very similar now and recommended wearing it after the three days of the silicone sleeve. Hopefullly maybe I\'ll be able to gain back my lost length for the Peyronie\'s disease with some light stretching. 6 x 6 would be perfect for me.

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Late Progress Report 11 years 2 months ago #1280800400


I am very happy for you. I have only been to Dr. C one time but was very impressed with the whole team. They truly care about their patients. It sounds like they fixed you up and got you where you wanted to be!

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Late Progress Report 11 years 2 months ago #1280802625

Thanks for sharing with us. The sleeve Dr. C gave you, is this a new thing? Do you or anyone know how long he\'s been using this?

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