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TOPIC: Late Progress Report

Late Progress Report 10 years 8 months ago #1280829045

Hey guys, finally home and getting some pics up. Everything is healing good so far....swelling is gone . Aesthetics are looking pretty good so far. Slight curves near the base where the 10 meets the 30%, but not a big deal to me at all. Looks so much better than before. Ended up with 5.5 TSEG, 5.75 MSEG, and 6 at the base. Pretty much exactly where I wanted to be. Hopefully I\'ll get good collagen growth and retain these numbers after the dreaded drop. If these numbers do hold it will be a final 1.8 Inch total increase in size from what I started with. Unless that Lipen D glans enhancement turns out to be really good, I think I may be done as far as PMMA goes. If I did go down for the glans enhancement I could see getting a touch up around the base, but nothing more for size. Would like to regain my length before the Peyronie\'s disease, so I will be doing some very light stretching for the first 6 weeks, then step it up a bit after the collagen growth is done.

Pics in order, before, day 1, day 2, day 3, day 3

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Late Progress Report 10 years 8 months ago #1280829411

Hey - thanks for posting this summary. I think you\'re probably one of the few people I\'ve found on here starting w/ a similar Girth to me. I also had PD and lost length/Girth. How did they decide to do just 10% and not the 30/10% combo (that\'s what wade suggested on the phone) for your first session? I am trying to keep track of things on here so I can figure out which one I will want to do.

Did everything feel natural in the period you waited? Going from 4.2 to 5.5 seems like a big deal - like you\'d feel something in there - so I\'m just curious. I\'m probably going to make the same leap (if I can!) but I\'m curious how it feels when you take that big of a leap from a smaller baseline vs. guys that start at 5.0.

Where did you stay for your first session? They recommend TJ for the first visit - and the hotels are cheaper there - and there\'s no 3 hr border crossing to deal with...but some people aren\'t a fan of TJ hotels.

Thanks ultrawide!

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Late Progress Report 10 years 8 months ago #1280829691

Restoration wrote: Hey - thanks for posting this summary. I think you\'re probably one of the few people I\'ve found on here starting w/ a similar Girth to me. I also had PD and lost length/Girth. How did they decide to do just 10% and not the 30/10% combo (that\'s what wade suggested on the phone) for your first session? I am trying to keep track of things on here so I can figure out which one I will want to do.

Did everything feel natural in the period you waited? Going from 4.2 to 5.5 seems like a big deal - like you\'d feel something in there - so I\'m just curious. I\'m probably going to make the same leap (if I can!) but I\'m curious how it feels when you take that big of a leap from a smaller baseline vs. guys that start at 5.0.

Where did you stay for your first session? They recommend TJ for the first visit - and the hotels are cheaper there - and there\'s no 3 hr border crossing to deal with...but some people aren\'t a fan of TJ hotels.

Thanks ultrawide!

I don\'t think the 30/10% combo was being used when I first started. My first session was well over a year ago. Back then the popular way to go was 10% first session to lay a good foundation.

It definitely doesn\'t feel 100% natural, but at the same time, it doesn\'t feel unnatural. Kind of hard to explain I guess. It doesn\'t move around, it feels like it is a part of me. I\'m definitely not thinking about it when I\'m having sex.

I stayed in the US for all sessions. Now that I think about it, I might not have had so many aesthetic issues if I would\'ve stayed in TJ. Also, for my first 2 sessions I flew out the very next day. If I could go back and do it again I would stay 2 days minimum like I did this last time.


Just read through your thread. Wow, you\'ve had a rough time. Wish you the best of luck. Although my PD wasn\'t as bad as yours, I will be interested to follow your stretching progress as I try to regain my lost length.

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Late Progress Report 10 years 8 months ago #1280832297

Thanks for posting pics. I was looking at your Day 1 pic and thought that is huge. Then looking at your Day 2 and 3 pics it looks more \"believable\" or in proportion to your glans, if that makes sense. I think you are going to have a great final result. Looks really good! Thanks again for the update!

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Late Progress Report 10 years 8 months ago #1280839291

UW nice stats. So which one felt more natural for you and less noticeable to the touch, 30 or 10%.

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Late Progress Report 10 years 8 months ago #1280841606

briceb wrote: UW,
Thanks for posting pics. I was looking at your Day 1 pic and thought that is huge. Then looking at your Day 2 and 3 pics it looks more \"believable\" or in proportion to your glans, if that makes sense. I think you are going to have a great final result. Looks really good! Thanks again for the update!

Thanks for the compliment. Day 1 I was really swollen and that was definitely not a full Erection. My swelling went down real quick. Pretty much gone by the end of day 2.

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Late Progress Report 10 years 8 months ago #1280841608

michael wrote: UW nice stats. So which one felt more natural for you and less noticeable to the touch, 30 or 10%.

Honestly, I can\'t tell the difference between the two.

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Late Progress Report 10 years 8 months ago #1280841979

smalljay wrote: We\'ve got the same length right now so it\'s great for me to read this, see your pics and hear your story of waking up to women attacking your junk! We also had similar starting girths (4.5\" here) and I\'ve had similar reactions from the ladies (good sex with some, one or two that called me small).

And also great to hear yet another case of manual stretching yielding gains of one Inch. Every time I hear this it makes me so damn happy.

I was just wondering if you could elaborate a bit more on the feeling of the PMMA? Your testimonial would be especially valuable, since at one point you have had all three concentrations and got to feel each one (10% initially, then 20%, and finally 30%). To you, which felt the most natural to the touch - or the most like your original penis?
I\'m guessing people\'s answers here will depend on what their original erections felt like. I\'m sure some boners are harder or softer than others. I know that I myself, have a very, VERY rigid and rock hard Erection that stands straight up to attention, is hard to bend down and once again, could cut diamonds. When I squeeze it it does not compress or \'mush\' much, it\'s very much like a hard plastic dildo.

So while a number of guys have complained of the \'realism\' of 30%, I feel that for me (from the descriptions I\'ve read) it might be the best choice. Because I have read that it feels the \'hardest\' of all three concentrations, and I\'ve always liked that quality about my original penis (from the few compliments I\'ve got about my Dick). Would you agree with this, that 30% is the hardest feeling concentration you\'ve had yet? And can you elaborate on your own and describe how you feel about it? You said it definitely didn\'t feel 100% natural, so just wanted to hear you talk more about this if you could.

Thanks again for your great log and I\'m very happy you decided to share. Finally another 5.75er to report great sex after PMMA (even orgasms, which like your old self, I\'ve been unable to give at my current Girth).

Like I said above, I can\'t tell the difference between the two myself. I believe I did not receive a lot of CC\'s this time around. I should have asked the doc but didn\'t think too. I really don\'t think I had that much room left tbh.

I would have to say it doesn\'t fell as rigid as it used to pre PMMA. It feels smoother now. If I can think of anything else I\'ll let you know.

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Late Progress Report 8 years 6 months ago #1291328942

Well, it\'s been a long time since I\'ve been here. Glad to see this place is still around. I\'ve had some weird changes in the past week or so and thought I would update this as well as look for some advice. For the most part everything is good with my PMMA. Just a couple of weeks ago though I noticed a couple of bumps at the base of my penis. I have no idea if this is related or not, but just before I noticed these I had some weird pain in my penis one day. The day the pain started I had done some towel raises with my penis. A couple hours later I had some shooting pain in my penis. Thought I had pulled a muscle or something from the towel raises. I only felt it when I sat down and it was kind of random. It wasn\'t lingering pain. It would shoot then go away. The next day it was still there, but much less. The next day nothing, then a couple of days later I noticed the bumps.

The odd thing is the pain I felt was kind of on the upper left side my penis and the bumps are on the upper right side. Now the bumps aren\'t visible, but they are pretty easily felt when flacid. Not so much when Erect. They are about the size of a marble, maybe a little smaller. One is at the very base and I can pretty much feel underneath the bump. It seems like the bump is attached at its left side right at the middle top of my penis. So it\'s not completely mobile. Like I said before there is no pain now.

My Erection quality is the same as it was before, and there are no other physiological effects. I had 30% at the base on my last round. Could a piece of PMMA somehow come unattached from the right side of the base? I have a similar bump on the left side of my base, but it\'s firmly attached and feels a bit more natural. That\'s my best guess. I have tried emailing Wade, but it\'s been about a week and haven\'t received a response. I asked for his contact info through the website\'s email address. I was really hoping to get a comment from him or maybe even Dr. C. Has anyone on this board experienced something similar? Wondering if I should have this checked out, but I wouldn\'t know by who.

Let me know if you guys have any thoughts or suggestions.

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Late Progress Report 8 years 6 months ago #1291336451


Pics would help, and I\'d certainly get the bumps checked out... what you described sounds like an STD(s) to me more so than anything else. Hard to say without some more info/pics. Good luck.

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