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TOPIC: JADs quest for massive girth

JADs quest for massive girth 11 years 11 months ago #1277345103

Well guys, I\'ve made the decision to journey down the PMMA path. I\'ve read everyone\'s progress on these great forums, taken stock of my life, considered the risks and can\'t see a reason not to. I spoke with Wade earlier today to get an idea of my potential and whether my goals are realistic. He said they\'ve gotten great results with 30% lately using multiple injection points, sometimes up to 8 places in order to achieve an aesthetic result. Much depends on a patients anatomy and what they are trying to achieve.

My starting stats:
BPEL: 7-7.5\" depending on EQ
UEG: 5.3\"
MEG: 5.6\"
BEG: 5.7\"

FL: 4.5-5.5\" varies a lot. Sometimes 6\" but rarely
FG: 4.5-5\"
5x5 is pretty typical when everything is warm.
Would love to be 6x6 after I\'m done with round 3 but am not really concerned with Flaccid metrics.

I\'m good for 3 rounds, hopefully with the 3rd being mostly a touch up. My initial goal is 6.5-6.75\" MEG with a 7\" base. I haven\'t read too many accounts where this was a problematic Girth for women with the exception of ESQstudent. Having a natural Girth above 5.5\", I can tell you after sleeping with ~50 girls, none of them had a problem with that Girth. Some called it fat, but most didn\'t say much at all. I\'m sure for a slight few it was slightly uncomfortable at first but not painful. Some said it was big, but honestly not that many. Don\'t get me wrong, I don\'t want to inflict pain, I\'m just trying to give perspective to those wanting to achieve this size or slightly bigger. I\'ve had girls tell me I\'m the perfect size, including my current GF but really think that means they like it but prefer bigger. I\'ll expand more on my logic with current GF later.

I\'ve been doing manual PE since last July with some success but mostly gaining a little length from Hanging and stretching. Got up to 25 lbs in 3 months. But now I\'m happy with my length, wouldn\'t mind a little more but know Girth is where it\'s at.

I\'ll definitely update this report as I progress with photos and detailed accounts of my change in size; both good and bad. This forum is awesome, and I\'m glad to be a part of it.

Wish me luck, I should have the first round scheduled by late April.

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JADs quest for massive girth 11 years 11 months ago #1277345942

Hey buddy good luck! !

I don\'t suggest anything bigger than 6.25\" though, kinda retarded. ...sure its ironic coming from me.... but that\'s my .02$! Id shoot for 6-6.2\" if I was you.

Wife calls me BDD (big dick daddy) and Freak.... lol the latter im not so appreciative of, but hey it sure got her attention.

Do what your heart tells you and hope for the best.

Good luck,


(Pic is 6.6\" w/90% EQ)...too buku

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JADs quest for massive girth 11 years 11 months ago #1277356983

I just scheduled my first round for April 24th at 4:30. I\'m so stoked about getting this done. I should achieve my initial goal of 6.5\" MSEG in round 1 at the very least during the first few weeks with swelling to see what 6.5\" Girth looks and feels like. Then I\'ll probably maintain 6.2\"+ if that\'s more than I want.

Some additional stats:
BPSL: 8\"
BPXL: 7.8\" (stretched in extender)

I\'m optimistic that I\'ll achieve similar results as you Hulk after 1 round of PMMA given we are very close in pre-op measurements. Only difference is that I\'m 6ft,185 lbs with about 10% bf and 13 years your senior. I\'ll get some before pictures up soon. May need SO to help there as I don\'t have a personal computer to upload pics right now. Work computer and iPad which aren\'t options for uploading photos...

Wish me luck...

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JADs quest for massive girth 11 years 11 months ago #1277357648

iPhone and iPad upload pics just fine. I\'m on one now.

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JADs quest for massive girth 11 years 11 months ago #1277358442

Justadude wrote: I just scheduled my first round for April 24th at 4:30. I\'m so stoked about getting this done. I should achieve my initial goal of 6.5\" MSEG in round 1 at the very least during the first few weeks with swelling to see what 6.5\" Girth looks and feels like. Then I\'ll probably maintain 6.2\"+ if that\'s more than I want.

Some additional stats:
BPSL: 8\"
BPXL: 7.8\" (stretched in extender)

I\'m optimistic that I\'ll achieve similar results as you Hulk after 1 round of PMMA given we are very close in pre-op measurements. Only difference is that I\'m 6ft,185 lbs with about 10% bf and 13 years your senior. I\'ll get some before pictures up soon. May need SO to help there as I don\'t have a personal computer to upload pics right now. Work computer and iPad which aren\'t options for uploading photos...

Wish me luck...

When you say that you \"should\" achieve your goal of 6.5\" Girth, do you realize your expecting a .9\" gain? That is not the norm and you shouldn\'t expect that.

Also, we as a group on this board generally expect pictures for reference and proof legitimate measurements. Please ask if you need help on posting pics.

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JADs quest for massive girth 11 years 11 months ago #1277361647

Old photo from 2011 before I started PE. Rough estimate of 6.8\" x 5.3\". I\'ll snap some measured pics soon in the Erect and Flaccid state.

Hulk, I meant that my unit will likely swell at some point within the first few days/weeks to about 6.5\" temporarily so I can get an idea of what that size looks like on me. I realize after 6 weeks it will likely be around 6.1 to 6.3\" MEG. I\'ll be fine if I end up on the low end after round 1. Round 2 and a touch up should be fairly easy to attain my goals.

I plan on taking it for a test drive with the GF and will adjust my long term goals on her reactions. Like I said before, I don\'t think she\'ll have a problem with 6.5\"+. But like you Hulk, its only once you have the new size dangling between your legs do you realize how big 6\"+ is.

Flaccid is from July 2012 when I started.

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JADs quest for massive girth 11 years 11 months ago #1277363813

Justadude wrote: Old photo from 2011 before I started PE. Rough estimate of 6.8\" x 5.3\". I\'ll snap some measured pics soon in the Erect and Flaccid state.

Hulk, I meant that my unit will likely swell at some point within the first few days/weeks to about 6.5\" temporarily so I can get an idea of what that size looks like on me. I realize after 6 weeks it will likely be around 6.1 to 6.3\" MEG. I\'ll be fine if I end up on the low end after round 1. Round 2 and a touch up should be fairly easy to attain my goals.

I plan on taking it for a test drive with the GF and will adjust my long term goals on her reactions. Like I said before, I don\'t think she\'ll have a problem with 6.5\"+. But like you Hulk, its only once you have the new size dangling between your legs do you realize how big 6\"+ is.

Flaccid is from July 2012 when I started.

Great outlook bud, and to think I was gonna go for 7.5\" Girth with retarded dr guinta.... lmao the things we try to attain when we don\'t know any better amaze me.... I was pretty retarded for thinking that would be a good idea... Id only get play in Mexico because I\'d be the donkey in the donkey show. Lol

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JADs quest for massive girth 11 years 11 months ago #1277364005

Well said. Anything around 6\"MSEG is plenty.

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JADs quest for massive girth 11 years 11 months ago #1277365556

Thanks guys. I\'m hoping my first round will yield a 6.3 MEG with a 6.5\" base, six weeks after round 1. From everything I\'ve read, that should be pretty close to where I end up.

7.5\" Girth would be insane in the membrane bro!
Although, I bought a Tommy Gunn sleeve a while back that\'s 8 x 6.5\" before I put it on. After I slide it over my unit, it\'s a solid 7-7.1\" Girth and about 8.5\" long. Granted, it is soft and has some give due to the cyber skin material but my GF takes it with ease...all of it. Last time we used it, she said she was a little sore the next day but not too bad. When we\'ve talked about it, she says she enjoys it but enjoys me better. Not sure I completely believe that, in fact I know I don\'t! The first time we used it, I asked her if she liked it and she paused for a moment and said, ummm I\'m not sure how to answer that. Worries she would offend me...

The sight of seeing something so massive entering her is really freaking hot. I just can\'t wait for it to be my big Dick instead of a toy...

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JADs quest for massive girth 11 years 11 months ago #1277366138

I can sympathize with you my friend.

We have a toy that\'s 6\" around and she loved it but acted like it wss too big im bigger than our biggest toy. If I was you I wouldnt let toys that dwarf you into the bedroom....

What if she had bigger boobs for a day? Or a tighter vagina for a day and then she asked you how you liked it? Of course you loved it so dont make that mistake again or you\'ll always wonder.

Free tip: if you get your wife or gf a toy to enjoy, make sure it doesn\'t fuck with your fit.... if ya know what I mean.

Heat of the moment is different, ill throw whatever I can fit in there when we\'re having an intense session, but I don\'t make that a habit.

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JADs quest for massive girth 11 years 11 months ago #1277366773

Found this from back in August \'12. I may have some of the Girth back then as well. Will upload later if I find them.

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JADs quest for massive girth 11 years 11 months ago #1277366981

Yeah, we\'ve only used it a couple times and I guess it didn\'t really fuck with my head too much but gave me pause. For reference, she has said previously that she couldn\'t really take much more than I have and any more would hurt. Afterwards, when we were talking about whether she enjoyed it she said, \"well I guess I can\'t say that I can\'t take much more than you.\" I couldn\'t tell if she was making light of it or being honest about taking more than I could give her and enjoy it.

She\'s had much bigger than me back in college 9\" and thick. She said she measured it and couldn\'t close her fingers around it. Said it was too much, and lost interest in sex with him pretty quick but stayed with him for 2.5 years...

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JADs quest for massive girth 11 years 11 months ago #1277367762

In most cases if you have a decent woman your size will play a very little role with your SO.

If you have her heart chances are you have more than what a big dick can bring to the table. I can\'t speak for the others but I was about 65% for my confidence and 35% to fill that pussy up. Does it make her love me any more? Nah.... gives her a greater orgasm and makes me feel like a mans man.

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JADs quest for massive girth 11 years 11 months ago #1277367890

We have very similar reasons and logic for going this route. I know this wont make her love me more or like sex with me more. It will definitely fill her up more and give me a lot of confidence that I really don\'t have.

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JADs quest for massive girth 11 years 11 months ago #1277367926

Just something to think about.... If the big dicks were so absolutely important to our women, then why are they not still with the big Dick?? I think it can be something they enjoy , but I think it is more important to us guys! I think it can absolutely add to a relationship, but it is not the relationship!

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