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TOPIC: Taking the PMMA plunge

Taking the PMMA plunge 12 years 1 month ago #1276422054

After an extensive process of reading literally every account and thread on here, as well as in depth research in many other forums on top of working in the medical field (I have a masters in cellular biology), I have decided that PMMA is by far the best procedure for Girth enhancement. I looked hard at Belladerm with Dr. R, just because I have faith in the US medical system, but almost every long term account of Belladerm seemed to go badly, so I cancelled that and went back to researching. PMMA, although also risky, seems far less likely to cause severe problems like retraction that seem a foregone conclusion with Belladerm if you research it enough.

I came to the decision to get an enhancement procedure after years of therapy, really digging into my internal issues and lots of work. I discussed it with my therapist at great depth, as well as my best friend and fianc'. I don\'t approach this lightly, but I am hopeful for a successful outcome. I understand the risks, and like many you before me, I am strapping myself into the seat of an experimental rocket and praying I return to earth safely, unharmed and happy.

My beginning measurements are 6.25 BPEL, 4.2 MSEG, 5 BEG and 4 Just behind the head. I am shooting for between 5.5 and 6 MSEG. I am also using the grip to stretch, although i am going to take time off to heal obviously. I am doing this, even though it\'s a bit out of order to do Girth before length, because I want to make sure I don\'t lose any length in the procedure, and because I will gain some EQ and overall stability benefits, even if I don\'t see any increase, although if I can gain a 1/2 Inch long term that will be awesome.

I have spoken to a lot of guys on here during my deliberations, and you\'ve all been extremely helpful and I thank you. Everyone has been so cautious and always looked out for me, doing their best to steer me away from procedures in general and especially ones that might be more harmful. I thank you for sharing your experience with me, and I stress to anyone new who might be reading this to DO YOUR HOMEWORK and research everything you can about PE and procedures before moving forward, as well as do some work on yourself and make sure you are of sound mind and body before doing something as crazy as letting someone mess with your Dick. I hope for the best but I know the worst is also possible, and I am prepared for that.

Thanks for everyone who went before me in this process and shared your experience so freely. Wish me luck, I\'ll update you when I get back from Mexico!

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Taking the PMMA plunge 12 years 1 month ago #1276422208

best of luck to you brother. Keep us posted.

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Taking the PMMA plunge 12 years 1 month ago #1276422244

You have definitely done your homework! Good luck on your procedure you will be in the hands of true professionals with Dr. C and crew. I sincerely hope that the procedure puts your mind at ease and puts you mentally in a better place. I believe it will.

If you are going to stay in SD and will be there for a few days I highly recommend staying in the Gaslamp Quarters. Lots of stuff to do and places to eat.

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Taking the PMMA plunge 12 years 1 month ago #1276422947

Judging from what you have written, you have the right mindset to proceed, in my opinion.

Best wishes and keep us posted.

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Taking the PMMA plunge 12 years 1 month ago #1276424891

When\'s your appointment?

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Taking the PMMA plunge 12 years 1 month ago #1276425014

The end of January. Can\'t wait!

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Taking the PMMA plunge 12 years 1 month ago #1276425469

Great buddy, I\'m going mid February. I wish you the best of luck. I\'m sure you\'ll let us know how it goes.

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Taking the PMMA plunge 12 years 1 month ago #1276430535

So I just received my grip system, and am Hanging for the next couple weeks before I go for my surgery. I\'m actually Hanging for the first time as I write this. I know I won\'t have enough time to make much difference before my PMMA, but it can\'t hurt, and I\'m gaining some experience at least. I\'ll keep you all posted!

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Taking the PMMA plunge 12 years 1 month ago #1276430693

Could help stretch the skin to reduce retraction a little bit.

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Taking the PMMA plunge 12 years 1 month ago #1276437108

DWD, as you know from our PM exchanges, I don\'t think you should be doing anything at the moment. However, your mind is made up and in which case I\'d rather you did PMMA than Belloderm, for the simple reason, I think you\'d be risking all the complications associated with a surgical PE procedure, for a result that it seems is unlikely to last more than a couple of years. So from that point of view, I think it makes more sense to take the risks involved with PMMA.

But you need to be sensible about this. I can\'t remember if it was on the forum, or via PM, but you definitely said when you were considering Belloderm that you\'d be happy with just a 0.5\" gain. Yet already you\'ve changed that to aiming for a 1\" to 1.5\" gain. To make gains like this will require an awful lot of PMMA and I don\'t think you\'ll be able to do it with lower concentration (10%). In my opinion trying to achieve a comparative result to Belloderm, via PMMA, is a very different thing to trying to gain 1.5\" of Girth, as the risks surely go up with the amount of microspheres injected.

If just a week or two ago you were happy to pay $10,000 for a 1/2\" gain, then what has changed so much. If your psychological problems could have been solved a week ago with a 0.5\" gain, then why wont they now?

The thing to remember with PMMA is that you can always go back for more, but you can\'t fix problems by having too much injected in one session so easily. If a week ago a 0.5\" gain was enough, then just have around 20cc of 10%. See how this impacts your life. At the moment there is a trend of asking for as much 30% as possible and this seems a long way from the procedure first touted on the old PhalloBoards a couple of years ago. The rational that made PMMA seem like a more logical choice seems to have been abandoned in my opinion.

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Taking the PMMA plunge 12 years 1 month ago #1276437461

I was accepting the long term limitations of Belladerm at a 1/2\" increase. I want to work up to the higher Girth over a couple of sessions, not neccessarily getting as much as possible up front. I am looking for an aesthetic result, although I do want a substantial Enhancement. I\'m undecided as to what concentrations or amounts, although I do know that I want to gain around .75 of an Inch from my first session. As for concentrations, I assume that talking to Dr. C about my goals and concerns will lead us to the proper amounts and concentrations.

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Taking the PMMA plunge 12 years 1 month ago #1276438733

Dance With Dragons wrote: I was accepting the long term limitations of Belladerm at a 1/2\" increase. I want to work up to the higher Girth over a couple of sessions, not neccessarily getting as much as possible up front. I am looking for an aesthetic result, although I do want a substantial Enhancement. I\'m undecided as to what concentrations or amounts, although I do know that I want to gain around .75 of an Inch from my first session. As for concentrations, I assume that talking to Dr. C about my goals and concerns will lead us to the proper amounts and concentrations.

The things with the PMMA procedure is that the product doesn\'t set the limitations, therefore the patient has to. Making a sensible decision based on the information we have regarding PMMA, is incredibly rare around here, as is to be expected. If you review the entire history of the PE industry, whilst Dr\'s and procedures get criticized heavily, the patients themselves usually don\'t and get \"victim\" status. But believe me, as someone who has suffered terribly due to poor PE procedures, I know deep down that the person I have to hold responsible above all others is actually myself.

I can\'t advise that you leave things in the hands of Dr C, as no matter how well liked and popular he is among our members, the history of the procedure over the last couple of years, shows he too is very much on a learning curve. We\'ve seen changes in where he injects, the amount he\'s prepared to inject and now for the 3rd time he\'s changed his mind concerning concentrations. That isn\'t being critical of him per se, as it\'s normal that procedures change and evolve over time. But anyone considering this procedure, should view themselves as a pioneer and take responsibility for their own result.

I\'m certainly not telling you to ignore his opinion, as that would be foolish. But don\'t just discuss your goals are in terms of gains, but also make it very clear what your concerns are and try and give examples (using our members progress reports) and be aware of the concentrations and injections sites he used in those examples. For example, if you are worried about the ridge at the base a couple of guys who have recently had 30% have reported, then show him their photos or read him their descriptions of the problem. This will help him makes a decision.

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Taking the PMMA plunge 12 years 1 month ago #1276438998

Hey, Dancing with Dragons...Thanks for your beautifully- written post.....You know what you are doing, given your research.

Thanks also to Hoddle for looking squarely at the situation.....

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Taking the PMMA plunge 12 years 1 month ago #1276441945

good luck dragons, and if you dont mind sharing the price just wondering if it has gone up.

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Taking the PMMA plunge 12 years 1 month ago #1276444546

2500 first session right now

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