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TOPIC: 1 year and almost 2 months later! PMMA.

1 year and almost 2 months later! PMMA. 12 years 9 months ago #1273498569

Good day to you all.
For a long awaited update. It has been 1 year, 1 month and 18 days since I had my PMMA treatment. In this forum post, I will answer any and all questions that I can about my experience with Dr. Casavantes and PMMA. I will also get into detail about living with PMMA over the long term and give advice to everyone before considering PMMA. I go into a lot of personal areas here, so please do not judge.
I originally was just another member of the old PhalloBoards, but I always read everyone else\'s posts and kept up to date on the current \"procedures\" on the augmentation of the male genitalia. I decide on March 24th of 2011 to go and get a treatment of PMMA with Dr. Casavantes in Mexico. I am going to be honest, I was scared and worried for my penis. I did not want to mess it up. But after a few discussions with my fiancee, I decide to go for it.
Now for my first piece of advice. Speak with your spouse/significant other before deciding on anything. Also, do not just talk it over (this is where I messed up) during sex ask her how she would feel if you were bigger. This may be taking it too far but while inserted, try putting your finger in too. If this is too much for her, than maybe you should reconsider. Now, my relationship wasn\'t perfect, we fought a lot. I believe that the thing that caused my fiancee to leave is that it now hurt her to have sex with me. Which led to less and less sex, which led to her leaving. Now, do not let this discourage you if you have a spouse, just make sure you both are ready for the enlargement.
Now here is what I started with (It seems that I wrote down this a few times in a notebook so it changed a little day to day. This is the stats I first posted on PhalloBoards V1):
Flacid stats:- Base Width = 4.75\"- Shaft Width= 4.75\"- Width just before the glands = 3.75\"- Length non-bone pressed = 4.25\"- Length bone pressed = 4.50\"Erect stats:- Base width = 6.00\"- Shaft width = 5.25\"- Just before glands width = 5.00\"- Legth non-bone pressed = 6.00\"- Legth bone pressed = 6.50\"
Now the trip to San Diego and then to Mexico was my first obstacle. I am from the great north (Canada), so it is a long trip to the USA then Mexico. By the way, San Diego is beautiful!!! I got picked up for the San Diego airport in a town car (I felt quite rich) and proceeded directly to Mexico. Once I got there (I was about 2 hours early, I suggest this) it took me approximately 1 hour to find the office, since no one could direct me there (no one spoke english). I got in early to the Doctor\'s Office and I did not sit long. They took me directly in and put me in a treatment room. The treatment room consists of a bathroom, a treatment chair (kinda weird looking) and one HECK of a view.
The treatment was done by Dr. C with Wade and another nurse assisting. The other nurse was also a male, so to have three guys looking and messing with your junk was very...weird (I really did not like the procedure for that reason but I like the results). Now, I have a very high tolerance to most medications and this was true for the local anesthetic they used. They had to keep putting more and more in throughout the whole procedure, which caused a little bit of pain but nothing that I was unable to handle. Everyone was super nice, respectful and professional.
Now when I was done, not only did I get in early, but I started early. Which also means I finished early. Now that means that I had to wait almost 2 hours for my ride back to San Diego. Wade was super nice and got me something to eat and drink while I waited (juice box and nutragrain bar).
The ride back, sucked. I took hours to get over the boarder and it was uncomfortable as hell. Although the driver was wicked and a super nice guy. Him and I, shot the shit the whole time. I was extremely happy to get back to the hotel in San Diego and just relax. My next piece of advice is not to fly in, got the procedure and try to fly out in the same day. Try and do it in 2 or 3 days. It is less stressful this way and you are less likely to mess your flight.
As for the recovery, I was black and blue for a couple of days and had fluid under the skin for about a month. After that everything look awesome.
Now I know that stuff didn\'t work out with my fiancee because of my new size but most of the women I have slept with since LOVE IT. I get \"oh my god, your huge\" all the time now! Which is a great moral booster.
My finishing stats are as follows:
6.00-6.125\" in length non-bone pressed 6.25-6.5\" bone pressed length (depends)6.00-6.125\" Girth at the mid-shaft6.00\" at the base
I gained about 1\" in the mid-shaft and that is only where I gained. Now saying that, it does make my penis look good but I believe I will need to go back for touch-ups.
I will end there and post pictures later. I am at home sick, and honestly I feel like sh*t. So taking photos of my penis is not a good idea today.
Feel free to ask any questions. Also I am sorry if I have left anything out. As I said, I am sick as heck, so I may have forgot to mention something.

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1 year and almost 2 months later! PMMA. 12 years 9 months ago #1273498613


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1 year and almost 2 months later! PMMA. 12 years 9 months ago #1273498630

Day 2: Post Op

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1 year and almost 2 months later! PMMA. 12 years 9 months ago #1273498645

Day 6: Post Op

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1 year and almost 2 months later! PMMA. 12 years 9 months ago #1273498667

Day 10: Post Op

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1 year and almost 2 months later! PMMA. 12 years 9 months ago #1273498683

Day 32: Post Op

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1 year and almost 2 months later! PMMA. 12 years 9 months ago #1273498709

I\'ll do 413 days later pictures when I am feeling better. These pictures will be the before pictures for my stretching post too.

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1 year and almost 2 months later! PMMA. 12 years 9 months ago #1273499300

Nice unit! Your Flaccid kind of reminds me of mine (albeit not as big).
I enabled photo-viewing for your account too.

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1 year and almost 2 months later! PMMA. 12 years 9 months ago #1273499811

Thanks for both the compliment and the photo viewing!

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1 year and almost 2 months later! PMMA. 12 years 9 months ago #1273500761

Man your unit looks great congratsI wish to have the same results

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1 year and almost 2 months later! PMMA. 12 years 9 months ago #1273501405

Thanks!!! Did you go for PMMA as well? If so, did you do a results page?

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1 year and almost 2 months later! PMMA. 12 years 9 months ago #1273501478

No man I want to schedule an appointment for next month or so,talk to Wade via mail he told me that Christian will guide me through the rest of the process.this forum helped me a lot and gave me a lot of knowledge

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1 year and almost 2 months later! PMMA. 12 years 9 months ago #1273501585

I\'m about your pre PMMA size how many rounds you had?

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1 year and almost 2 months later! PMMA. 12 years 9 months ago #1273501788

I had one round only! Good luck to you when you go. Keep me updated!

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1 year and almost 2 months later! PMMA. 12 years 9 months ago #1273508560

Ghost, thank you, man. Beautiful work. I can\'t see where needs to be touched up. Do yoo mean you will go back for an increase? Quantities and goals?

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