Well, got back last night. The experience was no where near as bad as I thought it would be. Got 20% mix about 20cc or there abouts. Right after the procedure I reminded me of a elephant trunk, it was huge. =) anyways spent the night massaging and napping, been kinda sleeping like a cat (2/3 hours at a time) waking up and doing more
Erect massaging. Been working my glans the most, its been difficult because I have extreme swelling there. Hoping it will do down over the next week or 2. The swelling along the shaft is minimal so far. Did get a pretty big dark bruise shortly after procedure, and a few other mild busing has cropped up over the night. Still massaging as much as possible, although the
PMMA doesn\'t seem to respond as well. Took a picture of the swelling/ bruising at the glans. Fair warning its pretty nasty looking. Sent wade an email to see if its something to cause concern.