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TOPIC: wishes pmma log

wishes pmma log 13 years 1 month ago #1271881567

Hello everyone, I have been lurking in these forums for sometime now. I decided a while ago to get PMMA, and today is the day. My app is @ 5, so will be getting in the shuttle in a few hours. With as much as I have learned from this site from all who contributed it would feel criminal not to do so myself. So to day is the day I start my journey. Its a surreal feeling knowing I traveled across the US and am setting here right now. Going to go with 20% if Dr. C will let me. I will update when I get back to my room.

*edit* forgot to mention my pre PMMA stats

Girth is very uniform along my shaft being maybe 4.85 base. And 4.65 near glans

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wishes pmma log 13 years 1 month ago #1271881662

Welcome to the forum wishes! You\'re starting stats are almost exactly mine pre PMMA. Dr C is very good and I think you\'ll be pleased. Follow Wades instructions to the T!!!! I\'m 14 days post op and all is well except for some swelling that I\'m sure is largely due to the sexual appetite of my wife! lol

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wishes pmma log 13 years 1 month ago #1271890977

Well, got back last night. The experience was no where near as bad as I thought it would be. Got 20% mix about 20cc or there abouts. Right after the procedure I reminded me of a elephant trunk, it was huge. =) anyways spent the night massaging and napping, been kinda sleeping like a cat (2/3 hours at a time) waking up and doing more Erect massaging. Been working my glans the most, its been difficult because I have extreme swelling there. Hoping it will do down over the next week or 2. The swelling along the shaft is minimal so far. Did get a pretty big dark bruise shortly after procedure, and a few other mild busing has cropped up over the night. Still massaging as much as possible, although the PMMA doesn\'t seem to respond as well. Took a picture of the swelling/ bruising at the glans. Fair warning its pretty nasty looking. Sent wade an email to see if its something to cause concern.

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wishes pmma log 13 years 1 month ago #1271891305

There is alot of fluid in there, but don\'t be tempted to pop it! It\'ll take a while but it will go. Other than that, shaft has a nice contour and it looks good.

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wishes pmma log 13 years 1 month ago #1271898222

Hello everyone, my unit is looking much better after some very heavy and aggressive massaging, bought some ibuprofen to help with swelling and pain from massaging glans, also bought some cortisone cream the help with swelling and been soaking on and off in a hot shower between the massaging periods. Things have improved greatly and I am very excited. Plan on repeating this process well into the night and just sleep on the plane. Would taping under the glans for the trip home be a good idea? I believe it was not just fluid but PMMA build up, anyways gonna get back to it will post some picks later.

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wishes pmma log 13 years 3 weeks ago #1271971640

lookin good bro! keep us update by taking some pics in a couple weeks!

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wishes pmma log 13 years 3 weeks ago #1271974980

Thanks Rick, Everything is going good. Bruising was pretty much gone by day 3, day 4 veins started reappearing along with normal skin color and texture. Still some fluid build up behind glans, but it is slowly going away. On day 7 now and sitting a little over 5.25 EGMS. Been taking vitamin C, along with a multivitamin and collagen supplements. also applying Jergens age defying lotion with vitamin A, E, and C about twice a day, not sure if the lotion will help with the collagen or not, but at least my Dick will look 10 years younger!

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wishes pmma log 13 years 3 weeks ago #1271975370


impressive pictures! your unit looks awesome. congratulations.

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wishes pmma log 13 years 3 weeks ago #1272000463

Just wanted to chime in with a quick update, was going to update and take photos on day 7, but I broke the rules and had sex. My fluid build up around the cir scar was way down and the sex did cause it to flare up, didn\'t experience any noticeable swelling of the shaft. Its day 9 now and swelling of the cir scar is back down, not 100% but close. going to wait a few more days till I feel the fluid build up is completely gone before i take new photos to post. I will try to keep my unit away from the newly created succubus for a week.......or at least a few more days.

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wishes pmma log 13 years 3 weeks ago #1272007601

Wishes,mined swelled pretty bad as well and continued to do that well into the second week after sex. Had sex today and i\'m past the three week point and almost no swelling. I think everything finally settled down. Very happy with my junk!!!

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wishes pmma log 12 years 10 months ago #1273059235

Double post

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wishes pmma log 12 years 10 months ago #1273059263

Hello everyone, been about 3 months since my first PMMA procedure. Just wanted to post a quick 3 month update. So far so good, i did have a small ridge on my Circumcision scar. It has gone down considerably. I have been stretching with an ads and doing some manual pe for about the past month. I had lost about .25 of an Inch after 1st procedure but gained it back after about 2 weeks using my stretcher. My Girth is still sitting at 5.5 \"knocks on wood\" there are a few issues that could use some correction 2nd time around. I planned on waiting 6 months before procedure 2 but travel then is about 200 more than an earlier date. Ill be going for round 2 end of may, it will be 4 1/2 months between procedure 1 and 2 there is a knot or 2 on the base top side with maybe some minor skin adhesion. If you refer to earlier pictures you ll see where the bruise is that\'s one problem area that needs correction come round 2 my base needs some help as well. The stretching and manual pe has seemed to help. Over all i think the look is really good and I\'m happy with the results.

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wishes pmma log 12 years 10 months ago #1273065690

Looks good man!

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wishes pmma log 12 years 10 months ago #1273066692

I\'m really surprised at how the transition to the glans has worked out. Was your shaft shaped in such a way that allowed for this? Or was Dr. C consciously working on making that look?
Looks great btw!

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wishes pmma log 12 years 10 months ago #1273067082

Thanks all, my shaft is pretty normal i guess. He did mention about the PMMA sticking really well and making the procedure easier. I massaged the hell out of the area with my gf\' s vibrator, the vibrator really seemed to help smooth it out. Bought my own mini vibe to take with me for my second round.

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