Thanks Mike. I think I was pretty normal for sure- until I saw those pics. Never thought once about my dick.. not once. Then I saw those, and I got all weird about it. In my head, I put myself in the room with this guy and the girl that I love and basically watched them figure out a way to fit this dick insider her. It drove me batty thinking of all the compliments she must have gave.
I think I haven\'t been the same since. I have a friend who is a shrink and he said because I have body dysmorphic it hit me harder than most.
I told one friend and he laughed.. he said so what? Wouldn\'t bother me at all -- ughh I wish.
Herbert. I saw pictures. One pic was his arm next to it. It was as thick as his wrist and went from wrist to almost elbow. So I look at her and say, this is a camera trick right? She was like- nope. That\'s what I had to deal with. I didnt have the

to ask, but I would guess 10 inches with a 6\" girth. I had never seen anything like it honestly. She said they couldn\'t have regular sex it was so big. I think she was trying to make me feel better- but it just made me feel worse.
I could just stick it in, balls deep - no issue, and they had to use all sorts of tricks just to crowbar it in there.
Mortifying. Embarrassing. Infuriating.
But I\'m living with these mind games.. the guy was before me, it had nothing to do with me. She loved me. I made her orgasm, which he couldn\'t. I gave her multiples which no one could. Shouldn\'t that have been good enough?
I let it change my personality. I wanted attention from other girls because in my head my girl was 1)damaged goods 2) I wasn\'t good enough.
So it\'s a total mind fuck to think you blew up the best thing you ever had over something that really shouldn\'t of effected me if I had a strong constitution and better self esteem.
I wrecked our relationship because my own internal problems.
It\'s a tough pill to swallow.
She didn\'t make it easy on me though- I have to admit. She didn\'t handle it well either when she found out I saw those.
And by the way for those of you just catching up- she DID delete the pics, but I did a restore on her OS to fix the laptop and it brought them back.
What if---- what if I never saw them. Would I have married her?
Well for one thing I would have never been on her helping you crazy fuckers.. so there\'s that silver lining.
Now.. when is my Round 3 !?!?!? hahaha-
Oh, I\'d also like to point out- SEEING the pics was the worst. You can hear a rumor your girl was with a huge guy, but never seeing it you can play it down in your head. I SAW it. I SAW the horror. It was like a murder scene. You just can\'t shake seeing it.