To all, some of us who are married with children notice a change in our wives\' libido in our journey toward happiness. I have been in the place of which you all speak, even you sizemic, but less(much less). Anyway, I speculate that our wives, being without kids, focused mostly on themselves and us prior to having kids(in the traditional order of relationship-kids). I also believe that once kids came along, the repressed childhood fantasies of being a good mom and wife encompassed the forefront of their minds. Well, when she had, already played out her fantasy role of wife (unless she abstained) it was difficult to balance the new role of mom, which resulted in all the attention swaying towards the child(ren) instead of herself and ultimately you. She then may have lost herself in her chosen obligation and lost a sense of selfworth. Her boobs, belly, hips, hormones, and other womanly things, have changed and she notices that she doesn\'t have that same libido also and she blames herself and not the fact that she had a beautiful yet parasitic human being to come out of her body. Our wives have, or had, to find themselves again but with our help. If you haven\'t already, started showing her how much you appreciate, admire, love what she\'s doing with whatever she does without expecting anything in return. It\'s hard (pun intended) to do something nice for her and not expect a sexual response but most moms (assumption) get turned on when you ignore them sexually(don\'t be stupid and turn it down though that\'s not what I\'m saying lol). Weird I know, but try it if you\'re up for the challenge. It may take time but you will start noticing them noticing you. Some examples would be to, as they are doing something really important or busy, just rub \'em on the shoulder or pat \'em on the tush while giving them a kiss on their head, then walk away and do something they asked you to do or something unexpected. Tell them how much you love them or complement them more often without physical contact. They assume you have an ulterior motive which is true but they don\'t HAVE to know that? Also, date her again but without sexual intentions. Not just go out to eat or movie. Try something different. It\'s frustratingly difficult but you did something to get her why not do something to keep the e. I only say these things because they worked for me even though I still don\'t get it as much as I\'d like, but it\'s better quality, more passion. Eventually, these unpredictable things will become a habit (irony. Also, try finding some other hobbies for yourself, maybe she just doesn\'t want to hear about sex all the time also? Just some thoughts. Peace!