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TOPIC: 2 weeks post op with Dr. Heller. Lumpy and depressed.

2 weeks post op with Dr. Heller. Lumpy and depressed. 8 years 4 days ago #1295872645

Hunkydory01 wrote: No we just whatsapp\'ed and he said it was much improved.

Alright. Im happy dr c was able to fix it.

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2 weeks post op with Dr. Heller. Lumpy and depressed. 8 years 4 days ago #1294922812

indiano123 wrote: I understand having to save and not having enough money for the procedure. You could try to go back and get bellafil/macrolane mix i believe it $1000 for 10cc. Or even another doctor in nyc. There\'s dr mirza who charges $400 per cc which will be about $2,000.

If he payed $3500 for 5cc of Bellafill then the 10cc of Bellafill/macrolane for $2000 would even have less than 5cc of Bellafill mixed in with it.

That does sound like a rip off compared to getting 20cc of PMMA from Dr C for $3000. That extra $500 is the cost of traveling to Mexico and your getting 15cc more product.

That\'s triple the gains for the same price. If Heller used more Bellafill like around 10-15cc for that price than I could see going to him. But $7000 for 10cc of Bellafill is crazy.

Thanks for sharing the detailed review on Heller because I was wondering about him for awhile. It just doesn\'t seem worth it to pay that much for such little product.

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2 weeks post op with Dr. Heller. Lumpy and depressed. 8 years 4 days ago #1294921215

So I\'ve been massaging the lump every day (when I wake up, go to bed, pull it out to use the bathroom, etc.) lump is still the same size. When I work at it for a while it does sort of flatten out, but next time I go to inspect it it\'s right back to how it was prior. I had sex this morning, and it actually hurt. Sort of a sharp pain whenever there was a squeeze or entry/re-entry. I\'m thinking I should go try to find myself some DSMO to see if that will at least soften it enough to where it doesn\'t cause this issue.

@ indiano123 I\'d rather just stick with the PMMA, but I\'ll have a look-see. I have about 5 more weeks before my second round would be up anyway, so I have time.

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2 weeks post op with Dr. Heller. Lumpy and depressed. 8 years 4 days ago #1294906156

Sorry it will be 2,000 for 5 cc

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2 weeks post op with Dr. Heller. Lumpy and depressed. 8 years 4 days ago #1294906141

I understand having to save and not having enough money for the procedure. You could try to go back and get bellafil/macrolane mix i believe it $1000 for 10cc. Or even another doctor in nyc. There\'s dr mirza who charges $400 per cc which will be about $2,000.

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2 weeks post op with Dr. Heller. Lumpy and depressed. 8 years 4 days ago #1294859233

great post!

10003 wrote: Hey, don\'t stop massaging, right now it is your best friend. Feel free to use a lot of force pushing down to flatten the big spots that are like macaroni. The thing with Bellafill is that it has a very slow acting carrier so unlike PMMA where the carrier is basically absorbed and the remainder fixed by the 4th day - Bellafill can take a lot longer as the carrier is bovine collagen.
I would not get depressed yet. If you read this board guys use all sorts of things from rolling it out with shampoo bottles, massage, do what you can to massage it into place. You may feel like you are starting over the next day but that\'s OK just keep doing it. Also pull you glans out and then with your free hand use your thumb and push everything up toward the base using a rocking motion - kind of like you are rolling your thumb up your Dick. Gravity will have a way of pulling everything down.
Also it rarely ever looks good after 1 round. PMMA and I assume Bellafill, does not absorb evenly, there are high and low spots, entry site nodules etc. Mine all went away with little intervention other than massaging and have smaller follow up rounds to target the areas I didn\'t like - it all worked out in the end.
Heller is known for not mixing or opening the products in front of the patient. Not saying that he is using faux products - I don\'t he would risk losing his license.
It is way to soon to tell what is a real lump at least with PMMA there are so many changes, residual swelling, fluid areas - don\'t freak but don\'t think of this as a one shot deal - it rarely is - just get it as good as you can working on the lumps, and with HA they do go away after a month or so in general. They need to absorb water I believe and it softens.

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2 weeks post op with Dr. Heller. Lumpy and depressed. 8 years 4 days ago #1294856269

Dickwitman wrote: Is Bellafill PMMA? Or HA? Dude I don\'t think it looks that bad.

Bellafill is a %10 PMMA mixture with a bovine collagen carrier. It takes around 2 weeks to absorb, or so the good doctor says.

Yeah maybe I\'m just freaking out too much. I haven\'t really seen any Erect 1st round pics for reference around. Or anything specifically for Dr. Heller.

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2 weeks post op with Dr. Heller. Lumpy and depressed. 8 years 4 days ago #1294856252

indiano123 wrote: Also sorta seems like a rip off to pay $3500 for just 5cc when dr c charges $3000 for 20cc only difference is the expenses u have to pay with going to mexico. 5cc isnt really enough to fill out everywhere. I just say really aggressively massage and use dsmo. I think it looks fine maybe im crazy but its not bad. Did you see how big the syringe was and did he use multiple syringes or just one big one? Also how much entry poibts did he use?

Yeah, all in all I may say fuck it and take a vacation. Just hard juggling all the stuff in my life atm. I didn\'t check the gauge, but used multiple needles. There had to have been at least 10 entry points. He went all over the place.

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2 weeks post op with Dr. Heller. Lumpy and depressed. 8 years 4 days ago #1294855482

Dickwitman wrote: Is Bellafill PMMA? Or HA? Dude I don\'t think it looks that bad. The pattern seems to be irregularities after round one, better results round 2, smoothing round 3. I don\'t think there\'s any way around paying to have it staged if you want a good look.

Also what\'s your girlfriends problem? If my wife\'s vag had a lump I\'d still hit it ?

I agree bc lumps would please her more and make your Dick feel ribbed.

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2 weeks post op with Dr. Heller. Lumpy and depressed. 8 years 4 days ago #1294854931

Is Bellafill PMMA? Or HA? Dude I don\'t think it looks that bad. The pattern seems to be irregularities after round one, better results round 2, smoothing round 3. I don\'t think there\'s any way around paying to have it staged if you want a good look.

Also what\'s your girlfriends problem? If my wife\'s vag had a lump I\'d still hit it ?

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2 weeks post op with Dr. Heller. Lumpy and depressed. 8 years 4 days ago #1294854865

Also sorta seems like a rip off to pay $3500 for just 5cc when dr c charges $3000 for 20cc only difference is the expenses u have to pay with going to mexico. 5cc isnt really enough to fill out everywhere. I just say really aggressively massage and use dsmo. I think it looks fine maybe im crazy but its not bad. Did you see how big the syringe was and did he use multiple syringes or just one big one? Also how much entry poibts did he use?

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2 weeks post op with Dr. Heller. Lumpy and depressed. 8 years 4 days ago #1294854764

@ 10003

I\'ll do just that. I\'ll keep posting as time goes by.

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2 weeks post op with Dr. Heller. Lumpy and depressed. 8 years 4 days ago #1294854624

Hey, don\'t stop massaging, right now it is your best friend. Feel free to use a lot of force pushing down to flatten the big spots that are like macaroni. The thing with Bellafill is that it has a very slow acting carrier so unlike PMMA where the carrier is basically absorbed and the remainder fixed by the 4th day - Bellafill can take a lot longer as the carrier is bovine collagen.
I would not get depressed yet. If you read this board guys use all sorts of things from rolling it out with shampoo bottles, massage, do what you can to massage it into place. You may feel like you are starting over the next day but that\'s OK just keep doing it. Also pull you glans out and then with your free hand use your thumb and push everything up toward the base using a rocking motion - kind of like you are rolling your thumb up your Dick. Gravity will have a way of pulling everything down.
Also it rarely ever looks good after 1 round. PMMA and I assume Bellafill, does not absorb evenly, there are high and low spots, entry site nodules etc. Mine all went away with little intervention other than massaging and have smaller follow up rounds to target the areas I didn\'t like - it all worked out in the end.
Heller is known for not mixing or opening the products in front of the patient. Not saying that he is using faux products - I don\'t he would risk losing his license.
It is way to soon to tell what is a real lump at least with PMMA there are so many changes, residual swelling, fluid areas - don\'t freak but don\'t think of this as a one shot deal - it rarely is - just get it as good as you can working on the lumps, and with HA they do go away after a month or so in general. They need to absorb water I believe and it softens.

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2 weeks post op with Dr. Heller. Lumpy and depressed. 8 years 4 days ago #1294854589

indiano123 wrote: Is that the most he will inject? Honestly i believe you should have Massaged the same day. Thats what dr c tells everyone because stuff like this happened. I still say massage buddy and possibly try dsmo to make lump smaller. Overall it doesnt look too bad.

He prefers to work in only 5cc amounts. He was willing to do more, but I didn\'t feel like dropping $7000 on 10ccs of Bellafill. I\'m honestly glad I didn\'t. If this is 5ccs what would have 10 looked like? I\'ll check out DSMO and will update as I go.

Looking back I have to agree with you on the massaging. He really gave no advice in person other than rest it for a week and massage if I see any lumps. I figure listening to the Doctor is a good policy. However, in hindsight, how would I have known there were lumps to massage if it was completely swollen?

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2 weeks post op with Dr. Heller. Lumpy and depressed. 8 years 4 days ago #1294854548

skippythewhale wrote: Phew boy. I\'ve been lurking this site for about two years, always wanted to be bigger but never sure of what course to take. I\'ve tried stretchers and Jelqing, but I\'m just too busy juggling everything to keep up with something for more than a month tops. I finally made the decision to have a PMMA procedure, and since I don\'t have the time to take a vacation to Mexico, I went with Dr. Heller. His Manhattan office is very close to where I work. It\'s been 2 weeks to the day, and I\'m worried and upset with the results.

Starting in, I am 6.5 BPEL, 5.25 eg midshaft. I want my Girth at 6.

Dr. Heller was very nice, almost nonchalant about the procedure. He stated that he can inject 5cc of Bellafill for $3500. Explained that it isn\'t a perfect procedure (very hard to get perfect symmetry, etc.) But there will be permanent gains, and that most irregularities will smooth out after about 2 months post-op.

To start, Dr. Heller did not mix the syringes in front of me. Not sure if that\'s an issue, but there it is. He uses needles, not a cannula, so there was some definite bruising and soreness for about a week. The local anesthesia worked, and other than a pinch now and then, and the odd feeling of having stuff injected into your pecker, was painless. After wards, my penis looked very swollen, but good.

I asked him what I need to do now. He didn\'t wrap it, didn\'t suggest a stretcher, or anything. A direct quote about wrapping \"I don\'t believe in all that.\" His advice was to gently massage out any lumps that begin to form and not \"use it for a week.\"

So after a drive home, I laid in bed and let it drape between my legs and spent the next day like that as well. Then I went about my business as usual.

At about 5 days, I noticed a lump on my right side at the circ line, like someone had implanted a piece of macaroni under my skin. I massaged it as best I could, but it didn\'t go away. Plus I was still swollen and sore from the procedure. At one week I had sex with my girlfriend. She really enjoyed the increase in Girth, so that\'s a plus.

Now at 2 weeks, most of the swelling has gone down, and I am very upset with what I am seeing. Flaccid it looks fine, but Erect there are alot of lumps. The lump on my right C scar is bigger, and a lump has formed below it, making a valley between them. A lump on the center top has formed, as well as one one the lower left side. There are slight dips all over my penis, and the PMMA seems to only be on the upper 3/4ths of the shaft. and It looks more like a knurled club than a penis (to me, anyway.) I attached some photos.

I went back to Dr. Heller today (tried to go earlier, but both he and I are busy) and when he looked at it he told me not to worry with a smile. He said that in a month or so most of the lumpiness will smooth out, and that I should gently massage and lumps I do have. I showed him the photos of my Erection and he still said the same thing.

So am I being paranoid? Is there anything I should do? I followed the Dr.\'s advice and this is my result. Should I continue to follow it and just massage gently and chill the hell out? My Girlfriend doesn\'t really want to have sex with me at this point, she\'s freaked out at the lumps.

Is that the most he will inject? Honestly i believe you should have Massaged the same day. Thats what dr c tells everyone because stuff like this happened. I still say massage buddy and possibly try dsmo to make lump smaller. Overall it doesnt look too bad.

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