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TOPIC: Going from 'too Small' Anxiety to 'will she find out'-Anxiety after PMMA? +more

Going from 'too Small' Anxiety to 'will she find out'-Anxiety after PMMA? +more 8 years 1 month ago #1295045397

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sorry mistaken post

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Going from 'too Small' Anxiety to 'will she find out'-Anxiety after PMMA? +more 8 years 1 month ago #1294546870

neverendingjourney wrote: Just be aware that this is always a possibility. This is why I am anxious. I\'m not being a whining hopeless person. I just thought it would never be me to get bad results. When soft it looks decent but Erect shows the misshapenness.

I honestly see nothing wrong with it. You can get dsmo and some micro drops or a full round of microdrops.

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Going from 'too Small' Anxiety to 'will she find out'-Anxiety after PMMA? +more 8 years 1 month ago #1294546576

That comment wasn\'t towards you man. I\'ve followed your thread the whole way.

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Going from 'too Small' Anxiety to 'will she find out'-Anxiety after PMMA? +more 8 years 1 month ago #1294546364

Just be aware that this is always a possibility. This is why I am anxious. I\'m not being a whining hopeless person. I just thought it would never be me to get bad results. When soft it looks decent but Erect shows the misshapenness.

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Going from 'too Small' Anxiety to 'will she find out'-Anxiety after PMMA? +more 8 years 1 month ago #1294545884

Thanks for the positivity mustang.

@Reklaw. I\'ve lurked for years. I know what I\'m signing up for. And if I have problems, I sure as shit won\'t be crying about it on the internet everyday. I\'ll be figuring out a way to fix it.

I\'m just thankful to be born in a day and age where I can actually do something about it. Less than 10 years ago people were pretty much screwed. PMMA isn\'t risk free obviously, but at least its a viable option.

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Going from 'too Small' Anxiety to 'will she find out'-Anxiety after PMMA? +more 8 years 1 month ago #1294545670

Reklaw wrote: @mike81 Well if your PMMA procedure goes wrong maybe you should seek some help at you\'ll get some great advice there

It will be interesting to see what happens of it goes right!

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Going from 'too Small' Anxiety to 'will she find out'-Anxiety after PMMA? +more 8 years 1 month ago #1294545561

Well if your PMMA procedure goes wrong maybe you should seek some help at you\'ll get some great advice there

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Going from 'too Small' Anxiety to 'will she find out'-Anxiety after PMMA? +more 8 years 1 month ago #1294545388

You guys are nuts. You will never ever ever be happy with your dicks. Oh got size, but now I have ridges. Got rid of the ridges, think I need another half Inch of size. Quit searching for something to be insecure about.

All of us will be rotten in the ground in a few decades and nobody will remember us or give a shit.

After I get PMMA I am never fucking logging into this whiny sad sacking site again.

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Going from 'too Small' Anxiety to 'will she find out'-Anxiety after PMMA? +more 8 years 1 month ago #1294544953

neverendingjourney wrote: hahaha.. This is exactly my situation. My penis looks obviously fake bc I had too much product put in (not what I intended, but was trying to fix problems and it just got out of hand I guess).. anyways, I don\'t even try to get girls bc I have too much anxiety about being called out. I have already been told by a woman that it looks fake and feels \"bumpy\" .. I ended up telling her what I did. I still had sex with her and she really enjoyed it so.... there\'s that. I\'m coming to terms with it though. I\'ve had the implant for 3 years now and so many up\'s and downs, touch ups, and so on. I realize that it will never be \"smooth\" and 100% natural looking. I have what feels like 1 pound of new scar tissue in my penis skin after all my procedures so there is just no way it will feel natural.

Do you think smoothing out some HA over the top would help?

Expensive to do every year but it would I bet off a rough feeling.

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Going from 'too Small' Anxiety to 'will she find out'-Anxiety after PMMA? +more 8 years 1 month ago #1294544624

Thanks for the encouragement gsxr!

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Going from 'too Small' Anxiety to 'will she find out'-Anxiety after PMMA? +more 8 years 1 month ago #1294544229

Part of me wants to make fun of you guys right now for this post. But in all reality these are first world problems. Who cares if you get called out. Tons of girls have seen mine and loved it with the bumpiness. My wife said bumpy feels awesome and other girls have told me the same thing. And they don\'t care too much about how it looks they all had multiples and were moaning because of my Girth. The reactions I have gotten are amazing. Good luck to you.

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Going from 'too Small' Anxiety to 'will she find out'-Anxiety after PMMA? +more 8 years 1 month ago #1294544054

kreungdd wrote: You guys shouldn\'t even care if ur called out on it. They would never be able to tell what size you were before the procedures. I just don\'t see any man getting made fun of for having a bigger penis.

I agree with you. They dont care its just going inside them any way and any lumps or Nodule will make your Dick feel ribbed to them so regardless they win. They love Girth anyway so i dont see why they will even care wen that same \"fake Dick\" is stretching them out and getting them off.

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Going from 'too Small' Anxiety to 'will she find out'-Anxiety after PMMA? +more 8 years 1 month ago #1294543854

You guys shouldn\'t even care if ur called out on it. They would never be able to tell what size you were before the procedures. I just don\'t see any man getting made fun of for having a bigger penis.

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Going from 'too Small' Anxiety to 'will she find out'-Anxiety after PMMA? +more 8 years 1 month ago #1294542664

hahaha.. This is exactly my situation. My penis looks obviously fake bc I had too much product put in (not what I intended, but was trying to fix problems and it just got out of hand I guess).. anyways, I don\'t even try to get girls bc I have too much anxiety about being called out. I have already been told by a woman that it looks fake and feels \"bumpy\" .. I ended up telling her what I did. I still had sex with her and she really enjoyed it so.... there\'s that. I\'m coming to terms with it though. I\'ve had the implant for 3 years now and so many up\'s and downs, touch ups, and so on. I realize that it will never be \"smooth\" and 100% natural looking. I have what feels like 1 pound of new scar tissue in my penis skin after all my procedures so there is just no way it will feel natural.

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Going from 'too Small' Anxiety to 'will she find out'-Anxiety after PMMA? +more 8 years 1 month ago #1294542541

That\'s is the sad reality of the situation
The best technique currently available isn\'t completely undetectable and has a possibility of going wrong in the future in which case your partner would find out and lead to relationship difficulties/breakup
I think about this on a daily basis.

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