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TOPIC: Unintended Side Effects with Frequent Use of Forum

Unintended Side Effects with Frequent Use of Forum 11 years 3 months ago #1291848536

I just saw this thread and I want to say--thank you to everyone that has taken the time to post and share their experiences. If this site didn\'t exist I wouldn\'t have had the courage to go and have the injections I did. It has been life changing for me, and as one of the posters above has stated--yes it is addictive. I am a different man in so many respects thanks to all of you. Now I just have to make sure I don\'t go too far!! Thank you.

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Unintended Side Effects with Frequent Use of Forum 11 years 3 months ago #1280247254

I completely understand where you are coming from with your concern and appreciate it.
At the same time there I think there is a difference between guys who look down and see \"small\" and those who would just desire to be bigger.
I know that I am not below average, but I would still like to have a little more size. It is more for personal satisfaction than anything else.

However, I can see where any site dealing with penile size (or porn, etc.) can definitely feed into underlying insecurities, warranted or not.

I do want to say that this site has come a long way from the launch of the first version and it\'s members never fail to be supportive of each other. Kudos on creating and cultivating such a great environment.

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Unintended Side Effects with Frequent Use of Forum 11 years 3 months ago #1280247085

And on a further note, I hope I don\'t come off as bashing my own site, or implying that there aren\'t members who can\'t use this forum responsibly. But let\'s face it, if you are of a healthy, average, or above average endowment contemplating the idea of taking a knife or needle to your one & only penis with no guarantees of long term success, you might just be predisposed to the very things I touched on in the first post (i.e. dysmorphia). It\'s just important for each and every reader to understand this, assess their reasons for being here, and keeping a level-head as they navigate through our site.

Why do I consider this serious? Because I\'d like to take pride in the very forum I helped create, and I\'d hate to think it does more harm than good. Obviously, some things are out of my control and will always be out of my control, but that doesn\'t mean I can\'t offer sincere advice or help steer members away from things they really aren\'t prepared for. I still very much believe that this forum still serves its fundamental purpose of providing an outlet & resources for men who genuinely need it and I hope that the positives will always continue to outweigh any negative \"side effect.\" As I mentioned previously, this thread serves more as a \"public service announcement\" than anything else.

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Unintended Side Effects with Frequent Use of Forum 11 years 3 months ago #1280246953

SpankAss wrote: site hasnt had that affect on me and in fact had the opposite ... its nice seeing other dudes with average size penis\'s or smaller then mine...i thought being 7 inches wasnt that big compared to porn or what i think girls \"MIGHT\" want but then coming here alot of you have even discouraged me from getting anything done which is refreshing seeing the honesty and even thought i will someday get the PMMA done its not that big of a deal to me anymore

also most of the stuff some of you posted about previous girls seem like there the ones with insecurity issues and problems since they cant be happy loving someone for a all around aspect and they just focus on one thing... Dick size...those kind of women are not the ones u want to end up with or bring home to mom anyways. Many of you on here with women or wives that have said they dont care about your size are the keepers....even though some of you still got it and they might like the bigger size there not fixated on only that in loving you...good women right there

idk i dont see this site the prob for people like kapitalizm but rather himself and if he cant handle the site and not let it control him then he prob shouldnt be on the site until he cant control his own insecurities or any one for that matter. its the same saying as \"guns dont people, people people\" .... same principal applies here.

also the site helps with many other areas of knowledge in PE and everything else as in doing things without surgery and trying ways of stretching and what not so its more helpful then hurtful

just sayn

And that\'s why I\'m using the term \"side effects.\" Just like medication, not everyone experiences the negative side effects that can come with taking dosages, but some do. Those who don\'t (like yourself) experience the site for all its worth, approach it with a level-head and learn when to \"retire\" when everything is said and done. There are others, however, who perceive/absorb/interpret the information obtained here to their detriment.

It\'s all about recognizing the problem. You, Spankass, have acknowledged responsible use and positive gain from this forum, so a thread like this wasn\'t really addressing you or men of your mindset. Members like Kapitalizm (and I assure you there are others), have acknowledged the issue, and it is in their best interest to reduce and/or discontinue forum usage for their own sake. Whether this site is at fault or not isn\'t really all that important, what is obvious is that this site can serve to exacerbate the problems for those who aren\'t mentally prepared to enter the world of online PE.

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Unintended Side Effects with Frequent Use of Forum 11 years 3 months ago #1280246733

site hasnt had that affect on me and in fact had the opposite ... its nice seeing other dudes with average size penis\'s or smaller then mine...i thought being 7 inches wasnt that big compared to porn or what i think girls \"MIGHT\" want but then coming here alot of you have even discouraged me from getting anything done which is refreshing seeing the honesty and even thought i will someday get the PMMA done its not that big of a deal to me anymore

also most of the stuff some of you posted about previous girls seem like there the ones with insecurity issues and problems since they cant be happy loving someone for a all around aspect and they just focus on one thing... Dick size...those kind of women are not the ones u want to end up with or bring home to mom anyways. Many of you on here with women or wives that have said they dont care about your size are the keepers....even though some of you still got it and they might like the bigger size there not fixated on only that in loving you...good women right there

idk i dont see this site the prob for people like kapitalizm but rather himself and if he cant handle the site and not let it control him then he prob shouldnt be on the site until he cant control his own insecurities or any one for that matter. its the same saying as \"guns dont people, people people\" .... same principal applies here.

also the site helps with many other areas of knowledge in PE and everything else as in doing things without surgery and trying ways of stretching and what not so its more helpful then hurtful

just sayn

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Unintended Side Effects with Frequent Use of Forum 11 years 3 months ago #1280244354

hoddle10 wrote: If you aren\'t looking for commitment, then look in night clubs. You are actively looking in a place where you know you will be made to feel inadequate. You have to ask yourself why you are doing that. You are sub consciously actively seeking out places that will make you feel sexually inadequate and reinforce your insecurities.

A swinger site is far from the ideal place to get data about what women desire. Certain activities have certain expectations of them. Advertising on a swingers site and not requesting a big Cock, would be like arranging a cuckold session with a short fat man, who is hung like a mouse. Swinger sites are one of the few place women can actively satisfy their big Cock fetish. So you will get a abnormal amount of size queens there. Most women have no problems picking up men in bars etc, but they can\'t really judge their penis size that way. So swinger sites are ideal for them.

I agree with Hoddle here. Not passing judgment on your lifestyle decisions Pontest, but \"experienced women\" and \"swingers\" aren\'t mutually exclusive. If you wish to tread into a world of size queens and/or women accustomed to large phalli, you are inevitably reinforcing insecurities as Hoddle pointed out. Even with the current methods available to us, you may never be as big as some of the guys that circle the swingers scene, just food for thought.

But again, I\'m not criticizing you or passing judgment, just pointing out that your situation may be more unique than the average member here, and your goals & ambitions are rooted in something much more \"niche\" than the average member is probably accustomed to. This thread is addressing men who may have their penis obsessions worsened by the frequent use of this site.

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Unintended Side Effects with Frequent Use of Forum 11 years 3 months ago #1280244289

I should note that I am not assuming all members succumb to the ill & unintended side effects of this forum (or the PE scene in general), but that the chances someone becomes more & more obsessed with their penis increases every time they visit this site. I\'m sure there are some among us who are frequent users who don\'t have this problem, but I\'d venture to guess (as in I could be wrong) that would be a minority.

PhalloBoards, in my (biased) opinion, still represents the best resource for Phalloplasty on the web. It can still provide plenty of educational tools to make an informed decision and has members with incredible insight & experience. The ultimate purpose of PhalloBoards remains, and will always remain so long as it is running. That is why I coined the current environment on our forums an \"unintended side effect\". What has exacerbated this side effect is the advent of PMMA. Not blaming PMMA itself (obviously, my own life has changed positively from its enhancement), but never has the online Penis Enlargement scene witnessed a permanent method yield significant girths so readily and so cost-efficient.

This thread was put up as a \"public service announcement\" more than anything... kind of a \"please be mindful as you surf our forums,\" type posting.

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Unintended Side Effects with Frequent Use of Forum 11 years 3 months ago #1280243518

If you aren\'t looking for commitment, then look in night clubs. You are actively looking in a place where you know you will be made to feel inadequate. You have to ask yourself why you are doing that. You are sub consciously actively seeking out places that will make you feel sexually inadequate and reinforce your insecurities.

A swinger site is far from the ideal place to get data about what women desire. Certain activities have certain expectations of them. Advertising on a swingers site and not requesting a big Cock, would be like arranging a cuckold session with a short fat man, who is hung like a mouse. Swinger sites are one of the few place women can actively satisfy their big Cock fetish. So you will get a abnormal amount of size queens there. Most women have no problems picking up men in bars etc, but they can\'t really judge their penis size that way. So swinger sites are ideal for them.

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Unintended Side Effects with Frequent Use of Forum 11 years 3 months ago #1280243441

kapitalizm: I\'m 26

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Unintended Side Effects with Frequent Use of Forum 11 years 3 months ago #1280243432

I forgot to say that I like rough sex, so a larger Girth will probably make me more dominant, make her feel a little more pain . Do you think they don\'t like that?

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Unintended Side Effects with Frequent Use of Forum 11 years 3 months ago #1280243405

I understand you POV. But I\'m not interested in commitment right now. I\'d rather build a casual relationship with multiple women.

If a get to be 6.25 I\'ll be in the 99,5 percentile at least!

BTW, the swinger site is the ideal place to get data about what women desire the most because it\'s usually experienced and sexually uninhibited women who post there.

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Unintended Side Effects with Frequent Use of Forum 11 years 3 months ago #1280243019

Definitely looking in the wrong place, and definitely focusing on the wrong things. I don\'t know how young you are pontest, but you better be pretty young with this kind of perception my man..

Anyway your size is good, no worries

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Unintended Side Effects with Frequent Use of Forum 11 years 3 months ago #1280242934

As SO explained, the forum has had a bad impact on me, although i have to say that I have gathered valuable information about enhancement procedures. As i was obsessively reading threads almost every day, from progress reports, to procedures etc, I got to a point that I was so obsessed with my penis that it completely took over my life. Literally it devoured every productive aspect of my old self, and I became an unproductive piece of shit, thinking bout my Dick all day long, and obsessively checking it out if it is Hanging good or not. This obsession mixed with dismorphia had been slowly creeping on me for the last 2 years as I proceeded lurking for enhancement procedures, and watching porn for PE exercises (not a good idea). It got so out of control that i couldn\'t control the urge of constantly checking my junk if it is there or not. Depression was pretty severe as well. i went from perfectly normal to a unproductive piece of shit, looking at his Dick all the time. It sounds pretty pathetic, but it is real and it can happen to anyone. Not to mention the fact that i have a perfectly normal and functional penis, and have been sleeping with girls all the time. My relationship fell apart, mostly to my fault because i lost interest in sex, watching all this porn, and thinking bout how small i am (which is an illusion, created by obsession, and watching Shane Diesel ))) nothing could turn me on , and the last thing on my mind was my girlfriend.

As i said i\'m normal-good size, but who wants to be normal after all on this forum???????????????? Well I did, before reading members getting 6 Girth and even over it. Or dropping to 5,75 after couple rounds and wanting to go back to 6\". is all good, one can get as much as he likes, as long as it makes one happy, but the educational purpose of the forum in my opinion is starting to fade away. And the numbers have gone up quite a bit. There was a time when 5 Girth was considered good, and it still is among women, but who cares bout women here anyway??? Is all Cock -a duddle doo!!! i now I once did care bout women, but not any more... now i only care bout my self and my fat Cock that i\'m going to get some day for a couple of $$$ so I can look at it in the mirror all day long and be like \"\"fuuuck yeaaaa, I made it in life man\".

Anyway, i speak for my self, and this last part was a little sarcastic, not trying to offend no one... So my advice to anyone who will relate to this topic, take it easy on the forum, don\'t read obsessively every day, if you feel obsessed, lay it of for week or two, or months, or forever... and whatever you do, make sure you make a decision with clear mind, never rush things.. as I almost did... Not saying I won\'t do PMMA sometime, but I will make sure that my mind is as clear as possible when i choose to do so...because chances are if you have dismporphia, you will come back for more, and more and more.... and more .. and maybe some more...


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Unintended Side Effects with Frequent Use of Forum 11 years 3 months ago #1280242918

But if you see a pretty girl in Starbucks and manage to engage her in conversation the things that will impress her will be your sense of humour, intelligence, life experiences, physical appearance and dress sense. Despite what we are force fed on the internet via porn and sadly sites like this, penis size really isn\'t a big priority.

You are a thousand times more likely to meet a potential girl friend in bars, cafes, through friends etc than you are on swinger sites. So maybe you are looking in the wrong place and thus focusing on the wrong things.

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Unintended Side Effects with Frequent Use of Forum 11 years 3 months ago #1280242816

SO: I\'m one of those who visit this site almost daily.
I\'m not insecure about my size (7.5 Inch legth, 5.0 - 5.1 Inch Girth), but I am young and want to live the player lifestyle, so going for 6.0 - 6.25 Inch is ideal for me. A big length with an average Girth isn\'t much better than average length with average Girth. If I was married, I probably wouldn\'t bother with PMMA.
Depending on the women, when fully aroused, 5.0 inches of circumference still feels loose inside their vagina. And I have an intuition that a larger Girth will give me an edge during sex.

As I said before, I go to some swinger websites and see what women are looking for. An average Dick with a great personality? No, unfortunately...

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