I have been looking for a medical answer to this question so i decided to write to a few surgeons directly, asking them whether a second lig cut surgery made sense, and how much they charged for it. Here is what I found:
The most honest answer: Dr. Reed, saying \"no benefiit\", just continue stretching.
The most honest and helpful answer: Dr. Harold Reed, saying \"You may not require any further surgery for length but simple dedicated usage of traction as I would personally recommend. A simple office test can be applied to determine if the ligament was released sufficiently. Most usually it is.\" He can do that test in his office/clinic, paying the consultation.
The most unhelpful and greedy answer: Dr. Alexander Krakovsky. He didnt commment or answered directly, rather, he has a non medical doctor as a middleman getting clients for him, Daniel Levin, who answers all questions. Levin said that yes, one can have second surgery and it will be treated as a \'Reconstruction\' worth 8,500 dollars.
An equally unhelpful and greedy answer: Dr. Camacho in Tijuana, whose office doesnt bother with answering any question directly to you but through his middleman, Dan Salas. It took me no less than 9 emails to get anyone to answer my questions. Dan Salas and his associates said that yes, you can have more than one, because he ahs had two, yet he would not give me the price for Camacho\'s surgery unless I commited to buying his PE gear and \'advice\'. I finally had Camacho\'s office giviing me a quote: 3,000 por a ligament cut, plus 1,000 dollars for Dan Salas\' advice and PE gear. At the same time Dan Salas gave me a quotation, and told me it was 4,000 dollars, even though I had told him I didnt need his PE gear nor his advice.
Make your own conclusions. In the end, its just a matter of whether the ligs were cut enough the first place. But I did learn a lot in the process. Among others, if you want to have your surgery with Camacho, you may save up to a thousand dollars if you get to him directly.