My personal experience was both positive and negative.. I really, and I mean really don\'t recommend it. The fat re-absorption is at best, un-predictable. The positive is, that. after 2 rounds,, in a warm weather,, my
Cock relaxes and hangs nicely and has good
Girth.. Looks real good, and I had about 3/4
Inch Girth enhancement..So in the summer time and on vacation in warm climate.. I\'m very quite happy,, The negative side of things is that I live in Toronto, Canada.. and damn it can get cold.. Shrinkage is a beotch!! and because of the re-absorption of the fat.. I ended up with less at the head and base.. So, as we all know our members can shrink and grow incredibly, it has lead to some dis figuration. Also upon full
Erection.. the filling is not full at the base nor near the head.. so it is clear something is \"out of sorts\" . That\'s why I\'m looking at the
PMMA to do these touch ups for a more aesthetic looking penis.. I\'m open to suggestions.. Anyone?? Thanks RIP