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TOPIC: What are the criteria to have the best aesthetic result from penile pmma injection

What are the criteria to have the best aesthetic result from penile pmma injection 13 years 7 months ago #1270823903

My personal experience was both positive and negative.. I really, and I mean really don\'t recommend it. The fat re-absorption is at best, un-predictable. The positive is, that. after 2 rounds,, in a warm weather,, my Cock relaxes and hangs nicely and has good Girth.. Looks real good, and I had about 3/4 Inch Girth enhancement..So in the summer time and on vacation in warm climate.. I\'m very quite happy,, The negative side of things is that I live in Toronto, Canada.. and damn it can get cold.. Shrinkage is a beotch!! and because of the re-absorption of the fat.. I ended up with less at the head and base.. So, as we all know our members can shrink and grow incredibly, it has lead to some dis figuration. Also upon full Erection.. the filling is not full at the base nor near the head.. so it is clear something is \"out of sorts\" . That\'s why I\'m looking at the PMMA to do these touch ups for a more aesthetic looking penis.. I\'m open to suggestions.. Anyone?? Thanks RIP

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What are the criteria to have the best aesthetic result from penile pmma injection 13 years 7 months ago #1270803808

To prevent Turtling should we just take a boner pill?

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What are the criteria to have the best aesthetic result from penile pmma injection 13 years 7 months ago #1270803379

I had penile Metacrill 30% ( in Brazil ) 3 years ago and I have no complications from this product, but what I read that NewPlastic has a better quality than Metacrill ( but I am not sure if it is true or not ?? ).
But you have to know it is the technique and the experience of the doctor are more important than the product per se in regard of the complication of PMMA ( e.g. skin Necrosis or pulmonary emboli ) so it is a dangerous product esp. if you use a sharp needle ( instead of a safe blunt micro-cannula ) and injecting the PMMA into blood vessels or superficially into the dermis ( Foreign Body Granuloma ).
So please don\'t try it \"rip\".

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What are the criteria to have the best aesthetic result from penile pmma injection 13 years 7 months ago #1270803059

Theer are some skin tightening devices being used by Dermatologists worlwide, where they apply it on your skin to increase collagen and tighten it, smoothing out wrinkles. I wonder if we could use those skin tightening devices also on the penis (have you heard of Titan or Thermage?), to help our Girth enhancement with PMMA.

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What are the criteria to have the best aesthetic result from penile pmma injection 13 years 7 months ago #1270796004

As for Metracil, I believe it is a brand of Medical Grade PMMA more commonly used in Brazil. In theory it should be effective in providing results similar to that of New Plastic & Artefill - however, its efficacy has not been documented for penile bioplasty on this forum. Its quality compared to the aforementioned brands are up for debate.
There are some threads both on the old forum ( as well as this forum that touch a little bit on the product. I believe Dr. C\'s office will offer a brand by request, but I\'m not sure about any other bioplasty physicians.
Good luck and play it safe!

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What are the criteria to have the best aesthetic result from penile pmma injection 13 years 7 months ago #1270795949

rip wrote: I am interested in having PE using Metacril. Does anyone have any experience or results they would like to share? Has anyone done any injections at home? Under sterile conditions of course.

I would strongly recommend against home-injections. This method of penis enlargement should be performed strictly by qualified practitioners. A major factor into what makes successful penile bioplasty is a combination of medical-grade product, quality instruments, and a skilled master of penile bioplasty technique. Anything otherwise would be risking your penis\'s health & appearance unnecessarily.
Also, be careful acquiring PMMA on the black market because who knows what you\'ll end up getting... a cheaper grade of PMMA or heck maybe even silicone gel??

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What are the criteria to have the best aesthetic result from penile pmma injection 13 years 7 months ago #1270795429

I am interested in having PE using Metacril. Does anyone have any experience or results they would like to share? Has anyone done any injections at home? Under sterile conditions of course.

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What are the criteria to have the best aesthetic result from penile pmma injection 13 years 7 months ago #1269751236

I really did not see how the golden ratio would apply to the penis either, was just raising a question.

I think it will be interesting to see the how the outcomes differ with regards to both gains and aesthetics since Dr. C is adjusting the volume/concentration

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What are the criteria to have the best aesthetic result from penile pmma injection 13 years 7 months ago #1269750703

From how diverse penises are, it doesn\'t seem that the Golden Ratio applies with the Phallus... at least not with respect to size. I mean, while correlations exist, there is no way of actually proving the size of a man\'s penis by using any other point of reference on the body, and the penis itself varies by size on men with (nearly) identical physiques.
If there is such connection with the 1.618, it would be interesting to know.
As for the topic matter, I think multiple sessions at lower volumes will certainly allow the Doctor to have more control over aesthetics than larger ones, but many have achieved very reasonable results with larger (15-20cc+) with just 2-3 sessions, so the skill set of the performing Doc is also equally important.

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What are the criteria to have the best aesthetic result from penile pmma injection 13 years 7 months ago #1269744320

We are all concerned with the aesthetic value of the outcome of pe surgery. For me it is at the top of the list.

Given this concern, I am surprised nobody has mentioned the golden ratio. 1.618. Not sure how this plays into the penis, but I am sure there is some application.

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What are the criteria to have the best aesthetic result from penile pmma injection 13 years 7 months ago #1269743219

Hey brethren! Is anyone on the forum still in contact with Fred? I know his blog is still active and hasn\'t been updated in some time. He had Metacril' and to the best of my knowledge had no complications. Although Metacril' is inferior to NewPlastic, having PMMA in the penis longer than anyone here; I thought it would be nice to know what his current status is.

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What are the criteria to have the best aesthetic result from penile pmma injection 13 years 7 months ago #1269742966

If you have a tighter skin ( i.e. in Erect state) it will compress and hold your PMMA with the new collagen tight on the deep fascia of the penis so it will become more firmer and more attached to the deep fasci .
And also in a loose penile skin most of the guys will go for much more Girth enhancement (like the guy I have mentioned before an elderly HIV-patients with loose skin, uncircumcised, > 6 sessions PMMA) his penis now is so big like a sack full of irregular lumps of grain and pea he is trying to remove it partially or totally, so his loose skin will not compress or hold the PMMA so tight during Erection and sexual intercourse , not to forget if he has a small glans with 8\" or more EG it will make his situation worse, so how can he have sex ???? esp. if the glans is not tapered with the shaft.

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What are the criteria to have the best aesthetic result from penile pmma injection 13 years 7 months ago #1269737439

This is a great thread and your list is excellent. However I don\'t understand why tighter skin in the shaft is better. When Dr Abecassis checked me out as a prospect for FFT he said that I have a lot of loose skin making me a candidate for more Girth as that excess skin needed to be filled. Did I understand incorrectly?

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What are the criteria to have the best aesthetic result from penile pmma injection 13 years 7 months ago #1269692015

Makes me wonder if thereotically speaking, Foreskin restoration would give it a very even look all the way to the glans.

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What are the criteria to have the best aesthetic result from penile pmma injection 13 years 7 months ago #1269691673

@ smartman
Agreed on all points. Regarding sex you can almost feel when you are ready but sticking to two weeks minimum is wise and why take the chance. First time I didn\'t feel ready after two weeks this time I a was good to go on day 8 but waited.

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