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TOPIC: Compiled Summary of Alloderm Complication Rates (ongoing)

Compiled Summary of Alloderm Complication Rates (ongoing) 13 years 7 months ago #1269510016

My consultation with Whitehead's staff did not garner any additional detail. I was told that Dr. Whitehead had worked on putting together study data over the years. Maybe one of his teaching assistants will finish and publish.

The staff member gave his opinion that the Alloderm risk numbers was similar to using Alloderm in other off brand applications (such as Hernias). His caution was that because PE is considered an elective cosmetic procedure most in the medical community felt that any such risks were unacceptable.
So, not that the risk numbers were higher, just that any serious adverse outcome was unacceptable for an elective cosmetic procedure.

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Compiled Summary of Alloderm Complication Rates (ongoing) 13 years 7 months ago #1269466185

ripple wrote: Funny how every pe doctor is against every procedure except his own.

Pretty much

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Compiled Summary of Alloderm Complication Rates (ongoing) 13 years 7 months ago #1269466014

Funny how every pe doctor is against every procedure except his own.

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Compiled Summary of Alloderm Complication Rates (ongoing) 13 years 7 months ago #1269465761

I should note that I\'m not exactly saying Dr. Giunta or Dr. Elist are anymore trustworthy on the matter, but this is all food-for-thought.

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Compiled Summary of Alloderm Complication Rates (ongoing) 13 years 7 months ago #1269465754

I\'m not doubting Dr. Whitehead\'s professionalism or prestige, but I can tell you that other \"popular\" Phalloplasty surgeons like Dr. Giunta and Dr. Elist are adamant about the dangers and ineffectiveness of Alloderm. These doctors have also claimed to see numerous botched Alloderm procedures.
Even though virtually every device and filler used for Phalloplasty is rarely, if ever, approved for actual penile use, few have submitted outright disclaimers from their respective companies:

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Compiled Summary of Alloderm Complication Rates (ongoing) 13 years 7 months ago #1269465658

eqstudent wrote:

hoddle10 wrote: Dr Whiteheads Alloderm surgery can\'t be compared to what it is today. Whitehead used a single sheet of Alloderm...

The info from his site contradicts your statement.'With the Allograft Dermal Matrix Graft (Alloderm ') technique we are adding multiple layers of Allograft Dermal Matrix Graft (Alloderm ') under the penile skin on top of the erectile chambers to give thickness by \"stacking\" or \"folding\" the grafts. I do not use strips of Allograft Dermal Matrix Graft (Alloderm '), but create a conjoined graft. There are no contour defects and appearance and feel are normal. A penile stretching device is suggested after the widening procedure to combat Allograft Dermal Matrix Graft (Alloderm ') contraction that might occur.' Maybe he evolved his procedure over time?

He hasn\'t done the procedure since about 2004. He\'s now in the referral business from what I understand and the guys he sends people to use multiple layers. But when Whitehead was in practice he used a single layer, which is why he starting experimenting with surgery on the actual tunica. And even if he did change his technique towards the end of his career it wouldn\'t have been for the large majority of his 1000 (very dubious) follow up patients.

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Compiled Summary of Alloderm Complication Rates (ongoing) 13 years 7 months ago #1269465453

His stats for length loss/scar formation post-op are not listed independently of traction therapy. In other words, there is no telling if length loss is common initially after a surgery. I consider this gap in the information a problem personally. Not saying he was intentionally misleading, since the stats themselves are likely accurate.
If length loss is a possibility, I\'d like to know how much of a risk it is, since not everyone can commit to the post-op stretching regimen required to ensure a regaining of length. Granted, he no longer practices, but his past statistics are still clearly relevant to today\'s use of Alloderm for penis enlargement.
Length loss has been reported from at least one former member off the top of my head (however, it was Alloderm with a separate doctor).

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Compiled Summary of Alloderm Complication Rates (ongoing) 13 years 7 months ago #1269465428

ripple wrote: @EQ to be perfectly honest, I don\'t, and I respect what you\'re trying to do. I am always just a bit skeptical when it comes to the claims of PE docs.

I\'m with you. I am going to try and gather as much data as I can and see where it leads.

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Compiled Summary of Alloderm Complication Rates (ongoing) 13 years 7 months ago #1269465380

hoddle10 wrote: Dr Whiteheads Alloderm surgery can\'t be compared to what it is today. Whitehead used a single sheet of Alloderm...

The info from his site contradicts your statement.'With the Allograft Dermal Matrix Graft (Alloderm ') technique we are adding multiple layers of Allograft Dermal Matrix Graft (Alloderm ') under the penile skin on top of the erectile chambers to give thickness by \"stacking\" or \"folding\" the grafts. I do not use strips of Allograft Dermal Matrix Graft (Alloderm '), but create a conjoined graft. There are no contour defects and appearance and feel are normal. A penile stretching device is suggested after the widening procedure to combat Allograft Dermal Matrix Graft (Alloderm ') contraction that might occur.' Maybe he evolved his procedure over time?

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Compiled Summary of Alloderm Complication Rates (ongoing) 13 years 7 months ago #1269465331

Skeptical One wrote: ..I\'m not sure how he obtained these numbers when it can take many months before a patient post-op can fully realize gains.

If these are numbers over all his procedures why is this an issue. It may not include 2011 numbers but all indications are he no longer practices so recent cases should not be a concern.

Skeptical One wrote: ... \"With use of a stretching device,\" also suggests that there could have been a loss of length WITHOUT the use of a device, but he fails to mention those stats.

This is a great question. All procedures change over time. If the question is how many complications were found before he required a stretching device?

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Compiled Summary of Alloderm Complication Rates (ongoing) 13 years 7 months ago #1269465284

@EQ to be perfectly honest, I don\'t, and I respect what you\'re trying to do. I am always just a bit skeptical when it comes to the claims of PE docs.

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Compiled Summary of Alloderm Complication Rates (ongoing) 13 years 7 months ago #1269465192

Dr Whiteheads Alloderm surgery can\'t be compared to what it is today. Whitehead used a single sheet of Alloderm. Today they either stich two sheets together and wrap or layer. Whitehead refused to do this as the chance of all the complications mentioned in other threads were too high. The trouble was by using just one sheet of Alloderm the gains were very poor (about 0.3\" in Erect Girth). To get around this he started epxerimenting by making incisions in the actual tunica and this lead to some terrible complications.

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Compiled Summary of Alloderm Complication Rates (ongoing) 13 years 7 months ago #1269464951

@ripple - agree and I stated some concerns in my post. The positive about Whitehead is that unlike most of the PE doctors he has very distinguished and prestigious current academic standing at universities and teaching hospitals. I am hoping that he produces a study before he is gone.Do you have any better starting data you would suggest?

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Compiled Summary of Alloderm Complication Rates (ongoing) 13 years 7 months ago #1269464871

eqstudent wrote: Scarring, loss of length 0 (with use of a stretching device)

I\'m not sure how he obtained these numbers when it can take many months before a patient post-op can fully realize gains. \"With use of a stretching device,\" also suggests that there could have been a loss of length WITHOUT the use of a device, but he fails to mention those stats.

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Compiled Summary of Alloderm Complication Rates (ongoing) 13 years 7 months ago #1269464691

Hi EQ, with all due respect, can you really trust statistics provided by a doctor on his own website about the procedure he performs? I'm not necessarily saying he was dishonest, but PE doctors have been known to stretch the truth about their results. Ask Dr. Rosenthal, for instance, and he'll claim almost no complications at all when there have been at least two members from the old forum with horror stories (in fairness he's had some successful ones as well.) From what I can tell, there have been many successful enhancements with Alloderm but more than a few botched ones as well. I don't know if using Whitehead's own 'data' is really a good starting point to accurately gauge the product's effectiveness or complication rate.

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