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TOPIC: Dr. Loria - Loria Medical Review

Dr. Loria - Loria Medical Review 2 years 8 months ago #1308707938

Check out my unpleasant personal experience with Dr. Loria at Loria Medical on my YouTube page
. Or you can go to Youtube and just search Loria Medical Review and it's the picture of the red double Cock ring. Read the details and watch the video. I'm trying to show the world what Dr. Loria did to me. Comment if you would like to. Spread the word and hit the like button on my Youtube page . I spent $23,900 and it's upsetting. Just trying to get my word out. Thanks!

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Dr. Loria - Loria Medical Review 2 years 8 months ago #1308707943

You came to the right place. He's unqualified and I've been saying that for like 7 years or so? I'm terribly sorry to hear about your situation, but I appreciate you sharing your experience. To be quite frank, the Loria-types are what keep this industry from really growing because of the lack of trust ... and that resonates with other medical circles/disciplines.

I read the other week that his site promoted a 5+ Inch Flaccid length gain. You can't make this stuff up.

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Dr. Loria - Loria Medical Review 2 years 8 months ago #1308707944

Thanks for your response. I wish I had looked more into these forums before I had proceeded with his procedures. I did notice one of his google reviews after I had started the procedures. One of the patients gave a 1 star review and stated, "Also acts like he cares, but as soon as you have a complaint he turns on you." I kind of felt like I was in the same position as this guy. However, I didn't really complain because I had $23,900 spent and he was working on my penis. I didn't want to make him mad. Anyway, all of the incidents did happen and were all noted or discussed at one point or another. It's just that Dr. Loria avoided talking about the incidents for the most part and always looked mad at me. He just seemed very rude. It's like he was mad at me for his mistakes! Just crazy. Then after I finished my procedures, I decided to email the office and kindly ask if I could get a free procedure for the damages that I had suffered. I felt like I deserved it after everything that had happened. Of course, no response.

Dr. Loria is starting a new lengthening procedure. I just wanted the sleeve to increase Flaccid length. I believe this is that promotion for that 5+ Inch Flaccid length gain. HA HA. But honestly, after thinking about it, getting this as a free procedure is probably a horrible idea. It's a new procedure for him and who knows what would go wrong next? So I'm actually glad that didn't take place.

I definitely agree with you on the lack of trust. If I ever have anything else done again, it's going to be hard on me to figure out who to go to. As of right now, my shaft looks okay, but I do worry that Dr. Loria's "Permanant" solution will not be so permanent in time. I had my scrotum done on my 1st procedure and they have definitely decreased in size. But then again, I also didn't get the full amount of filler that could have been put into my scrotum. I guess time will tell.

Thanks again for your response.


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Last edit: by LoriaMedicalReview.

Dr. Loria - Loria Medical Review 2 years 8 months ago #1308707955

LoriaMedicalReview wrote: Check out my unpleasant personal experience with Dr. Loria at Loria Medical on my YouTube page

. Or you can go to Youtube and just search Loria Medical Review and it's the picture of the red double Cock ring. Read the details and watch the video. I'm trying to show the world what Dr. Loria did to me. Comment if you would like to. Spread the word and hit the like button on my Youtube page . I spent $23,900 and it's upsetting. Just trying to get my word out. Thanks!

It appears the video violated YouTube Terms of Service and was removed. Vimeo will probably allow it, or alternatively (depending on file size), I'd be willing to host it on this site for free. Dr. Loria's shenanigan's should be known to those shopping around for Male Enhancement.

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Dr. Loria - Loria Medical Review 2 years 8 months ago #1308707962

Yes, I noticed it was removed. I appealed the decision, but it did no good. They said it violated due to sexual content and nudity. I tried explaining to YouTube that it was educational and for medical purposes to help people understand what can happen in these type of procedures. I even said there are many other videos on YouTube that contain this type of work and nudity. You can type penile surgery on YouTube and get a lot more action than what my video showed. However, they didn't care and gave me a warning.

I think Dr. Loria saw it and reported it. Reason being, he responded to his fake Google reviews in the same time period my video went offline. Same thing happened when I had a Google review for him. My Google review was removed and then all of sudden he had responses for other Google reviews.

If you want to host my video and description, by all means. Go for it! Just let me know what I need to do. Dr. Loria is sneaky, unprofessional, dangerous, and many other things. I agree. People need to know about this guy.

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Dr. Loria - Loria Medical Review 2 years 8 months ago #1308707989

Just giving an update. I wasn't sure how to report him medically, so I went with the Better Business Bureau. I tried something different this time and reported him as a scam because that's technically what he is doing to people. Here is the email response. Also, I agreed to be willing to speak with the media.

Thank you for helping BBB fight scams. Your scam report will be posted to BBB Scam Tracker℠ after review to help warn others (BBB reserves the right to not post). Your submission may also result in an investigation by BBB or become part of an existing investigation. It may be shared with third parties such as regulatory agencies, law enforcement or other appropriate organizations for investigation.
Please note your scam report will be reviewed and normally posted within two business days. You may not receive an individual response from BBB but we may reach out to you for the following reasons:
If you indicated you'd be willing to speak with the media,
If your scam report will be better served being reported as a BBB dispute against a company,
If we need additional information for an investigation we are conducting, or
If we are conducting new research that will help us in our work to prevent others from falling prey to scams.

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Dr. Loria - Loria Medical Review 2 years 8 months ago #1308707994

bra dont do it at all. leep is dr elist technique which is horrible. he renamed

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Dr. Loria - Loria Medical Review 2 years 8 months ago #1308707995

Oh. I'm definitely not interested anymore. It sounded nice at first. Dr. Loria had me convinced talking about it to me on every procedure. However, after everything bad that happened with the procedures I had done already, I told myself I'm stupid if I let him touch my penis ever again. Plus, it's a new procedure for him (said he is starting it in July) and that makes it even scarier to be one of the first patients for the procedure. I think the results may be just as bad as Dr. Elist's results, if not worse because Dr. Loria is inserting through the Circumcision scar, which sounds dangerous and very risky.

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Dr. Loria - Loria Medical Review 2 years 8 months ago #1308708004


I'd strongly suggest chiming in on this topic a member shared with me:
Dr. Loria has a big following over there and many of them are being lead astray. I suspect the same 2-3 guys that keep posting about their "success" are shills... I'd know, Dr. Loria shilled my forum many years ago with multiple accounts (which were all traced back to the IP address of his Clinic). When people don't "trust medicine," he's the kind of reason why.
Please post there, a lot of well-meaning men need a dose of reality, and it may even give you some closure.

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Last edit: by Skeptical_One.

Dr. Loria - Loria Medical Review 2 years 8 months ago #1308708008

BBONE is the main dick Dr. Loria shows in his gallery on his website. I've seen it. I'm not surprised by this at all.

I've also been talking to some guys on thebiohacker forum. They also have been a great audience for my issues. They don't like Dr. Loria at all. Here is their solution if I don't want to get an attorney. Let me know what you think.

Here are 3 entities within Florida you should type up a detailed report and send copies to. If I were you, and if CUSP82 were you :), we'd both be banging these official complaints out.

Here they are in order of priority:

Florida Dept of Public Health/Board of Medicine

This is how you get your complaint to the Florida Board of Medicine. It will go through the Florida Dept of Public Health.

This is a direct link to a the Health Care Provider Complaint Form published by the Florida Department of Public Health:

I found it here:

Florida Health Care Complaint Portal

The form will ask you for Loria's license number which is here:

FL DOH MQA Search Portal | Practitioner Profile

On that link you will also find a tab for Proceedings & Actions which makes him look very clean currently. Don't let this deter you from filing your complaints with the entities I'm listing here.

I think you are right to focus on the needle sticking event with Carlos and how that was handled, but I think you should include everything else that happened which you were unhappy about even if you're unsure about it or think that Loria has your signature waiving any right to complaint. Let them decide the merits.

Be sure to read the form carefully and attach copies of your text messages with Carlos, transcribe his voice mail to you and any other voice messages you have and make sure to save them on your phone. Include any paperwork that proves you had these prodecures. Basically send them everything you would show to an attorney.

I recommend putting it in the mail rather than trying to email all of this stuff, but it's up to you. The mailing address is on the form.

Florida Attorney General

You should send the same information to the Office of Attorney General Ashley Moody. They have a similar form you can fill out and mail:

The Attorney General's website includes a special page about how to protect yourself when seeking cosmetic surgery:

Florida Attorney General - How to Protect Yourself: Cosmetic Surgery
Official website of the Florida Attorney General.

By the way: Victor Loria, D.O. is not certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery which is the only certifying board for plastic surgeons in the USA:

Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration

On that page the Attorney General recommends you also file a complaint directly with the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration.

The AHCA online form for complaints is here:

Unlicensed Facility Complaint | AHCA - Health Care Facility Complaint Form

You'll notice that the form is for "unlicensed" health care providers. I checked and Loria Medical is not licensed by AHCA as far as I can tell but Dr. Loria is licensed to practice in the state of Florida. They at least do not show up in the AHCA database so I think you should use the above form for unlicensed providers.

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Dr. Loria - Loria Medical Review 2 years 8 months ago #1308708009

Some of the links didn't show up for some reason on the copy and paste, but here is the full conversation.

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Dr. Loria - Loria Medical Review 2 years 8 months ago #1308708010

License Number: OS8180
Profession: Osteopathic Physician

That's what it stated. Guess he's not a Dermatologist, unless that is equivalent. Not sure.

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Last edit: by LoriaMedicalReview.

Dr. Loria - Loria Medical Review 2 years 8 months ago #1308708011

I think that person's advice was great, that way you don't have to deal with the issue of litigation and such - Board of Medicine may find his claims actionable (i.e. surgeon).

Also, I should note, being an Osteopathic Physician isn't the issue, there are many disciplines which can perform adequate Male Enhancement; the issue here is that (1) he's not very good, and more importantly, (2) he's flat out lied about his expertise/designation.

Also, I'd strongly suggest making a post over at that link I sent at the LPSG page.

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Dr. Loria - Loria Medical Review 2 years 8 months ago #1308708017

I was able to knock out the complaint with the Board of Medicine last night and do it all through email. It took me a few hours. I don't have much ink in my printer and it would have used a lot to print out everything I submitted. It was 19 sheets total with their documents, my complaint details, and all of the pictures and documents for proof. That's all I have time to do for now. I leave tomorrow for a vacation to Pigeon Forge, TN. Hopefully, the Board of Medicine complaint will accomplish some claims actionable against him. I may look into the other entities when I return.

Also, I will definitely make a nice detailed and picture post at the LPSG website when I can get a chance. I checked it out and read about 4 pages of it. Got tired of the bs. A lot of bragging. I am very curious to what they will have to say about my results.

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Dr. Loria - Loria Medical Review 2 years 6 months ago #1308708582

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Can you post the video in Vimeo and share the link. They do not delete videos.

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