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TOPIC: Post filler Circumcision?

Post filler Circumcision? 3 years 6 months ago #1308705012

Hi, one last post on this topic as I continue my research.. Any guys here who ended up doing the clip after having filler done? As I posted in another thread I'm planning on doing Circumcision before I try more filler due to the not so great results I have had with the filler while uncut. I don't want to cut corners with the Circumcision though and only want to do it with urologists who also deal with fillers and p.e so Moorgate seems to be my only option in the UK.

Their costs are expensive for the Circumcision though at just under £3k, if I'm doing it though it will be with them as I can't find any alternatives in the UK and 2 to 3 months disposable income vrs a lifetime of regret at results I hate is a no brainer. I am thinking of trying the filler 1 last time before I decide on Circumcision, then if results are still bad going for the circumcisio. Moorgate seem to have suggested that it shouldn't cause any problems doing after having filler as it is only the forseskin we are getting rid of. Just wondering of any fellas here did the clip after the filler and if it caused any problems?


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Post filler Circumcision? 3 years 6 months ago #1308705023

Hi Snafu,

Can i ask what you didn’t like about the results. Do you have a lot of Foreskin? I’m thinking the same, however I don’t have a lot and hope that it won’t be a problem.

Also what Filler are you getting, HA?? And where are you thinking of having the procedure done?


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Post filler Circumcision? 3 years 6 months ago #1308705054

The results were just terrible squishy, lumpy, soft, weak erections (possibly partly psychological and also due to loss of sensation due to the fact that its hard to get a grip on my actual shaft). I'm also over 2 years since having any filler and it's still like this (my body won't reabsorb it, I guess this is a good thing if I can get good results, dissolving it has been a very slow and long process it has been very stubborn). I think my problem was having too much done for my size.

As for having a lot of Foreskin, not really, when I was in my early teens I had Phimosis, then I think it must have always been relatively tight as it often ended up folded back behind the glans anyway, so I don't think I should notice that much sensitivity change regarding the glans if I do have the circ.

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Post filler Circumcision? 3 years 5 months ago #1308705078

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Which filler you had? I have exactly the same problem. I will do a high & tight Circumcision. But they will cut skin from the base and pull the rest down to the base to make it tight. I also do not unterstand it - but it is no problem despite of that’‘s the area where the filler is.

Please watch this video:

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Post filler Circumcision? 3 years 5 months ago #1308705079

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You have a good intention that you only wanna elect a physican who is used to fill up penile shafts. I even can not understand the guys here who did Circumcision after filler-placement - and didn‘t care that much if the physican had also did filler placements in the past.

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Post filler Circumcision? 3 years 5 months ago #1308705093

It was Pluryala or however its spelt, I know its a slightly cheaper than volume but looking at the general info in terms of its firmness in relation it doesn't seem that much different so I dount the filler is to blame, I believe having too much done for my size and doing small bits here and there over months made it difficult to smooth out.

Hmmm now that vid has me confused, from whats been explained to me high cut means the scar line is further down from the glans and low cut is when the scar line is closer to the glans. High cut is leaving more inner skin going down the shaft where the can't inject so I been advised against high cut. That video is a method I didn't even know existed. Have you discussed this with the people you are doing it with and are they aware that you have filler in it and are happy to work a Circumcision around it?

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Post filler Circumcision? 3 years 5 months ago #1308705134

Really no one on the forums ever had Circumcision after doing fillers that can chime in?

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Post filler Circumcision? 3 years 5 months ago #1308705135

Snafu86 wrote: Really no one on the forums ever had Circumcision after doing fillers that can chime in?

I could see this being pretty uncommon - and given that only a small percentage of visitors post (vast majority are lurkers), you might find this even harder to ascertain.

Most men either get Circumcision done before-hand to optimize results -and- men with uncircumcised units likely chose to opt against it to keep their Foreskin and likely aren't going to change their decision after-the-fact. That's my hunch.

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Post filler Circumcision? 3 years 5 months ago #1308705140

Yea fair point. I asked the consultant at Moorgate and he said he didn't see why it would be a problem, not sure to take his word on that. I guess a consultation with one of the urologists will give me better information, I'm also looking at London Andrology as I'm hearing better things about them than Moorgate, so I'll ask them also.

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Post filler Circumcision? 3 years 5 months ago #1308705146

Hello guys, this is an exciting thread.
The circumcision style that better works for phalloplasty is the "low/tight" variant. It means that the cut has to be distal, removing the foreskin, like in the first example of the video or the attached figure. The other version (cutting a ring of skin from the base) pulls and everts the foreskin and patients end up with the transition between the skin and mucous membrane sitting in the middle of the shaft; it is unsightly and interferes with the final results of a phalloplasty. The mucous membrane is much thinner, and the areolar space (where the soft tissue filler is injected) is also thinner or even non-existing. The possible imperfections of the implant will show more in the area of the mucous membrane.
My second comment is about the filler used by @snafu86 ; there is not much information about it, but if it is cheaper than Voluma and doesn't respond to hyaluronidase (the dissolving agent) makes me think that it is not hyaluronic acid. I would recommend investigating this a little more because the wrong filler could negatively affect the results of circumcision.
Third, I have had several patients who have successfully undergone circumcision after one or even two sessions of fillers, including permanent PMMA. It is what I call a "therapeutic circumcision". Nodules can be removed, but oftentimes they need a touch-up session to correct voids.
  • HA dermal fillers comparison.jpg

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Post filler Circumcision? 3 years 5 months ago #1308705154

Hi thanks for your input. It's 'Pluryal' it's spelt actually, they listed it as their economy filler, it is H.A, I've listed the link below, I doubt they and Pluryal themselves would be legally allowed to advertise it as such without serious repercussions if that weren't the case, it was only about £40 cheaper per ml. I wouldn't say it doesn't respond entirely, it dissolves but is taking a hell of a long time. I originally started with Voluma using needle, then we dissolved all that and started doing it with the cannula, they suggested trying pluryal because it might be a but easier for me to mould, they listed it as their 'economy HA filler' at the time. I imagine the batch of Voluma I had was easier to dissolve because there was a lot less of it, with the Pluryal I ended up having 24ml over about 7 months, this was not even my intention, it was all through touch ups here and there to try to even out and fill in gaps sometimes in sessions as little as 2ml. As I've mentioned before I think this approach caused the issue I am in and it will be easier to smooth out if I just do 1 amount 8 ml at once, then maybe if I need a little more do another 4ml. Just to be transparent size was a problem for me (and no not psychological) unlike some guys who will do it to get a porn stars penis, my aim is just to be closer to average size and I'll be a satisfied customer, so yea I think around 10ml is what I should be aiming for.

Anyways your last point is valuable info for me as I'm not sure I want to dive into a Circumcision quite yet and I may try this 8ml (Voluma) this time and hope it tightens things up, the if still accordian effect occurs I may do the Circumcision.

The guys who had the Circumcision done with you post filler.. was it then easier for them to do touch ups and even problem areas out?


Edit: Didn't read your last sentence properly which I guess already answered my last question there. Tapering towards the glans was one thing I found difficult which often ended in the filler ending abruptly towards the head making my shaft look like it had shoulders, so I imagine there's a possibility that this is where I would need a touch up post filler if it goes wrong again.

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Last edit: by Snafu86.

Post filler Circumcision? 3 years 5 months ago #1308705162

I will read about Pluryal because I don't know the product; there must be something about it or the hyaluronidase used since every HA that I know gets dissolved and absorbed quickly.
The low and tight Circumcision facilitates tapering the product into the neck of the penis. The high and tight variant makes it very difficult because the thickness and consistency of the two tissues (skin and mucous membrane) are very different. The thick skin proximal to the c-scar is very friendly to the implant, whereas the mucous membrane distal to it is not forgiving and shows every drop of the filler.
Best luck with your corrective procedure.
I'm sorry. I had to edit this posting because I forgot to tell you that once the patient gets Circumcised, further sessions (touch-up or full) are easier to perform, and the results are dramatically different.

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Last edit: by Avanti_Derma.

Post filler Circumcision? 3 years 5 months ago #1308705165

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AvantiDerma Why you call the circumcision after filler „therapeutic circumcision“ ?

Can‘t Snafu86 the benefits he would have (if he had done the circumcision prior the enhancement) catch up now with the circumcision after filler placement??

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Post filler Circumcision? 3 years 5 months ago #1308705170

So just to clarify.. you don't think having filler would get in the way of the Circumcision or make it too hard to judge where the scar should really be?

So what I mean is, say I have filler which obviously increases my size and therefore stretches the skin, if you then perform a Circumcision and the filler eventually fades away would that not cause the scar line to move?

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Post filler Circumcision? 3 years 5 months ago #1308705171

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@Skeptical_One I have to say thats not right - There is a Dr.C video..where even he mentioned he got circumcised before round 2. ( He says he got the pmma filler on hisself )

Too sad I can not find the video again. The links I posted are about this subject. On the video he says it at 10:30 that he got the filler on hisself and got circumcised before round 2.
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