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PRFM Results 13 years 7 months ago #1269559031

Myself and Mustang have both had PRFM treatments from Dr. Runels. I had mine done while down in Alabama on a business trip. I am now at the 11 week mark from my treatment and have a few things to report. Mustang has previously reported on this in different threads, so I\'m hoping he can add to this thread later.

First off the treatment itself is pretty quick and wasn\'t painful for me at least. It only took about 3 days for any bruising to go away. Otherwise there were no issues for me. I decided to go for it as I was in the area and it is really just putting your own centifuged blood back into your body. Minimal risk from my point of view. I also thought that worst case, I wasn\'t wasting tons of money and could figure out if this actually had any promise.

Length, I would have to say either no gain or very minimal due to the PRFM, definitely not the 1 Inch or more as claimed.

Girth around the shaft, ?, I have gained some Girth, but I am also fairly regular about my PE routine.

Girth around the glans, this is the only area I can say that I have actually seen a decent difference. My glans diameter has increase by a strong 1/8\" and the flare is more noticeable. Right now my glans is larger than my shaft when Erect and that was not the case previously. I noticed the increase beginning in the 3rd week. I will keep an eye on this to see if the increase sticks around in the future.

Summary: I don\'t think this procedure really works all that well. At least not yet. The theory behind it makes sense, but the results are not there. If the glans diameter increase is permanent, then maybe this becomes a better option in the future to increase glans size.

Still looking for that majic pill I guess.

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PRFM Results 13 years 7 months ago #1269611820

hi. . . looking foward to knowing about the progress of your procedure. im interested in prp

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PRFM Results 13 years 7 months ago #1269667585

Thx Bob.

I will detail my experience with PRFM in my thread in the patient\'s section soon...

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PRFM Results 13 years 6 months ago #1269733402

Thanks for posting this interesting information, it sounds as if this procedure is promising if only because it is the only one so far to impact the glans. Was any of the blood injected into it directly or into its base organ? If this is permanent, then we can assume that the technique only needs perfecting, or maybe Dr Runels could offer multiple less expensive sessions of strictly glans enhancement injections?

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PRFM Results 13 years 6 months ago #1269909302

I have been in contact with Dr. Runels again. I let him know what the results are to date. He is disappointed with the lack of results in my case and is willing to try again with some modifications to his procedure. Dr. Runels has added Acell to the mix which has been used in reconstructive medicine with some really amazing results. Google it, and you will see what I mean.

So in summary, I will be going back for another round in October. I want to give this another go before jumping on the PMMA bandwagon. We will have to see if the improved method helps. My main reason for trying this route first is that IF there is something that works without putting a permanent filler in, it would be a better method in my mind. I don\'t see that much risk in trying this as it is my own blood being modified and put back into my body. I will be posting the results, and I will make sure to add pictures this time.

As for the questions about the glans enhancement, I still see the results of the first round of this. As I stated before, this is only an 1/8\" increase, but it is a positive result that seems to be staying. I don\'t think I can consider it a permenent increase until it has been around for at least a year though. So time will tell.

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PRFM Results 13 years 6 months ago #1269909388

I suggested he use Acell in the thread on the old forum.

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PRFM Results 13 years 6 months ago #1269910166

@Hoddle, apparently he took your advice. I had missed that post somehow. We\'ll see what happens now.

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PRFM Results 13 years 5 months ago #1270379091

Can\'t wait to see your results the 2nd time around. Good luck!

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PRFM Results 13 years 4 months ago #1270630412

I am now one week post injection with the newer version of this. Dr. Runels has changed things a bit since my first round. The amount of blood processed is quite a bit greater (about 5x more than the first round) and he added 100mg of Acell also. At his office: First off with the larger volume, this caused my penis to swell up big time when compared to the first round. The Girth from the shot was incredible. Gave me a bit of a semi Erect look. The addition of the Acell did cause a bit of burning though. Overall the pain wasn\'t bad though. I pumped at his office to distribute the PRFM and Acell. I received 4 injections in the shaft and one in the glans. Flew home that day without much discomfort, but I could tell there was some heft to my unit and could feel the expansion due to the shots in the shaft. Days 1-7: The bruising was minimal and went away by day 4. One thing that has been interesting is that I can get an Erection at almost any time. It can make things a bit uncomfortable at times. I have continued pumping once a day and use my Xsleeve constantly. My Flaccid Girth seems to have increased overall and doesn\'t seem to be a temporary thing as it has a different feel than the \"gain\" you get from just pumping. I have not measured Erect length or Girth as of yet. I took some before pictures and will take more tonight and post those later. One new development that started yesterday is that my entire penis is sore and feeling at bit itchy all over. I am thinking this is a result of the Acell. I have read where people have had this issue after being treated with this stuff in other areas. So far the main difference I have noticed between the first round and this one is that the intial Girth gain has not gone away. This makes me a bit hopeful that I will see something positive in the way of a permanent gain. The Flaccid gain is almost 1/4\" as of right now. The big questions are is this permanent? Length? Girth? Glans? We\'ll see what happens. Dr. Runels seems to be committed to figuring out what will work for me and others. I\'ll keep everyone updated in the coming weeks and will be posting pics shortly.

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PRFM Results 13 years 4 months ago #1270630635

Thanks biggerbob for the update. I am very intrigued by Dr. Runels PRP/PRFM procedure and the addition of Acell. Now, more than just growth factors and fibroblast proliferation are taking place. I await your outcome brother. Keep us posted.

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PRFM Results 13 years 4 months ago #1270644570

Here are the before pics. As I stated previously, I do not have a good Erect shot from before. I will include those from this point forward though.

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PRFM Results 13 years 4 months ago #1270644596

Here are the one week post Acell/PRFM shot pics with a BPEL shot.

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PRFM Results 13 years 4 months ago #1270644652

I think that when you compare the \"before and after\" shots, it gives a good comparision of what changes have occured to date. Now we\'ll see what else happens in the coming weeks. I will most likely be going back for another round in February if this continues to show promise. I will keep you all updated.

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PRFM Results 13 years 4 months ago #1270644898

Nice pics BB. I am especially interested in seeing Dr. Runels\'s procedure used to augment the glans. Hyaluronic Acid gel, acellular matrix, pumping, etc... all unacceptable outcomes.

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PRFM Results 13 years 4 months ago #1270646520

Wow, thanks for keeping us up to date on this experimental method. I recall when this topic blew up on the first forum but lacked reporting accounts. Your reporting will be very useful in determining whether there is an legitimacy to using and/or adding this to someone\'s PE program.
Since I doubt PMMA will be used for glans augmentation, I\'ll be very curious to learn of any other possible alternatives. Wonder if he\'ll have to inject \"deeper\" inside of me, and if he does, will he know how deep to inject?
Thanks! Will stay tuned.

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