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TOPIC: Scaffold

Scaffold 13 years 1 week ago #1272456552

Are there anyone who has had the scaffold Girth enhancement performed in Serbia???

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Scaffold 13 years 1 week ago #1272456891

There were three members on the old forum who made progress threads:

The results from the pilot study published in the European Urology journal were very impressive but they contradict almost everything I\'ve heard from guys who have actually had the procedure. Falsified data? Possibly. Here\'s the link in case you haven\'t read it yet:

If this really worked it would blow everything else out of the water.

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Scaffold 12 years 11 months ago #1272634840

The Pros and Cons from this procedure from reading these posts you have supplied (thanks!), is that it gives a more mild, yet natural effect. One problem I want to avoid with any procedure is that of artificiality in appearance. Some I feel go a little overboard with either fat transfers or PMMA injections to give a thick, yes, but odd-in-appearance, unnatural look. It would seem that the gains are less dramatic, but more Dick-like in the end.
The two procedures I'm looking at for results and cost are either PMMA or Scaffold. I'm 4.6 inches Girth, and I'm simply trying to achieve normalcy. I don't need a giant Dick, but just a normal one, one where I'm not made fun of (it's happened). I'm thankfully long, just narrow.
It would be a Eureaka! moment if I could find actual before and after results of the scaffold procedure on this board ' or even finalized stats from anyone who's done this.
Thanks again, Astroman, for the links. They were very helpful.

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Scaffold 12 years 2 weeks ago #1277011513

I had it done in serbia about a year ago.Not much gain.Not really worth the effort/money etc.Pretty depressing when the scaffolds start to dissolve and you slowly watch your new big penis day by day lose its size untill it eventually goes back to near enough its original size.Especially when your partner enjoyed the big one so much!! Planning on getting PMMA.

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Scaffold 11 years 9 months ago #1278098297

Despite how little gain you obtained, can you say exactly what the size difference is, before and after?

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Scaffold 11 years 6 months ago #1279183170

Not much at all...maybe 2mm extra Girth

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Scaffold 11 years 5 months ago #1279802011

Found an pretty recent study on this. Where is this procedure available?
And really don\'t get it but is this all natural?

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Scaffold 10 years 6 months ago #1284110621

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Hi All,

I\'m thinking to go over to Serbia in 6 months time for the scaffold/PLGA surgery. I am aware that the enlargement is not that substantial which I\'m willing to accept however I wonder how permanent is it?
I understood that the scaffold should change into a body tissue within 6 months however from what I\'m reading here, some of the guys implied that it dissolves completely eventually with no lasting impact. Can you please comment on the \'(non)permanency\' in a greater detail?

Were all members who had this procedure of this forum dissatisfied with the result? And lastly, did anybody have the procedure using Scrotal skin treatment as described here?


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Scaffold 10 years 6 months ago #1284113597

undecided wrote: Hi All,

I\'m thinking to go over to Serbia in 6 months time for the scaffold/PLGA surgery. I am aware that the enlargement is not that substantial which I\'m willing to accept however I wonder how permanent is it?
I understood that the scaffold should change into a body tissue within 6 months however from what I\'m reading here, some of the guys implied that it dissolves completely eventually with no lasting impact. Can you please comment on the \'(non)permanency\' in a greater detail?

Were all members who had this procedure of this forum dissatisfied with the result? And lastly, did anybody have the procedure using Scrotal skin treatment as described here?


Member \"Bonehead\" got the procedure done a while back, send him a private message and get his opinion & insight.

This method sounds excellent on paper but unfortunately has not yielded any dramatic or remarkable results that I know of.

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Scaffold 10 years 5 months ago #1284344122

I would avoid Serbia and the Drs there doing these procedures.
I didn\'t get the scaffold but did get a procedure to fix short penile skin as they called it.
Horrible results, terrible stitching. Had to pay a plastic surgeon big money back in OZ to revise poor stitching. Also told I would gain 1inch Flaccid as they did incision for lengthening as well but gained nothing.
Needed to have FFT to even things up, then FFT was not the best so had 1 PMMA and still trying to get things even and a better feel.
I\'ll give them one thing only they are good sales people Dr Djinovic and Perovic.

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Scaffold 9 years 7 months ago #1288091531

Hi everyone I'm new to this site. I'm interested in Girth enhancement techniques. My measurements are 11cm Girth (Erect) and 16cm long (Erect). I'm not interested in manual PE (extenders, Jelqing e.t.c) I have an appointment booking in October to have MegaFill injections in Korea to increase my Girth. It's a pretty safe technique that involves injecting human tissue into your penis that acts as a scaffold for your own tissue to form, it's a biological filler, like an injectable version of alloderm. I will be having the maximum amount allowed for my size which is 56ml and this will be costing me '5000. I will be then repeating this in another 6 months. I have pretty realistic expectations about having this done. I'm not expecting to have massive gains from this and any gains I do get I will consider a bonus. Although the doctor claims the gains from this are permanant I don't believe this is true. My guess is that the gains will be semi permanant.

Has anyone on here had this treatment? Or does anyone know anyone who has?

I'm trying to get some feedback on how long the gains from this will last

Does anyone know anything about the permanancy of this technique?

I was planning to have scaffolds with Miro by the way but my op got cancelled at last minute cos Korean company stopped producing the scaffolds

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