I would not recommend putting testosterone cream on your testicles. Depending on the actual cream (keep in mind how thin scrotal skin is), you can have adverse effects and it likely won't aid you in growth at all, especially if you are a fully grown adult (as you should be if you're visiting this site).
Your best bet for testicular enhancement is either testicular implants (which I have no conclusive opinion on because the reporting sample size online are too small, although seemingly positive), or testicular injections (which I also don't have an opinion on because of sample size (and risks of migration).
The best solution I've seen thus far is "Scrotox" or any variation of that term where a product like Botox helps relax the scrotum and have it hang lower, giving it a larger appearance.
Again, don't just whip on any topical cream and expect things to "grow," and be mindful of possible complications that come when dealing with hormonal areas of the body.