Hi guys
I had my testicles augmented with silicone implants by Dr James Elist about 18 months ago. I am happy with the size and look of the testicles but they are very hard to the touch and do not feel natural at all. In fairness at the time of the 2 minute consultation (I then had the surgery that afternoon as I live in Australia) he did tell me that he thought one size down was a more natural looking effect but he did not explain that the implants used would feel so hard - like if you were flexing a muscle, for want of a better description. That kind of hard, with no \'give\' when they are fondeled. A;so they are cold to the touch as no blood circulates through them (obviously). He didn\'t mention that either. Every single person bar non who has touched them has commented on how hard they are. I guess its a pay off between filling out my shorts and having cold, hard
Balls. Still, after everything, the US$8000 fee, the discomfort of the post surgery healing and in my case the travel, I\'m WAY HAPPIER now that I fill out my swimming trunks than before. And as far as surgeons go, he was nice, professional, and followed up with after care and got his staff to call me in Australia.