One of the people who used to work for Elist got the implant and then had it removed by another doctor by the way. Ask any of the people there why they have not gotten the implant? Ask the staff why so many people get them removed and watch them squirm when you ask that question? They defer to Dr. Elist who then tells the patients that his competition is jealous so they hire people to write bad reviews. Hmmmm. Yes, I am sure that\'s it. Where are all the articles about guys who are happy about this amazing implant a few years later? Why do so many urologists and plastic surgeons know about the Elist implant and how it is removed so often. Some of these doctors are removing a couple a week of Elist\'s work. Many guys will pay extra money to have it removed by someone else to make sure that the surtures are not fucked up by Elist. He is near retirement I would imagine and now he is allowing many others to do his surgery in other cities. Like any true blue narcissist, this is his legacy as a surgeon and he will be damned if it will be called a failure. However, it appears to be just that - a disastrous failure. Even the guys on here that posted that they still have the implant after two years, still are not happy with the protrusions they endure. I spoke at length with one of them and he is not yet removing it because he likes how big his
Dick is when it\'s hard. However, he is not happy with how it looks when laying in the sun, for example. He has protrusions and it looks fake. His friends ask him why he always has a hardon in his pants. Frankly, it never felt like I really had a big
Dick, but rather, like I had this annoying stick in my pants that looked like I was trying to stuff myself. Guys with big cocks have bulges that do not resemble the Elist implant bulge. I was self-conscious and felt kind of creepy, like I was walking around with an
Erection. Any guys who have had the implant for three years or more who are truly one hundred percent happy, let\'s hear from them. With pictures. Otherwise, where is the evidence of the 95% success????