Gonna start planning my trip, although I dunno about carrying that much cash into Mexico. Still should be fine since it's under the $10,000 limit. Is it cheaper to pay cash vs credit for things while down there? Like at the steakhouse, hotel, Avanti, other cab rides? Did Avanti recommend you a reputable cab service to use while there?
Anyway your results look really even. I've been extending everyday while I'm sitting around watching a show using the hog extender from honestpe with 10-12 lb of resistance 25 min at a time.
Also i remember before I got my first procedure I read through a lot of threads. Besides itgoesthud and Alias9 two users went beyond 7in girth:
As far as hanging,- what did Avanti Derma say is safe to do? I think I tried vac hanging after one month and kind of caused a dent or something not really noticeable. But I guess using a noose style hanger and then what like 1-3 lb or that's too much? Hanging 1-3lb with a noose style hanger after the procedure is that recommended to prevent turtling?
I used my CC for most things. Your uber app will work just fine in Tijuana for getting around and it’s super cheap! I used cash in the stores and sometimes in the restaurants.
As for hangers, I’ve only used the noose style o got at AD with an extra ball on it. The euro wrap helps to cut down on the irritation from the rubber noose.
I’m gonna get back to pumping myself at about 8 weeks with my LA Pump. I had to upgrade my cylinder from 2” to 2.25” so I’m feeling good about that.
Week 3 update. Things look like they may stay around this size. My vascularity is coming back slowly. I’m still missing about a half Inch of length. HA HA HA.