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TOPIC: UK Androfill Dr. Greta 15ml journey uncut with pics

UK Androfill Dr. Greta 15ml journey uncut with pics 2 months 2 weeks ago #1308720014

Apologising upfront for the lengthy post!

I’m hoping that this write up will be one of the best to be documented. I’ve read many journeys on here and i wanted to try my best at getting as much proof/info as possible.

This is my second ever post and after being a lurker/member on here for nearly 10 years I finally took the plunge!

2 weeks ago I booked an appointment with Androfill to see Dr. Greta. They had trouble with their website with direct messages so my first post on here was to say that no one got back to me. With that, Francis at Androfill contacted me on here and I started chatting to him on WhatsApp. I asked some questions and then I finally took the plunge and booked my appointment for Sunday 22nd.

On arrival I buzzed myself in at their Harley Street address. A receptionist that works for the whole building let me in and I sat in the waiting room downstairs. Within 10 minutes Francis called me up to Dr. Gretas room where she was sat ready to greet me. My appointment was for an hour.

We chatted for about 20 minutes going through the different filler. I’m also uncut and this was not a problem. Dr Greta recommends Volux by Juvederm. She said she feels this has the correct thickness and also lasts the longest.
My partner came with me (I’m gay) and we chatted about her previous work. She currently works within the NHS Monday - Friday as a Urologist and is going through 2 large projects currently but once that finishes she will concentrate at Androphil full time as she only does filler here on Saturdays and Sundays at the moment.

We stepped into the corner of the room where she took photos of my penis to assess what she recommends would be the correct amount. Minimum would be 10ml, and 20ml maximum (never more than 20ml for the first round). We agreed that I’m a good candidate for 15ml and I can always go back for more.
(Some pictures are listed with the date in the corner of the photo)

The cost of this was £230 per ml which is £3450 but as I mentioned I was on the PhalloBoards I received 5% off bringing the total to £3277.50 (they accept Amex)

Then it was literally jumping on the bed and going for it.
Dr. Greta doesn’t use numbing cream as this only numbs the skin. She uses local anaesthetic with 2 injection spots. This is the worst part. It burns, but only for 2/3 seconds.
She then makes 2 tiny incision holes (possibly one more if needed) so she can then insert the Canula to start injecting the filler. This whole process took 30minutes. She actually did 4 insertion holes on me but it didn’t matter as I couldn’t feel anything!

We spoke about random things during the procedure and everything was calm and she was very easy to talk to. My partner even came over twice to be nosey and see how it was done.

After and during she was filling me she started to mould the filler. I asked her why she likes to take time to do the moulding and she simply replied that all Drs have their way of dealing with these things and she wants it perfect.

After, it was then photo time. I am genuinely shocked how big my Dick is. It was massive! My partner couldn’t believe his eyes. I asked Dr. Greta if this is all swelling and she said not completely so that was reassuring. The total time I was in there was 1hr 25mins. She didn’t mind chatting at all.

Dr Greta recommend that I do not mould for the rest of the day and to start moulding first thing in the morning. I could have a shower the next day and for the next 2 weeks, to wear briefs for support.

I have tried to take as many photos as possible before and after at the clinic and at home. I do have measurements which I will do another post on but I’m more interested on how it looks.
I now have a really girthy floppy but also my Erection is really thick now. My goal was to look big floppy mainly. But my Erection has surprised me.

The next morning I had a few lumps. Ive massaged them every 4 hours and you can see from my photos it becomes more even from the moulding. I still think there is more work to do but I’m only 28 hours post filler.

Both me and my partner have discussed if there is lumpy bits will we be bothered? We have both said we arnt actually bothered if I do end up with some lumps. I want a fat Dick and I think he’s impressed already.

Towards the end of the first evening I was swollen. But already by the next day some of that has gone down. I’m really hoping I won’t loose much more but we shall see and I will update soon!

The only thing I currently have noticed is that I can not retract my forskin back very well. Before filler I could really pull my skin back very very easily. When I pull back now it’s almost like the filler is too beefy and in the way to hold it back. This could be due to the swelling so I will update in 2 weeks to see if there is any change.

I now also have a bulge in grey sweatpants and also in my gym shorts which I’ve never had before. Again I’ll update when the swelling goes down.

Any other questions please ask!

Pictures included in this post!
  • HA dermal fillers comparison.jpg

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Last edit: by Craniumscud. Reason: Update subject to make more clear

UK Androfill Dr. Greta 15ml journey with pics 2 months 2 weeks ago #1308720015

Some more pictures
  • HA dermal fillers comparison.jpg

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UK Androfill Dr. Greta 15ml journey with pics 2 months 2 weeks ago #1308720016

And more pics…
  • HA dermal fillers comparison.jpg

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UK Androfill Dr. Greta 15ml journey with pics 2 months 2 weeks ago #1308720017

And just a few more again
All of these are floppy before and after
  • HA dermal fillers comparison.jpg

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UK Androfill Dr. Greta 15ml journey with pics 2 months 2 weeks ago #1308720031

Thanks for the report!

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UK Androfill Dr. Greta 15ml journey with pics 2 months 1 week ago #1308720036

Great result

I hope everything goes well for your recovery.

If its not to much trouble for you, I would be interested in seeing how the Foreskin retraction goes as you heal,

All the best.

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UK Androfill Dr. Greta 15ml journey with pics 2 months 1 week ago #1308720037

Hi Powerballer , so I’m 6 days after. Most of my swelling has gone and no more bruising at all. Pulling skin back has become easier now but before I could pull my skin back and it could stay pulled back until I put in my underwear then it would fall back into place but not now.

Also when I was hard I could pull my skin back and it would stay retracted until a pulled it forward. I do not get this at all now hard or soft. I can force it back hard and soft but it goes forward quickly. Mostly because the filler makes your Dick fatter. More mass more weight I guess?
It’s not much of a problem for me so far as the result of a girthy penis outweighs this.
But everyone is different.

The only small gripe (but not really) would be when I pull back when floppy, around the pulled back of the skin there is a tiny lump that’s formed from the filler. Like I said in my first post lumps like this do not really have a concern for me. You can’t see it when I’m hard and I’m in this for a girthy floppy. The girthy Erection is a bonus for me and my partner though so happy days.

What are your concerns?

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UK Androfill Dr. Greta 15ml journey uncut with pics 2 months 1 week ago #1308720046

Great results mate. I’m going to take the plunge in the new year and go to Androfill. Keep us updated

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UK Androfill Dr. Greta 15ml journey uncut with pics 2 months 1 week ago #1308720099

Happy New Year

Thanks for getting back with an update, glad to hear its healing well.

I was mainly wondering about how the Foreskin moves back with the filler and how it is positioned when Erect and in use. What you describe covers what I was thinking.

I'm considering having the same done with Androfill. If Im going to take a chance on it, it will purely be for performance and any upgrade must be fit for purpose.

It great to see more Uncircumcised with filler from UK.

I appreciate you taking the time to post and update.

Onwards and Upwards

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UK Androfill Dr. Greta 15ml journey uncut with pics 2 months 1 week ago #1308720100

I will be doing a 2 week check in on here next week once I’ve done my full 2 weeks healing.

So currently I’m 10 days in. I would say that most of the swelling has gone down. Obviously my dick has got smaller now that the swelling has gone down but I’m still bigger than before filler. A shame, but to be expected as it was huge when it was swollen :-D

So being 10 days in, I can retract my foreskin when floppy and when erect. It’s much easier than last week.
Before filler I could pull it back and it would stay retracted but that isn’t the case now. It pulls forward immediately when I’m floppy. Something to consider if this could bother you. It only bothers me when I go for a wee Sat down. I have to hold it back when I wee (that’s me being a clean freak) and then to dab it once done.
When erect though it does stay pulled back which is good. But again this isn’t something I’m too bothered about.

My goal was for a bigger floppy. But my erection is also fatter. There is a little bit of irregularity which I’ll upload pictures next week. But I’m still really happy with it.
It’s expensive for most people. But it’s so worth it in my opinion. I have an outline in gym shorts/grey sweat pants now and in the changing room I just don’t have to be all embarrassed which was something I hated.

I’m based in Southampton so just over an hour on the train so also very easy for me to travel.
The following user(s) said Thank You: noobydoouk

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Last edit: by Craniumscud. Reason: Add more info/spelling mistakes

UK Androfill Dr. Greta 15ml journey uncut with pics 2 months 1 week ago #1308720135

Great report and good to hear of Dr Greta’s amazing work and care taken with moulding to help ensure a good result. It’s really helpful to get these detailed reports.

Glad to hear the retraction is manageable. Out of interest, when hard is the filler moving with the skin, or feels attached to the shaft, or somewhere in between? People often say it just feels like the skin is thicker. And when fully Erect and retracted manually, can you see a taper through to the head? Has any filler gone into the Foreskin?

Happy healing and thanks for your insights Craniumscud

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UK Androfill Dr. Greta 15ml journey uncut with pics 2 months 5 days ago #1308720150

Hi Horndogjim,

I think the moulding is important especially when you’re home for the next 4 days. It can hurt but just keep squeezing as hard as you can if you feel any lumps. Please don’t expect it to be perfect once settled though (nothing ever is) just be amazed that your dick feels fatter to hold when floppy and when hard. That’s enough for me :-)

Regarding the filler when erect it stays exactly where it was injected. When masturbating, the outside of the skin moves over and around the filler so it feels like it’s meant to be there.

When I’m erect and I pull my skin back manually I have to hold mine back as it will pull forward when I let go. Where before my skin would stay pulled back. This doesn’t really bother me though.
When hard I have a taper that goes towards my head. So it’s looks natural. The only thing I would say is that when I’m floppy it’s not symmetrical. I need to go back to get a top up just to fill in some gaps. (Pictures attached)
I also want to ask if I can add more filler to the base as when I’m hard there is a taper at the base. My partner still says he would never know I’ve got filler but ovbiously I know I have so I can see some of the imperfections.

When I’m floppy if I manually pull my skin back there is a bit of filler that pops up around the foreskin part (hard to explain) it looks like it shouldn’t be there but again, only I ever see that and when I’m floppy without manually pulling the skin back it looks pretty natural. Just to say you don’t see this when I’m erect.
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UK Androfill Dr. Greta 15ml journey uncut with pics 2 months 5 days ago #1308720151

Pictures of floppy differences
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UK Androfill Dr. Greta 15ml journey uncut with pics 2 months 5 days ago #1308720152

Pictures of Erect differences
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UK Androfill Dr. Greta 15ml journey uncut with pics 2 months 5 days ago #1308720154

Great report, and you’ve had a massive change there so congrats.

Out of interest, and if you don’t mind sharing what are your before and after measurements?

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